Something that powers your mind. It is about motivation, self discipline, mental toughness, success, self development, achieving goals, techniques and ways to give you advantages in life.
Dec 31, 2021
Are you always waiting to feel motivated first before doing a task? do you always feel that something is stopping you? are you always feeling weak and incapable of finishing something? do you always get bored of your job? do you feel so stuck and helpless? it's not because you don't have enough motivation, it's because you have the wrong mindset. If you have the right mindset then motivation will come so fast, you will feel it right away and you will have enough or more than enough energy to finish everything you want and need to do. Wanna know the secret to unlock fast motivation?
The secret is...
That's it, just start fast. Prioritize the things that are so hard to do. Do it first without thinking, do it without judging yourself. The reason why people can't start is because they're always deciding that they're going to do it later or tomorrow. They're starting late. And when they were about to start they will think that it's already late in the evening or there is no more enough time for them to finish the task.
If you can just start fast then you will have more time, it means you will have more reserved energy, you will be able to do more. You just do it, if you need to reply to your client just do it, open your computer or cellphone then update your client what's going on, it can be a few words, it can be a simple Hi or Hello. Start fast and never think about finishing fast, just enjoy the work, enjoy every step of the process.
It's much better if you will do the task that you hated the most. If you can finish it first then everything else after it is going to be easy. Just go, you're overthinking too much that's why you couldn't even get started. Stop judging yourself, stop thinking if you're right or wrong and just do it. The best time to start is when you feel worse, you need to draw the first blood and make things happen if you want to change your situation.
Make it a mindset to start fast, speed kills, speed is the key, being fast is already an asset and an advantage. Companies love fast people, you can become very efficient by simply being fast. So stop waiting, stop complaining, stop focusing on your negative feelings and simple let go. Be fast as you can be. You have to do it if you want to get it, you have to go hard without thinking that you might fail.
Start fast and take it one step at a time, it's like throwing jabs in boxing... little by little you finish the opponent, little by little you're making an effect. Because the reality is you can never finish somethin that is hard so fast, you have to be patient, dissect the process, keep taking baby steps until you finally finished it. You just have to do it, unleash yourself, stop holding yourself back, destroy all the resistance and break your limits.
Don't ever think that motivation will come right away whenever you needed it. It won't, you have to work for it. Once you start your work, motivation is already coming, work is all you need, start fast and never care about how you feel. Just do it without regrets, make a move without even have to think if you're right or wrong. Just keep on working, keep going and never stop. You will feel better in a while, trust hard work, focus on the process and you will become a winner. Because motivation will not work for you, you have to work for it in order to feel it. So don't ever wonder why you're not feeling motivated, it's because you're not moving. You will feel motivated once you draw the first blood.
That's what most people don't know about motivation, they think that once you listen to it and watch a lot of motivational videos or attend a lot of seminars that costs money then they will feel motivated. They think that they can change their lives in an instant. Motivation will never be effective unless you take actions. The moment you feel lazy and stubborn... take actions right away. Never care about how you feel, never care if you feel so tired... just take actions and force yourself to reach the finish line.
Once you have the rhythm you need everything will be a lot easier. That's why you need to work now, the rhythm for now is bad and, actually there is no rhythm now but it will show later if you're already working for an hour, you have to stick to the task and feel it, you will discover the perfect timing, you will be able to create your own flow so start now and feel your work, be mindful, be observant and never rush. Motivation is not that hard to create you just need to persevere in your work, focus on working and never seek for results. You can create your own rhythm by taking risks, not being afraid to make mistake and simply pulling the trigger, you have to start during the most uncomfortable moments because it will never be easy, you really have to force yourself to take actions.
Never care if it's too late, never care if it's raining outside, never care if you don't have money, never care if your toes are bleeding... just take actions, take baby steps. Forget about winning, forget about losing and just take actions, you will never make a progress unless you force yourself to move during stressful situations, make a stand to never quit, make a stand to never back down to any challenge. Do it when you need to do it, never make excuses, stop entertaining negative thoughts that are making you slow, you have to commit and just do it no matter what.
Dec 30, 2021
What you have now is what you're looking for. If you're struggling now, if you're suffering now then that's what you're looking for, you what attract what you see, you manifest what you think about. Don't ever think that you didn't wish for it, you think about it, you give it an energy and that's why it manifest. It's what you're looking for. If your life is full of negativity then it means you're always thinking negative, you watch the news, you have out with toxic people, you engage on stupid conversations, you're having a war on comments section in social media, you're always worrying. And that's why your life is full of negative, you look for it, don't ever blame anything why you're having a life like that. You look for it all the time, watch your thoughts, watch your actions and you will see that you're the one who's creating your own life, you're the one who's building your own shits so stop blaming everything for your shortcoming because you did it to yourself.
Change your thoughts now, believe that you can do something great. Erase the doubts, remove all your fears. You can get what you want if you believe in yourself. Stay positive and give everything you've got for your goal, that's how to change your mind, if you're focused on your goals then you will become a more positive person. Change your mind and you will change your life. The reason why you keep getting the same thing over and over again is because you're not changing your mind you have to entertain a new set of thoughts. Always think positive and do something positive. If you want to see a different life then look at a different direction. Stop looking at the same way everyday, if you're looking at poverty for the last few years look at riches this time, vibe with wealth, see beautiful images of money, success and greatness. Never look at poverty, never judge poor people, never try to change people that you think is not doing well. Focus on yourself, focus on being grateful, focus on the things that you can appreciate. Never look at subjects that doesn't serve you or make you better. Your mind is your strongest weapon, you need to direct it to the right direction. Stop making your mind as your enemy.
