Dec 21, 2021


When you say no, mean it. If the person trying to convince you is still pushy just ignore him, you don't need him, you don't need to please anybody, you just need to please yourself. Because the moment you say no but you say yes later... you already been labeled as weak, that person will manipulate you again in the future. Say no and mean it, you don't need courage to say no, you just need to open your mouth. Say no and walk away, say no and never change your decision, as simple as that. Say no even if there's no voice that wants to come out from your mouth because you're so scared... say it, say no now. Don't delay it, don't say that you're going to think about it, say it now, break a person's heart now because if you will not do it then you are only hurting yourself, you're putting yourself on a worse position. Saying no most of the time is discipline, it's setting yourself up for success. 


If you don't want what is being offered reject it, if you don't want a person reject him, if you don't want what's going on reject it. Even if the person was close to your heart, reject him. Don't let them have hope, don't let them expect reject them right away. Don't be afraid to hurt someone's feelings because you're doing it for them and for yourself. Because if you say yes to them but you don't really mean then there is a big chance that you will never do what you say and it will only disappoint them. Learn to say no fast without explaining yourself, without giving a reason, just say no and never feel that you owe them an explanation. You don't need to sound scared when you say no, say it firmly without having too look shaky or rattled. Learning to reject people means loving yourself, you have to prioritize yourself over anybody because you can never be a better person if you're not putting yourself on the top of your list. So what if they say you're selfish, so what if they say you're bad. For as long as you're really not hurting anybody then you're not bad. You know in yourself what is right or wrong, don't say yes to anybody just to please them or make them like you, you don't need to be liked, you don't need to be the nicest person on earth, just be yourself and never fake your decisions. 

You don't need to become fearless to say no, just say it without attaching any feelings from it, say without any form of regrets and just move forward so fast. Stop feeling guilty, stop thinking about the feelings of others, say no without thinking that you are wrong. Because saying yes even if you don't like it is the real form of cowardice, why would you say yes to somebody just to please them? it's being a pussy, it's putting yourself on a worse position. Never be afraid of what they are going to say, if they think of you as someone who's so full of yourself so be it, their words doesn't matter, the most important thing in your life is following your values and beliefs. 


Say not to your old mind too. Your old mind is producing thoughts that are useless and making you productive, say no to it. Thinking about your ex, thinking about what you could have done better, thinking about instant gratification, thinking about useless things that you wanted to buy... say no to these thoughts, block them because they're not moving you forward to your dreams. Say no to yourself, say no to your bad habits. All of your actions should help you to become better, all of your decisions should be placing you on the right spot to capitalize. If something is a liability, if something is derailing your progress then you better stop it now, stop it while it's still early because you will never be able to stop it later when it already have a momentum. Because you really know what's making your life better, you're just not doing it because you're acting like a soft baby, you can do it now if you want to, you can take actions now if you want to, you have the power to take control of your life. Say no to everything that's stopping you to become great, say no to your negative mind that is trying to put you down. All it takes is discipline and perseverance, all it takes is your mindset. 

To become successful in life you must be focused on moving forward, if something is pulling you back or slowing you down then disengage with it, never give it some time nor energy, you have to be smarter here, you have to do the right thing. Focus on what is working, it's simply about being real and choosing the right decision that will put you on a better position to succeed. 


Saying no to invitations that are meaningless, saying no to temptations, saying no to people that will not be helpful to your goals, saying no to procrastination, saying no to laziness, saying no to entertainment that are eating a lot of your time, saying no to parties, saying no to people that will not make you better. Saying no means progress, it will save a lot of your time and energy that you can use you improve your quality of life. Stop giving time to anything that's not helping you to grow, you're better than that. Saying yes all the time is making yourself worse, it's depleting a lot of your energy, it's setting yourself up for failure. Say no even if it's hard because it's the right thing to do. So discipline yourself, discipline your mind to stop doing stupid things that are not helping you at all, it's hard in the beginning that's why you have to train yourself all the time, once you find an opportunity to say no... do it without any hesitation. 

Stop the nonsense right away once you were able to detect it. It's ok to get tempted sometimes because you're just a human and you're constantly evolving but you have to stop it right away once you find yourself engaging with it, go back to doing the right thing, go back discipling yourself.

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