Dec 30, 2021


What you have now is what you're looking for. If you're struggling now, if you're suffering now then that's what you're looking for, you what attract what you see, you manifest what you think about. Don't ever think that you didn't wish for it, you think about it, you give it an energy and that's why it manifest. It's what you're looking for. If your life is full of negativity then it means you're always thinking negative, you watch the news, you have out with toxic people, you engage on stupid conversations, you're having a war on comments section in social media, you're always worrying. And that's why your life is full of negative, you look for it, don't ever blame anything why you're having a life like that. You look for it all the time, watch your thoughts, watch your actions and you will see that you're the one who's creating your own life, you're the one who's building your own shits so stop blaming everything for your shortcoming because you did it to yourself. 


Change your thoughts now, believe that you can do something great. Erase the doubts, remove all your fears. You can get what you want if you believe in yourself. Stay positive and give everything you've got for your goal, that's how to change your mind, if you're focused on your goals then you will become a more positive person. Change your mind and you will change your life. The reason why you keep getting the same thing over and over again is because you're not changing your mind you have to entertain a new set of thoughts. Always think positive and do something positive. If you want to see a different life then look at a different direction. Stop looking at the same way everyday, if you're looking at poverty for the last few years look at riches this time, vibe with wealth, see beautiful images of money, success and greatness. Never look at poverty, never judge poor people, never try to change people that you think is not doing well. Focus on yourself, focus on being grateful, focus on the things that you can appreciate. Never look at subjects that doesn't serve you or make you better. Your mind is your strongest weapon, you need to direct it to the right direction. Stop making your mind as your enemy. 


If you want to thrive in life then better look for small opportunities. Never look for something millions because it will create a lot of resistance, it will make you scared and lost. You can look for that later, be patient, you will come to that level in just a matter of time. But for now, be satisfied with small breaks and learn to enjoy it, grow from there, you will be able to make something big if you're patient and enjoying the process. Sometimes you can't find what you really want because it's already in front of you but you can't see it because you're always looking for the bigger things. There's nothing wrong to become a small time, it's only in the beginning, you will become big time as the time goes by. Don't waste your time looking on things that will demotivate you, you have to be positive and hopeful, be optimistic, it's free to do, you can do it, all you need to do is choose. 

Never focus on what you don't want because it will multiply. You will become miserable, you will attract things and people that will make your life harder. Focus on what you want and things will turn around. The power is in your hands, you can change your life in an instant if you want to. 


You will have a hard life if your mins is always thinking about negative. Guard your mind 24 hours a day. Make sure you are filtering out every thought that is not helping, you have to think about prosperity, abundance, health, greatness and success. Never think about losing, failure, poverty and defeats. Your mind is your ultimate weapon so use it the right way. Make your mind of high quality, put all the nicest and positive images there. If you can control your mind then you will control your life. Your mind is what ruins your life, if you're having an ugly life right now without any direction then it's your mind's fault. Check it, make an inventory of it and you will see that there are a lot of unwanted and useless thoughts poisoning it. Guard your mind, level it up, take care of it, your actions and decisions depends on what it see everyday. Focus on being mad and you will have revenge, focus on losing money and you will lose everything, focus on being envy and you will never be able to make a progress. But if you focus on wealth, success, greatness then your life will become super amazing. 


If you're struggling so badly right now, if you're in an ugly situation right now... don't worry about it because it will change, don't believe that it's permanent, it's only temporary, all you need to do is persevere and keep pushing and your life will change, as simple as that. Don't ever give up, don't lose your mind, don't quit, don't feel sorry for yourself, don't ever lose your motivation Just keep pushing and you will see the sun shine again. You can weather any kind of storm, you can still move despite of struggling so bad, just start, just take actions, take baby steps until you finally change your life. It's only just a matter of time before things gets better again. Just keep pushing and you're good, never stop, be faster, be bolder, be quicker, do whatever it takes to succeed in your life. Never feel inferior, never feel weak, always feel that you're strong. Always remember that all you've got to do is move forward and that's it. There's nothing else to worry about, just move forward and take one positive action at at time. IT's ok to be slow, it's ok to be struggling but keep fighting and keep your head up. An ugly situation is just temporary, it will pass anyway so just enjoy it and keep struggling. Believe in the power of pushing, believe in your willpower because it will take you further. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...