If you want to thrive in life then better look for small opportunities. Never look for something millions because it will create a lot of resistance, it will make you scared and lost. You can look for that later, be patient, you will come to that level in just a matter of time. But for now, be satisfied with small breaks and learn to enjoy it, grow from there, you will be able to make something big if you're patient and enjoying the process. Sometimes you can't find what you really want because it's already in front of you but you can't see it because you're always looking for the bigger things. There's nothing wrong to become a small time, it's only in the beginning, you will become big time as the time goes by. Don't waste your time looking on things that will demotivate you, you have to be positive and hopeful, be optimistic, it's free to do, you can do it, all you need to do is choose.
Never focus on what you don't want because it will multiply. You will become miserable, you will attract things and people that will make your life harder. Focus on what you want and things will turn around. The power is in your hands, you can change your life in an instant if you want to.
You will have a hard life if your mins is always thinking about negative. Guard your mind 24 hours a day. Make sure you are filtering out every thought that is not helping, you have to think about prosperity, abundance, health, greatness and success. Never think about losing, failure, poverty and defeats. Your mind is your ultimate weapon so use it the right way. Make your mind of high quality, put all the nicest and positive images there. If you can control your mind then you will control your life. Your mind is what ruins your life, if you're having an ugly life right now without any direction then it's your mind's fault. Check it, make an inventory of it and you will see that there are a lot of unwanted and useless thoughts poisoning it. Guard your mind, level it up, take care of it, your actions and decisions depends on what it see everyday. Focus on being mad and you will have revenge, focus on losing money and you will lose everything, focus on being envy and you will never be able to make a progress. But if you focus on wealth, success, greatness then your life will become super amazing.
If you're struggling so badly right now, if you're in an ugly situation right now... don't worry about it because it will change, don't believe that it's permanent, it's only temporary, all you need to do is persevere and keep pushing and your life will change, as simple as that. Don't ever give up, don't lose your mind, don't quit, don't feel sorry for yourself, don't ever lose your motivation Just keep pushing and you will see the sun shine again. You can weather any kind of storm, you can still move despite of struggling so bad, just start, just take actions, take baby steps until you finally change your life. It's only just a matter of time before things gets better again. Just keep pushing and you're good, never stop, be faster, be bolder, be quicker, do whatever it takes to succeed in your life. Never feel inferior, never feel weak, always feel that you're strong. Always remember that all you've got to do is move forward and that's it. There's nothing else to worry about, just move forward and take one positive action at at time. IT's ok to be slow, it's ok to be struggling but keep fighting and keep your head up. An ugly situation is just temporary, it will pass anyway so just enjoy it and keep struggling. Believe in the power of pushing, believe in your willpower because it will take you further.
Dec 29, 2021
Did you feel embarrassed in the past? were you a wallflower all your life? are you seeking for a little bit of appreciation but nobody can give it to you? did you get bullied in high school? did a lot of hot chicks rejected you? Don't cry like a little dweeb don't feel sorry for yourself, don't ever think that you have a crappy life, don't ever put yourself down because you can make a comeback and surprise them. Make yourself better everyday. The best revenge is to just be quiet and have peace with what happened, let go of the bitter feelings and focus on being better everyday. The right people will love you, and they will be attracted to you once you learn how to love yourself. Always be humble, stay grounded and never give up to small challenges, push yourself to the limits and always try to get to the next level. Make the people who rejected you or despise you as a motivation, work hard so that you will never experience rejection again next time.
Do it for yourself not for others. Do it because you want to become better and not to impress people. If you will do it for other people then you will not be yourself anymore, you will not become successful because you want to please them, and pleasing people will lead to failure. Why will you please them? they don't like you before so the will still not like you know even if you become better. The right people will come along, the right people for your life will treat you better. So you need to be at the top of your game. You need to give your very best every single day and become successful, the best thing to do is become big as you can be so you will stay busy and forget all of the people who rejected you. So when time comes and you see those people again... they will get stunned, they will be surprised of how much you grow. Yourself is your one and only true ally, you have to do it for yourself so that you will grow and evolve. Don't ever compare yourself to others, don't ever think that someone is better than you or you're better than them, just be yourself and stay humble, have that mentality of growing everyday and success will come to your life little by little.
Just push yourself everyday and there's nothing else to worry about. Push yourself for greatness, push yourself to improve a little bit. You don't need to become a ravishing man overnight, be ok with the slow transformation, be ok with a slow journey, what matters is you're consistent and not stopping. You have to push when it's hard, you have to push when nothing right is going on with your life. Pushing will get the job done, it will give you anything you need. It will make you a better person, you will forget all of your problems because you're pushing. Just push and never stop, keep getting better each day, keep going no matter what. Pushing will make you better, it will put you on a very good place, don't be afraid of it, don't be resistance of it, just push and enjoy it. If you need to study then study, if you need to take a bath then take a bath, if you need to exercise then exercise. Always look at yourself, make yourself a machine, you should be ashamed of yourself if you're not doing everything to make your life better. Life is simply about moving and giving your best, always remember that you only have one life, why will you waste it for nonsense things? you need to grow, you need to have a better mindset. Believe that you can become 100x better than yesterday.
Changing yourself is a scary place, you will get so uncomfortable. That's the price of change, you want progress right? you have to endure the most uncomfortable and stressful feelings, it is what is, there's no other way around, there's no reason to back down, there's no excuses to be mad if you really wanted to change. You have to be selfish with your time, you have to own your life and never give it to anyone. What I mean is... you need to put all of your energy to make your life better instead of trying to please everyone or supporting someone who doesn't support you back. Stop idolizing people that doesn't give any attention to you, you have to love yourself and never give your time for free because every second is crucial, you're throwing the chance of becoming great every time you waste a couple of minutes or hours scrolling in your social media account. The time you wasted for nonsense things and gossips could have been use to create a bright future. So ask yourself one more time do you really want to change?, do you really want some respect? do you really want to get on top if the answer is yes then be willing to face the pain and uncertainty, be willing to push yourself like you never push before, be willing to face the unknown and never be afraid of losing.
