Dec 18, 2021


If something is slowing your progress, if something is not helping you... just don't do it. Even if it's addictive and really fun just don't do it. Because progress happens when you're disciplining yourself. Be aware if you're doing a lot of stupid things with your life because that's bringing you down, that's not helping you to improve. It's better to do an activity that was so boring but is building your character. Because it's really about your attitude that determines your attitude and nothing else. Habits will create success, the good habits and not the bad ones. Even if you're not talented, even if you're not great... you will win if you do whatever it takes to win. You will become successful if you're sacrificing for what you want. Just don't do what's derailing your progress, just don't do what kills the momentum. 


Talking to a frenemy will not help you, watching the Nonsense movie in Netflix will never help you. Remember you're asking for growth right? you're asking for a different experience. It will only happen if you force yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy. Stop being a bum, stop stopping, stop acting like a stupid helpless clown and do whatever it takes to become successful. All actions must be related to success. Don't pee if you need to, don't eat if you need to, make sure all of your time was related to making a little progress. Even if it's not making an impact... still do it. Don't do what is fun because it will never help you to evolve. Playing video games is fun, watching news is fun, sleeping is fun, gossiping is fun, commenting on social media is fun but these activities were all nonsense, they're not helping you to build the right attitude to become successful. 

Train your body and mind to think and do the right things. Be aware of what you're doing all the time. Be mindful of the stupid things that you are about to do and don't even dare to start it. Stop yourself the moment you find out that what you're doing will not help you to get on top. All actions must be related to success, all thoughts must be about winning and growing. 


Because they're too easy, they're too accessible, they're too fun and you don't need to exert an effort anymore. It's too entertaining, you don't need a motivation to do it. But how about the effect on it on you? was it amazing too? of course not, the effect was there's no effect at all. The worse thing is it's making your life worse, it's making you soft and lazy. It's making you irresponsible. That's why you have to get strict on yourself about the things that you are doing. If you sensed that it is useless then don't even bother to think about it, get you head right and only entertain the thoughts that will make you motivated and disciplined. Most people are doing what failures are doing. They comment on social media a lot, they have their opinions but they can't take actions. Most people love easy activities and fun, they don't want to work hard anymore, they don't want to take their lives seriously and that's why they hate their lives. It's because they can't control their lives anymore, you will start to hate your life once you get addicted to nonsense activities. Taking drugs, partying, eating a lot of shits, smoking, procrastinating... these shits are all fun in the beginning but eventually you will get bored of them but the sad thing is you can't stop them anymore. It's because you've been doing it for a long time and it feels like hell to be stopping now. 

Something that is easy and entertaining will never give you anything, as simple as that. Being lazy is easy and fun, playing all day is easy and fun but it will make you dumb and powerless. Don't be afraid of hard work, don't be afraid of giving everything you've got because you will be rewarded in the future if you have this kind of mentality. 


Very simple, stop your bad habits, change your bad attitude, stop thinking about negativity, choose hard work over laziness. It's too simple right? but it's too comfortable. Because that is the secret of change... feeling uncomfortable, you should be happy whenever you feel discomfort because it means a change is taking place already. There will be no change if you're having an easy time with your life. There is no change without stress. It is what it is, you have to tame your mind to focus on what really matters and stop getting tempted to something that is fun but totally useless. Change will happen through force and willpower. You have to stop taking an action that will never give you anything in return, stop engaging to activities that's not helping you at all. Change is a forever process, it's a commitment. Don't say that you're going to change tomorrow because it will never happen, the process should start now, no delays, no excuses. Change will never end, don't ever think that the process has an ending.. it will never end, you have to guard every action that you're doing everyday, you should always remember the activities that you are not suppose to do anymore. 


It's either you substitute a better activity for it or you guard yourself all day long and remind yourself that you're not suppose to do it anymore. No matter how tempting it sounds, no matter how fun was it.... don't do it. The nonsense will always try to tempt you so be strong, stay away from it and you will have a better life, something that is 10x better than your old life. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...