Dec 10, 2021


You will feel it, you will feel superior if you will just do what you want and never care about what people say. You will feel abundant, free, powerful, light and creative. You will feel unstoppable and right. It's because the only thing that holds you back is what people say. You feel so scared with their words, you feel so allergic and sensitive with their critics. A word, a point of view, a perspective, a critic is nothing but word, it can never harm you nor kill you. Keep expressing yourself to the fullest and never doubt yourself for a second. Always believe in yourself and in anything that you can do. 


Do what you want to do, do it with all your heart, just be yourself and really go for what you want. Never let opinions, jealousy and hatred from other people stop you. Choose what you wanted to choose, love what you wanted to love, make a decision without any form of attachment from other people. Show your true actions, speak your real words, stay still and calm while moving, express yourself to the fullest without worrying what people are going to say, always move forward no matter what and focus on the main thing and that is being yourself without being scared of the judgements of other people. They can say whatever they want, it's none of your business if they hate you, you are not here to be liked you are here to be yourself and focus on what you really want. 


Forget your identity, forget your looks, forget about how people see you, ignore their comments and simply move forward and chase your dream, chase your goal, do the more important thing rather than focusing on people's opinions. Because the more you care about they say the weaker you become, you have to be you 100 percent, no pretentions, no hiding of anything. Be you anywhere, be you anytime, choose to be you instead of pretending to be someone you are not. Your looks doesn't matter, your image doesn't help you. The only thing that will give you an advantage is your ability to block all the negativity that's trying to bring you down. If you feel that someone is trying to downplay you then block him right away. You don't need to listen to him, you don't need to believe him, all you need to do is believe in yourself and do it your way. You are free to make a decision, you are free to believe in yourself with all your heart. 


You're too conscious of what people think about you, you're too scared of the judgement from other people, you're too scared to look bad, you're afraid of being labeled as a fool or ignorant. You have to let go, you have to set yourself free and avoid getting distracted with what people are trying to say, you need to stay focused on making a progress. 

Don't think and just do it, be fast, don't plan, don't be too cautious, just do it and forget about the outcome. 

You will feel powerless and restraint every time you worry about how they perceive you. What they will say have no power, it's you that giving it some power because you treasure it too much, you feel like their words is some kind of a sword that may hurt you but the truth is... they can never even touch you. 


Just do it, never stop yourself, never hold yourself back because of worrying too much about what your teacher, coach, teammate, family, lover, friends, critic will tell you. Just do what you think is right for your life, follow your heart. Because at the end of the day it's about how you feel and not how they feel, it's about what you think and not how they think. If you think you're doing well, if you think you're doing right then keep doing it. You don't need other people's opinions of you, you don't need to listen to them because it will only stop you from being creative, it will stop you from being yourself. 

Even if you fail because you didn't follow their advice, even you made a mistake... never regret that you follow your own intuition, never feel bad for follow your heart and making yourself the captain of your ship. It's your life, why will you feel bad for following your gut. You do it because you think it is right, never do something because the majority is doing it. Be a lone wolf if you need to, you will have more peace if you believe in yourself even if the whole world is against you. 

Do something now, do what you want and forget about the future, never worry about what may happen next. Just focus on the now, focus on enjoying the moment. Just do something and let go of any form of attachment. 


Even if your coach, teacher, friend or everyone is praising you... never care at all. Never care about it, appreciate it but never let it get into your head. Because getting too much praise will make you think that you're great already and it will make you lazy, you will not work hard anymore, you will not feel hungry anymore because you will feel that you made it on top already but the reality is nobody made it on top. It's an illusion, because you will fall down once you relax and get complacent, you still need to work even if you're winning because life changes fast, you may lose everything you have if you stop working hard. So when I say never care about what people say... never care about all of it may it be good or bad. 

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