If you want to change the you must stop allowing yourself to do stupid things again for one more time. You must accept that you're changing every thought and every habit that is not working. You must stop allowing yourself to do one obvious mistake for the last time and promising to yourself that it's the last. If you will allow yourself to do that for one last time then you will repeat it again tomorrow. If you say to yourself that you're going to puff your last cigarette today and you will never puff again tomorrow then you're just fooling yourself. You will puff it again tomorrow, once you allow yourself to do it again then the cycle will never stop, you have to stop even if the temptation is very strong, you have to discipline yourself and take a look at the bigger picture. It's only hard for now, it's only difficult for now but you will be able to adapt and make it look easier the next few months.
Discipline is the only thing that will change you and nothing else. If you want to stun the people that belittle you before then you need to make tremendous sacrifices. You have to have a very strong self control, you have to use your willpower and stop all the stupidity that is not helping you. Discipline is the only thing that will help you, not your life coach, not some motivational bullshit, not some hot girl to inspire you, not some help from experts. You're the only one who can help yourself. So stay committed to your goal and do whatever it takes to become better than yesterday.
Dec 28, 2021
Dec 27, 2021
You're insecure not because you have an ugly teeth, a lot of pimples, not smart, not popular, not one of the cool kids, not rich etc. etc. You're insecure because you're not working hard to become better. If you're focused on getting better everyday then all of your worries and insecurities about yourself will go away. Life is what you make it, you become insecure because you're not giving too much time for yourself instead you're focusing on other people, you care about what they say, you care about how they feel, you care about their reactions towards you and that's making your life even more difficult.
You have to feel ashamed of yourself if you're not doing something today to make yourself better. Time is running, stop wasting time, you need to wake up and do something about your situation. If you have no confidence at all it means you're lazy and wasting a lot of your time. If you will make your time valuable then you will use it to set up your life for something better, you will use it to make your future brighter. The power of taking small steps everyday is real, you have to test it for your own good, just try it and you will see an enormous difference. Go all in and see what will happen to your life, give your very best, give everything you've got and see what will happen, see how far can you go, never doubt the process, keep doin git until you squeeze something out of it. Hard work will erase your insecurities, chase something so you will never focus on your ugly face, keep winning so you will never feel inferior.
Focus on becoming better each day, master a skill, master your emotion and you will become very confident. Always think that you're just playing here, always think that you will never lose anything, you will gain a lot of things. Treat life as a game, don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to give everything you've got.
If you're the hardest worker in the world then you will become super confident. You will bet on yourself because you just knew that you're going to win, you just knew that opportunities will be attracted to you because hard work is very attractive. Just keep believing, keep working and never try to please people, never try to impress people, work on your craft, focus on becoming better everyday and success will come.
Believe, just believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. Just believe that you can do anything if you work hard and focus on your own journey. You can't win because you're worried all the time, you can't become successful because you don't believe in yourself, but if you will believe in yourself then everything will work out, you will have a breakthrough, you will gain more confidence. Trust the process, trust your ability to persevere, trust your ability to grind, pure hustling will increase your belief. Because at the end of the day you will believe in something, why not believe in your ability to work hard. You can change something everyday and that is your power, you can make an impact, you can help someone, you can help yourself, you can grow a little bit, you can learn a little bit. That's enough to believe in yourself, you can only grow if you're willing to work like hell and forget anything that is stopping you or derailing your success.
It's free to believe in yourself so why not abuse it? why not believe in yourself to the fullest? why not give everything you've got and expect to win all the time. Because even if you fail... you still have another tomorrow when you can try, you still have another chance, you have unlimited tries, it doesn't matter how slow you get it what matters is you keep trying and there's no quitting in you. All you have to do is push forward and you will win, as simple as that.
Some people were only confident because they're rich, they have good looks, they have a strong support, they have cool friends, they're winning, the have everything to impress other people. What if they don't have anything? what if nobody is there to help them? what if they're losing all the time? Confidence doesn't need to come from external, it should be felt inside, you just feel it, you just knew you're enough and you don't need to impose your will or make people respect you. You don't need to prove yourself, you just need to feel good about yourself even if you don't have anything. If you're only confident because a lot of people got your back or everything is going your way then you're really not confident, it's a fake confidence. Real confident people doesn't need anything to feel confident, they knew that they are enough and they don't need anything anymore.
Confidence can be develop, if you don't have it you just need to practice wearing it. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone, the key here is to stop being afraid getting rejected, if you can just put in your mind that it's ok to lose and it's ok to get laugh at then you will never be afraid anymore. The judge should be yourself, if you never feel ashamed of yourself then there's nothing to worry about. You have no confidence because you're too afraid of getting judged and get criticize that's why you're so afraid to try. Judge yourself based on your willpower and not on the results you've been getting. Feel proud of yourself if you already try because that's the only thing you need to do. Winning or losing is not in your control but trying... it's in your hands. You have the luxury to try all the time, that's your privilege but you're not using it. If you can try a million times then your confidence will soar, as simple as that.
