Dec 31, 2021


Are you always waiting to feel motivated first before doing a task? do you always feel that something is stopping you? are you always feeling weak and incapable of finishing something? do you always get bored of your job? do you feel so stuck and helpless? it's not because you don't have enough motivation, it's because you have the wrong mindset. If you have the right mindset then motivation will come so fast, you will feel it right away and you will have enough or more than enough energy to finish everything you want and need to do. Wanna know the secret to unlock fast motivation?

The secret is...


That's it, just start fast. Prioritize the things that are so hard to do. Do it first without thinking, do it without judging yourself. The reason why people can't start is because they're always deciding that they're going to do it later or tomorrow. They're starting late. And when they were about to start they will think that it's already late in the evening or there is no more enough time for them to finish the task. 

If you can just start fast then you will have more time, it means you will have more reserved energy, you will be able to do more. You just do it, if you need to reply to your client just do it, open your computer or cellphone then update your client what's going on, it can be a few words, it can be a simple Hi or Hello. Start fast and never think about finishing fast, just enjoy the work, enjoy every step of the process. 

It's much better if you will do the task that you hated the most. If you can finish it first then everything else after it is going to be easy. Just go, you're overthinking too much that's why you couldn't even get started. Stop judging yourself, stop thinking if you're right or wrong and just do it. The best time to start is when you feel worse, you need to draw the first blood and make things happen if you want to change your situation. 

Make it a mindset to start fast, speed kills, speed is the key, being fast is already an asset and an advantage. Companies love fast people, you can become very efficient by simply being fast. So stop waiting, stop complaining, stop focusing on your negative feelings and simple let go. Be fast as you can be. You have to do it if you want to get it, you have to go hard without thinking that you might fail. 

Start fast and take it one step at a time, it's like throwing jabs in boxing... little by little you finish the opponent, little by little you're making an effect. Because the reality is you can never finish somethin that is hard so fast, you have to be patient, dissect the process, keep taking baby steps until you finally finished it. You just have to do it, unleash yourself, stop holding yourself back, destroy all the resistance and break your limits. 


Don't ever think that motivation will come right away whenever you needed it. It won't, you have to work for it. Once you start your work, motivation is already coming, work is all you need, start fast and never care about how you feel. Just do it without regrets, make a move without even have to think if you're right or wrong. Just keep on working, keep going and never stop. You will feel better in a while, trust hard work, focus on the process and you will become a winner. Because motivation will not work for you, you have to work for it in order to feel it. So don't ever wonder why you're not feeling motivated, it's because you're not moving. You will feel motivated once you draw the first blood. 

That's what most people don't know about motivation, they think that once you listen to it and watch a lot of motivational videos or attend a lot of seminars that costs money then they will feel motivated. They think that they can change their lives in an instant. Motivation will never be effective unless you take actions. The moment you feel lazy and stubborn... take actions right away. Never care about how you feel, never care if you feel so tired... just take actions and force yourself to reach the finish line. 


Once you have the rhythm you need everything will be a lot easier. That's why you need to work now, the rhythm for now is bad and, actually there is no rhythm now but it will show later if you're already working for an hour, you have to stick to the task and feel it, you will discover the perfect timing, you will be able to create your own flow so start now and feel your work, be mindful, be observant and never rush. Motivation is not that hard to create you just need to persevere in your work, focus on working and never seek for results. You can create your own rhythm by taking risks, not being afraid to make mistake and simply pulling the trigger, you have to start during the most uncomfortable moments because it will never be easy, you really have to force yourself to take actions. 


Never care if it's too late, never care if it's raining outside, never care if you don't have money, never care if your toes are bleeding... just take actions, take baby steps. Forget about winning, forget about losing and just take actions, you will never make a progress unless you force yourself to move during stressful situations, make a stand to never quit, make a stand to never back down to any challenge. Do it when you need to do it, never make excuses, stop entertaining negative thoughts that are making you slow, you have to commit and just do it no matter what. 

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