Dec 29, 2021


You say you wanted to change but are you ready for it? do you really want to have a new life and get different result this coming new year? do you want to feel something new? do you want to get something you haven't got before? If you really want it then make your own reality check, make sure you really want it. The best reality check method is to cut out all the bullshits in your life for one week. Cut out the cellphone, cut out the gossips, cut out the procrastination, cut out the negativity, stop the laziness, stop wasting time... only for one week. If you can survive being disciplined for one week then you are good to go, you're on your way to greatness. 

Watch yourself and see if you're doing some stupid shits again, you need to be focusing your thoughts and actions to greatness and never fall into the trap of instant gratification. Greatness simply means moving forward and doing what is right. It's not something that you always hear from other people that you have to have billions and jets and 10 women. That was false advertisement, greatness is doing whatever it takes to win, greatness is knowing what you want and doing everything you can to get it, you do it your way, you break the rules and you force fate. You use your willpower to make something happen, you cut everything that is stopping you. 


You're always preparing yourself to change, you're always psyching yourself up for greatness, you're always waiting and promising yourself that tomorrow you're going to change. It's not real, being ready is not real. The truth is... you have to know what you really want and go for it no matter what. Prioritize what you really want and never stop until you get it. Just don't stop and that's it, there's nothing special here, there's no complicated process here... just don't stop and you will win, as simple as that. Don't say to yourself that you're not ready that's why you don't want to start, don't say to yourself that you will just do it next year. The right time is always now, the best time to start is now. The best time to begin is when you feel so lazy, sleepy and uncomfortable... that's when you will force growth to happen. You have to stop playing the sick game, you're not weak, you're not dying... you have to live like you're really alive. You have to use all of your energy. The reason why you feel weak is because you're not using your energy, you're letting it die. You're not moving, you're pretending to be slow, you're ok being stuck in a mud, you're not even trying. 


If you don't know what to do next then do what you did before. If you practice your skills before then practice again today, just repeat and repeat until you master it Don't stop, you have an eternity to stop when you die, don't worry because it will come one day so make sure you are giving everything you've got while you're still alive. Make sure you are giving your very best and not wasting time for nothing. You have to value time like it's the most valuable thing in the world. Change will only happen, breakthrough will only happen if you will really push yourself to the limits and do what you haven't done before. Repetition is mastery, repetition will make you a genius, don't be afraid to repeat a boring drill or task because it will make you great one day. 

Always remember that there is always a space where you can move, there is always something you can do to make your situation a little bit better, you just need to start now, never wait for anything... just start and be productive as you can be. 


It's better to just rest and sleep or stare at a blank wall rather than watching a lot of movies or playing video games for too long. It's better to just stay still and imagine yourself winning rather than to spend all of your time on Instagram and facebook. If you're not earning in social media then never use it, use it for business only. You have to make sure your time is getting something. Because it will become your habit to waste a lot of time while accomplishing nothing. Your life will become miserable even more if you're using your time for degrading and not for upgrading. If you will use your time then use it for growth and not for downgrade. Just do nothing so that your mentality will not be messed up. Using social media, watching the stories of other people will only create thoughts in your head that are completely useless. 

Stay calm all the time, watch yourself, watch what you're doing and thinking. Tame yourself to become a beast, never do what the majority is doing, start carving your own path, start creating your own process and fully believe in it. 


You have to drop all the things that are fun and focus on the things that are really boring but making you grow... that's how to change. You have to stop partying, playing games, talking to nonsense people, watching reality shows, checking your facebook every now and then. You really have to change your mind and habits if you want to win in life. It is what it is, you have to separate yourself from the pack and do what most people don't do. If you want a different result then ghost everyone and focus on your own journey. It's time to change, start now before it's over. You still have some time, go and use it for a better cause. Never care about what other people are doing, never care about what others are thinking. Focus on your own actions and mentality. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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