Double your effort, double your money, double your tenacity, double your belief, double your speed. If you want a different result then you need to double everything. Double your discipline, double your belief, double your perseverance, double your patience. Quit using the same energy as yesterday, you have to give more to get more, you have to turn yourself into a beast if you want to live a new life. Be faster this time, if you need to do something just do it, keep going no matter what. Once you finish a task go start looking for a new one, never stop, be relentless, be an animal, you have to stop thinking and simple handle the business very well. The reason why you're failing is because you're not forcing yourself to get better, you're not aiming for something bigger, you're satisfied being a mediocre, you're satisfied being a loser. Look at yourself, look where you are... the same person ten years ago, you didn't evolve, you didn't improve. You're the same bum ten years ago, you have to make a decision now if you will change your life or not.
Cut everything that is not serving you at all, cut everything that isn't working. Cut the TV, cut the gossips, cut the social media if you're not earning from it. Cut all the bad habits that is not doing any good to your life. It's simply about the little things that you do. Speed is what you need, speed is the name of the game, if you can become really fast then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. Speed will take you to places, become faster then before and you will become very productive and efficient. Because the number one reason why you're failing is because you're too slow. You need to do something but you procrastinate a lot, you need to start something but you're making a lot of excuses. You're punking yourself, you're acting like a spoiled brat, you need to be better than that if you want to become successful in your life. Just be faster, cut all the bullshits in your life. Get rid of what slows the process down, delete it from your life, you need to cut everything that's not helping you to grow. You need to train yourself to become faster and never waste a single second. Your time is so valuable and you need to use it only for people and things that really matters, stop wasting it for nonsense and entertainment. You only have one life, why will you become scared of trying something? don't be scared to fail, don't be scared to have a boring life, trust in the work that you put in, trust that everything will fall into proper places.
Believe in the power of pushing, believe that you can make it, believe that you can make a progress, believe that you can change your life. Put your mind into greatness, set your mind into accomplishing your goals and stick to it no matter what. You have to believe, you have to keep pushing every second because that's the only way to succeed. You can never make a progress by simply acting like everything will happen on the right time, you have to force fate, you have to take it one step at a time and be patient. Stay committed, keep grinding, the world is yours, you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it. Focus is the key, focus will solve all of your problems. Focus on trying to make some money and you will get it, focus on making your health better and you will become healthier, life is what you make it. What you think and do will give a result, you will attract where your focus is going. You can push anytime you want, that's a strong talent already, if there is something you need to do... do it without any hesitation. The harder you push the luckier you will get. This is a simple formula that works for a million years, it will never fail you, you just need to focus on what you're doing and give everything you've got.
Double everything, break your own records. If you can do 10 push up yesterday then double it, make 20. Never care about pain, never care if it's hard, just double it. Use your willpower, use your strength, stop acting like a weak clown and just double it. Double everything in your life, it's not that hard, it's possible. If an NBA tea can win 2 championships then you can achieve 2 success two. It's simple about repeating and using a little more strength, you have what it takes to become successful, just don't waste time and you're good.
Start something and finish it. Don't give up until it's done, don't stop until you finally made it. You should become a finisher if you want to win in life. Smell that blood, have that killer instinct, you should go further as much as you can. Never stop when it's hard, keep going so you will be able to change your situation. Make yourself a finisher, not just a starter, not just a talker, finish it like you really mean it. Put the dagger into it, pound it like you really mean business. Never stop, all you need to do is keep pushing and you will win. Never care about the pain, never care if you're struggling badly... just finish it no matter what. Stop being a pussy, just do the next move and be the best that you can be.
Go for the kill, go for the win, give everything you've got and never stop until you win, it's not over until you win, you can go further as much as you can, the result of your life depends on your actions, the power is yours, you just need to believe in yourself and in anything that you do.
The number one reason why you can't become successful is because you think too much and you talk too much, your actions are so weak. You're too focused on the dramas of life. You're always think about the past, you're always thinking about the future. Talk is the cheapest and easiest thing on earth, overthinking is the stupidest thing you can do. Don't waste your energy for any of these two, use your energy and time for taking actions and making yourself better and see how far you can go. Talking and thinking is just a waste of time and energy, focus on taking baby steps and you will see the difference, the reason why you can't make a progress is because you're too focused on complaining and seeing reasons why you can't do it, you can never produce a solution if you're always opening your mouth, shut your mouth and do something about your situation. Don't be like others who were stuck on their position because they never do anything, all they do is complain and blame something why they're not progressing, be a different person, you have to focus on taking actions and drop all the unnecessary things in your life.
You're powerful, you're skilled, you're something different, show your strength not only to the world but to yourself. You can accomplish great things in life if you will focus on your strength, stop playing the sick game, stop thinking that you're limited, you are powerful more than you thought of yourself, you just need to start now and do something. Stop wasting time because you get weaker and weaker by doing that, stop acting like there's nothing you can do about your situation, you can do something great if you will push yourself to the limits and stop believing that you are destined to become mediocre, you can get on top, you can climb any mountain, you can dive into the deepest ocean. You can do a lot of great things with your life if you will focus on using your strength. Just take one action at a time, keep pushing, be tenacious, be strong and always remember that all it takes is one step, start something and then follow through. Never underestimate who you are and what you can do, success is simply about working hard and being brave, there is no secret formula here, all you've got to do is follow your heart and never stop. It will be hard, it will take time but you will make it if you will give everything you've got.
If you are feeling the pressure and getting overwhelmed of the situation it means you're growing. Stay calm and feel yourself, be aware of what's going on inside of your head and just try to calm yourself as much as possible. Breathe and keep pushing forward, fight fire with fire, stay calm and never stop. Don't get stunned, you have to do something, take it slowly if you need to. The key here is to relax and enjoy every second even if you're not comfortable with it. Feel the pressure, face the pain, feel confident that you're still in control and you will win in the end no matter what. Have that mentality of being ok with any kind of situation. Keep in mind that being uncomfortable is only temporary, you will feel better in a while, be patient and just take actions, never let pressure make you quit, you have to see yourself facing the pressure and be one with it, feel it bit by bit, feel every second of it and it will go away anytime soon. The key to handling the pressure is to simply be in the moment and never rush, be slow if you can, don't shy away from pressure, don't get too conscious, don't take it seriously... just feel it and it will go away. Your system will adapt to it, you don't need to fight it, you don't need to hide from it... embrace it, welcome it to your system and it will make you grow, it will make you tougher and mentally stronger.
You're always thinking about what to do, you're always worried about how to do it, you're always anxious about the future but the truth is just don't quit and that's enough, you're already good when you don't quit. Your willpower and perseverance will find a way, if you really want something and you're overwhelmed of the process on how to get it... just start and never mind the process, never mind what will happen next, just keep following through, keep pushing no matter what. You don't need the most perfect technique here, you just need to keep going because you will discover the right way on how to win if you keep pushing even if it's too hard. If you feel stuck keep pushing, if you feel pressured just keep pushing. Your willpower is enough to become successful. You don't need to become super special here, you don't need to become dominant or perfect, you just need to stop thinking about quitting and you will go further, you will be able to finish the race, it's simply about moving forward and nothing else. The reason why you can't win is because you're focused on finding excuses why you're not going to make it, what if you just believe in yourself? believe in the power of baby steps, being stuck is just a perspective, if you think you're doing good then you are.
So don\t be fazed with an challenge, don't feel too pressured with any problems. Life is really like that, if you're chasing something then you will really have to undergo a lot of process that makes you feel uncomfortable. Always remember that for as long as you're moving forward... you will be alright, there is nothing else to worry about. Moving forward alone will take you to places, it will never let you down. Just work hard, be determined to get it, feel that burning desire inside of you, find that thought that will make you move. You are getting closer and closer every time you move, quit wasting time about talking and thinking, take actions now before it's too late. Time is running, you have to go for what you want, move like a raging bull, move forward like a freight train, never care about what's going to happen and just move fast.
The best guide to doing the right actions is make money as the number one indicator. Don't go there if there's no money there. Don't do it if it will never give you a chance to make some hard cold cash, don't make a decision that will lessen the money in your pocket. Most people are asking what they should do with their lives, the answer is very simple... make a lot of money so that you will be secured and have more power. Let's face it, you're powerless if you're broke, you will be forced to do things that you don't like if you needed the money badly. But if you have a lot of it, you're more relaxed, in control, can be playful and very creative. Money is not the root of evil, it will become if you're doing illegal things to have it. But if you will use your money for charity, growth and creativity then how the hell will it become the root of evil?
Because they're too worried about what people are going to say. They will buy clothes, things etc. just to impress people that they don't even like or has no connection with them. They will buy stuffs, food that they don't need. Some people wants to party all the time, if not party then buy all of their money with what's new in the market. Most people are broke because they were too flashy and wanted to be accepted and appreciated by the society. They want to become popular, they want to stand out and they will do everything the can just to stop looking like a poor person. They don't know how to practice delayed gratification, they can't make sacrifices, they can't wait. They hate investing, they want to spend their money the moment they have it.
If you don't want to become broke then be humble, stop trying to look rich by buying a lot of things that you don't even need. Sometimes you're even buying a branded clothes just to look rich even though you can't afford it, you're acting like a fake clown, stop being like that, you don't need to look rich, you need to become real rich.
Because it forces you to buy new clothes just to look good to the eyes of people. It will force you to spend money for gifts, food, transportation etc. You will never get anything from it, you will only eat and then socialize with people, it will never help you to achieve something. Stop rubbing elbows with people that you don't even like, you will go to a party full of people that you don't even know or like but you wanted to please them. Stop living that way because it will make you broke, it will never help you to prosper. You don't need to be liked, you don't need to get appreciated, what you need is to become better and train yourself to discipline yourself about money habits. Don't go there because there's no money there, you can only find money through work. Be smart enough to accept that partying was just a waste of time and energy. People there were all attention seekers, they want to be liked, they want to feel good and compare their lives to other people. Partying is just a waste of time, you will never learn anything from it.
Just enjoy yourself, have fun with your life, have fun growing, entertain yourself through hard work and focus.
Stop buying shits, stop going to mall, stop partying, stop watching TV and focus on hustling. Whatever you can do to earn millions... do it, stop waiting. You know that time is money, time is more than just a gold, it is irreplaceable so value it and never spend it like you have an unlimited supply of it. Your time will run out one day so you better use your time for making your life better each day. Hustle will make you grow, hustle will make your rich. If you're not having the life that you want then it means you're not working hard enough, you're not focused, you're entertaining a lot of nonsense into your life. If you will just hustle and do whatever it takes to win then you will win, as simple as that. Stop fooling yourself that you're unlucky and not blessed that's why you don't have a single cent in your pocket. It's your fault why you're living like a cold bum, you're too lazy and arrogant. You have to be humble, accept that you need to work hard and bust your ass to earn money. The problem with you is you think you can become successful by just opening your mouth and talking to people how good you are. You always think that with the little effort you are exerting you will become successful. Stop fooling yourself, you need to become better than that.
So don't worry if you don't have money now, you can hustle all day long and earn some pretty cold cash. It all depends on how are you going to do it. Always remember that if you want money then you need to go for it, stop waiting for it because it will never come, chase it, look for it, work for it. Don't believe the people who were telling you that you don't need to work hard and you just need to work smart, they were fakes, how they hell can you work smart if you will never work hard first? being smart will come from experience, you will gain knowledge that will make any work faster through hustling and experiencing a lot of ups an downs. So work as hard as you can and learn from your mistakes. Stop acting like a smart even if you haven't failed a lot of times yet. Money will come to you if you're always taking risks and failing a lot of times. It may sound absurd but it's the reality.
Don't do it because you're expecting to get something from it, this will push away success. You have to do it because it makes you feel good, because it makes you feel so free. This kind of mentality will make you manifest success faster. Because every time you want to get something after working... you will feel bad if you can't get something, you will feel unmotivated. This will make you quit. Don't expect anything after working, you do it because you just knew it will make you feel good, it will put you on the right track. This is how to take massive actions, forget the results and just move forward all the time.
Enjoy every moment even if it's hard. Learn to feel every second, teach yourself how to be present and forget the past. Forget what's bothering you, detach from the thoughts or memories that makes you feel stuck and lonely. When you work... do it because you know you can enjoy it, do it because your mindset is to get better every single day. Never attach your work to anything, never expect anything, just work hard and feel happy that you're moving all the time. Move consistently, move fast, move without any form of hesitation. You have to feel like a feather, feel like a blazing wind, feel so light that nobody can chain you, nothing can stop you from taking actions, if you want to do it or if you need to do it.. you will just do it without any fear or worries, you will just do it because you know it's the right thing to do. Because at the end of the day it's all in the mind, if you think that it's hard then it will be super hard but if you think that it's easy then it will be very easy, as simple as that. Your thoughts creates your feelings so you should be mindful all the time of what you're thinking.
Don't feel like a loser, don't feel like you have no chance, don't feel sorry if you're working too hard because it's al you've got. It's your only choice, hustling is the only thing that will put you on top and nothing else. So don't feel bad if you're exhausting yourself, don't feel so down if success is not yet coming into your life. Hard work is all you've got, it's all you can do, trust it, use it everyday, commit to it and never take days off. Let's see what you can accomplish after a few months if all you do is bust your ass and focus on your dreams. Hard work can give you anything you want, if you're already working hard and yet you're not getting anything or you're not satisfied with what you've been getting... push harder, keep working harder and never stop until you become successful. Hard work will never fail you, hard work will give you chances and opportunities, it will open a locked door. Work as hard as you can and you will never regret it.
Never care about anything else, if your life is going up then keep doing what you're doing. If your numbers were going up then keep repeating the process. Never care about the smallest details and simply focus on your main goal. Never think about the mistakes, never worry if you're fast or now, don't compare your slow success to the fast success of others, if your life and journey is going up then never stop, just be faster but never change the process, stick with it no matter what. Don't be scared of what people say, don't be scared if you're not getting more than what you deserve... just keep pushing, continue what is working and never judge yourself, never think that there is something wrong, just do what you think is right with all your heart and with all your might. It will be a lot easier if you will not be worried about these little things, feel free all the time, you are free to feel free.
Once you find yourself doing something stupid that's not even related to your dream or goal, pull yourself back. Discipline will set you free, if you're fast in starting, if you're serious in getting better then you will feel free and literally you will become free. Because the reason why you keep on stumbling, failing and going back to zero is the lack of discipline. You're always biting the traps of procrastination and stupid useless entertainment, you want to feel good and have fun all the time but you have to keep in mind that chasing success is not all about fun, it's about perseverance and delayed gratification. Discipline is about facing the pain. Pain of studying, pain for working hard, pain of choosing the right thoughts and words, pain of working hard, pain of waking up early, you have to learn how to control your emotions and force yourself to do the right things to gain some advantages.
Cut the temptation right away once you detect it, don't ever think about continuing it, don't ever think about giving yourself a free pass, you are not allowed to do what will bring you down, you are not allowed to engage on activities that will make you fail. Keep pulling yourself back, don't let the mindless games control you, you have to control yourself.
Discipline is the key to winning, without it you will always go back to zero. Watch your actions and thoughts all the time, watch what you're planning to do and never stop taking actions that will bring you closer to your goal. The game plan is very simple... forget about everything else and just do the process, keep pushing, keep working on yourself, keep working on your goal, waste no time thinking about the past, don't waste your time worrying, be in the moment and push yourself to the limits. Force yourself to work hard, force yourself to take one more action even if you're so damn tired.
Dec 26, 2021
Are you wondering why are you always attracting the same junks in your life? are you sick and tired of the rut you are in? do you feel you're stuck forever and there's no way you can't get out of it? the solution for your problem is very simple... just push forward and never look back.
If you're attached to your past then you will think the same way, you're on the vibration of losers, you will not be able to create space in your head for better thoughts. Forget the past and live in the moment, just forget it. Even if that thought or memory is addictive... just forget it. Past is nothing, it's not even a part of your life anymore because real life is happening just right now, real life doesn't happen yesterday, detach from the past. All you have is now, all you can control is now, forget the past and focus on what you can do now. Past is a bitch, it's not real, it's only messing up your mentality, totally forget about it because you can never change it anymore, you have to keep moving forward all the time and give everything you've got to become successful. The only thing that matters is now, you have to think differently now, forget yesterday, forget all of your mistakes and just give your very best. Forgive yourself if you did a lot of mistakes in the past, forgive yourself and just do everything you can to make your life better.
If you're doing something to get money then you will get money, if you're always watching TV and news then you will get nothing, you will even attract negative situations because news will instill fear in your head. If you keep thinking about money then you will think of a new idea how to get money but if you keep in thinking about losing money then you will do something to lose your money, it's either you will spend all of it or you will never preserve it, you will automatically lose your money because of multiple careless decisions. That's the power of thoughts and actions, it's attracting the same vibe, it's attracting circumstances related to it. Ever wonder why poor people never get out of the rut they are in... it's not that they don't know how to create money but because all of their decisions are connected to losing money, the love spending, gambling, they don't know how to save and that's why they stay poor forever.
Ever wonder why rich people gets richer? it's not that they are blessed and smart but because they keep on thinking about money and success all the time, it's consuming their heads.
The reason why people can't get what they want after thinking it is because they only think about it for a few seconds. What you want should be running in your head for 24 hours a day, it should be your dominant thought.
Dec 25, 2021
Don't feel so bad if you can't have that girl or that car or that dream right away. Not getting it is not the problem, the problem is that you don't know that it's not about having it, it's about you not knowing that it's just a feeling. You feel you will become happy once you have what you want, you feel you will become happy forever but the reality is you will not. Ever wonder why there are some men who keep telling about the girl of their dreams that they will marry not girl but once they have that girl and have romance for months or years they will leave that girl or file for a divorce. It's simply because emotions change all the time, don't ever think that what you feel now will stay forever, it never will, you will feel differently for the next few days, be mindful that emotions come and go so don't feel bad of yourself if you feel sad or depressed... that feeling will go away anytime soon, all you need to do is survive and you will be alright.
No desires will stay forever, once you get what you want... your emotions will go down. Your hunger for it will go away, that's why people fall out of love... they didn't take care of their emotions anymore, they didn't work for their relationships anymore, if you're no longer working for the emotion that you wanted to stay... it will go away on your system. It's easy to forget an enemy if you will stop thinking about him, same as love... if you don't think about your partner anymore then that love will go. That's why don't ever think that what's not in your life is the only thing that will make you happy because once it's in your life... you will treat it as ordinary because you can hold it everyday, you can use it everyday.
Another good example is a man badly longing for his sexy crush, he wants to undress her, he wants to marry her, he wants to be with her forever. But his crush doesn't like him so he feel so bad and depressed, he can't function normally because his crush is consuming a lot of space in his mind. He feels like he can't forget his crush anymore. But sooner or later that thirst will go away if he focus his attention to something that is not related to his crush. He feels that all he want is that girl but the truth is that thirst will soon go away especially if he stay busy doing some other things.
So if you're also struggling in love, if you can't get the love back from the person that you want... don't worry about it. You don't need that person, it's not about that person... it's about how you feel.
If you want something bad enough, let's say a shoe or a shirt or something but you can't have it because you don't have money... don't worry because you will forget it anytime soon. You think you need it because you want it but the truth is what you have for now is enough, you don't need anything anymore. Everything else is just a bonus if you can have it, who you are and what you have is enough, you don't need to long for something and cry about it if you can't have it. If you want something bad enough and there is really chance that you can have it then just let it go, don't long for it, don't dream about it everyday because it's just a waste of time and energy... let it go ad focus on what you can really have. Focus on the reality because sometimes you're dreaming about marrying a celebrity or having a yacht, these things are possible but you have to give your whole life to get it. What if you're not willing to die for your dreams? what if you're just weak like everyone else? the solution for that is stop dreaming and face the reality, focus on what you can achieve today, focus on where you are and simply enjoy the process of evolving little by little. Because the truth is you can never have these luxuries the moment you want it, you have to wait for a very long time, are you willing to do that?
So don't get jealous with other people who has everything. Don't compare yourself to them because they already don't appreciate what they have, they're not happy with what they have and they want to have more, they want to have some new things and accomplishments. People are like that, they never get satisfied. You can be happier than a millionaire if you can appreciate what you have honestly.
Whatever you're thinking of is controlling how you feel, it's your mind that is creating your feelings. Fear and happiness was created through thoughts. If you want to be scared then worry all the time, think about the scary things, people and situation, think about your life falling apart. Bu if you want to feel happy and courageous then focus your thoughts on the things and images that motivates you. Focus on seeing a beautiful life. Focus on what makes you happy, never think about negative things for a second. Stop worrying, stop predicting an ugly future and start controlling your thoughts now. It's all about the focus, what you're focusing on will create your reality. It may sound absurd but try testing it... think money everyday and you will attract it, think about negativity everyday and you will attract it.
So if you're not happy right now it means your thoughts were all negative, you need to watch your mind, you need to think differently. Stop being on a negative cycle, stop being fearful and worried all the time, stop being depressed and overly dramatic... control your thoughts and you will be able to control your life.
A different result can only be achieved if you will change your habits and way of thinking. Study your cycle, what are you doing everyday? how do you react to every situation? how do you think? are you always remembering the past? are you always focusing on the mistakes you did? do you focus on your regrets? do you always wish that things would be better? be brutally honest with yourself because if you keep doing the same useless actions then you will never get anywhere.
Don't get trapped in a cycle that leads to doom and failure. You have to get out of that cycle right away. The key here is to stop thinking about the past and the future. Focus on the now, focus on what you can do now that will give you a little progress and improvement. Start now, don't wait, just start and be patient all the time. Take it slowly but surely, you don't need to rush here, you don't need to have a very fast pace right away, you can take it slowly but always make sure you are consistent and committed.
You need to stop something that is stopping you. Something in your life is making you slow and unproductive, there is a bad habit that is eating a lot of precious time and not giving you something in return. Watch yourself for one day and see all of your actions and thoughts, what do you think are the actions that's stopping you from making a progress? what are the thoughts that are stressing you out and holding you back. something must stop and you need to stop it now before it's too late. Something is not right here and you need to make an adjustment, no matter how hard it is to stop it... stop it. Be mindful of your actions, you need to stay conscious all the time and never let your subconscious mind take over. You must guard your actions every second so that you can change. Never let your past define you, never let your old self be your life forever. You can make something great by eliminating your old cycle and replacing it with a new one.
What you're doing and thinking everyday is who you are, it defines the outcome of your life. So if you have negative thinking and habits then you are negative, a lot of bad situations will attract to your life. If you're thinking positive and doing good actions then that will be your life too. It's not that complicated to change your life, all you've got to do is stop being an immature individual and focus on doing your best. Mind your own business, mind your own life and take it one second at a time, don't fast forward the change, embrace it and stay committed. Because if you keep on doing the same thing over and over again then you will get the same result. You need to make adjustments little by little, you need to read what's going on with your life and study why are you stuck. Accept that you're the one who's responsible for your life and nobody else. You created your life through your habits, don't ever think that someone is responsible for your outcome, you created it with your decisions from the past.
No matter how old you are, no matter what you have or what you're going through... you can still change, you can still see a new opportunity, you can still succeed and do it your way, avoid being controlled by your old habits, force yourself to think different and be more productive. Take matters into your own hands, take the steering wheel and drive it. Be the captain of your own ship and never let anything control you or dictate your destiny. Never listen to what companies or people say that old people will never change anymore, you always have the power to change, it all depends in your willpower and commitment. If you're committed to improvement then you will have it, you will make it happen. Always make sure you're on a sense of urgency and just do whatever it takes to make yourself a little bit better than yesterday. This is a journey not a destination, you have to enjoy the process nd believe that better things are coming your way. Change is simply doing what you haven't done before, change is simply doing something for difficult. You can never grow if you will bot face stress and challenges, you have to take charge now and face all the obstacles, you can never hide forever, time will come and you will pay the price if you don't change now.
Work harder than yesterday, be faster, be bolder, be intentional. The reason why you can't get out of the rut you are in is you become satisfied with the little actions and little success that you are getting. You are satisfied of surviving, you're not pushing yourself a little bit. You have to be intentional and serious with changing, you have to go all in and give everything you've got. Chase your goals like a wild beast, exert an effort that is very hard to match, do something that not all people can do, be spectacular and extraordinary through hard work alone.
Where you place your attention to will multiply, it will amplify, it will consume you and become your reality. So if you're thinking about the past all the time then it will stop you from moving forward. If you're focused on the negative news then it will become your life, you will see similar things and situations that are negative too. See money and you will have more if it, see disease and you will attract it. Be careful of where you place your attention to because it will come to your life slowly. Focus is a very powerful force, you can attract anything you want or hate through focus alone.
You're excited with your new goal, you're pumped up, you're telling everyone how great it is going to be, you start with passion and desire but after a few days without getting any result... you quit and make excuses, you blame the recession, you blame other people, you blame the problem that it's giving you. A hard situation changed your mind, you're not pumped up anymore because you can't see results, you decided to quit without trying harder the next time. Did you give everything already? did you really try hard and use all of your knowledge, resources and energy? did you commit to the process and execute the plan? is your timeline enough to call it quits? Never let a small or big problem discourage you, when the going gets tough... keep going and never stop, fight fire with fire, fight pressure with calmness, fight laziness with hard work. Just try for one more time before you quit, give everything you've got and always believe that you will win no matter what.
Keep pushing, keep finding a way how to move and that's it. It's not that hard, you're just making it hard because you're always seeking for comfort. But if you will accept that everything is not easy in life then your life will become easy. Accept that you need to work for something you want, accept that it's a never ending process. You have to constantly remind yourself that life is not easy and don't ever think that there is a magic pill to solve your problem. You're the only one who can solve your problem, you're the only one who can find a way. Once you start something.. never stop until it's done. Stop pausing a lot, stop being a pussy, you're better than that. All you need to do is take actions and that's it, there's nothing hard about it. All you need to do is move forward and you will be fine. Never waste time making dramas and complaining that life is unfair. Of course life is unfair, who the hell told you that it's a walk in the park? life will kick you in your ass if you allow it. So stop acting like a weak clown, stop playing around all the time and do whatever it takes to succeed.
There is no magic game plan here, there is no secret formula... just perseverance and patience. Start right away when you can and never wait for something before you wake up, you have to stay alert all the time, you have to be on a sense of urgency all the time. It's easy to win if you will persevere, its easy to get back on track if you will just stop being lazy. Be he hardest working person in the world and let's see if you still fail.
Never change you goal because the situation was so overwhelming, never change the process because a lot of people are saying that your chosen path was too impossible. You have to believe in yourself and never let your mind be poisoned by anything that is not helping you to become more confident. Confidence is the key, you will become more confident if you stay focused and keep moving forward all the time.
You're having a hard time with your life because you care too much about what's going on instead of focusing on the process. Never care about what's going on with the world and just focus on yourself. Never care if your neighbor's dog died of Covid, never care if your ex crush got impregnated by a tomboy, never care your idol was jailed because of battery. You have to protect your mind from different information and images that are not helping you to grow. Some information and news were interesting but lacks the real content to improve your life. The hard truth about success is you need to stay away from entertainment, stay away from fun because they're destroying your discipline, they're trying to make you lazy and weak all the time because they eat a lot of your time, they're making you entertained but they're also making your life miserable, they're setting you up for a failure in other words those are traps.
Be aware if a random information on the internet or on the television is trying to occupy your mind because it will mess up your mentality, it will stop you from taking actions, you will be thinking about it all day long especially if it's getting into your emotions. So stop getting interested with attractive information that talks about celebrities, gossips, latest trends etc. You have to stay on your line and bulletproof your mind from any negativity and distraction.
Any difficulty, any hard times, any challenges or problems will only make you harder and stronger. It's objective is to make you stronger not weaker. It's goal is to test you and build your character. So when a situation is hard... embrace it, never try to hope that it will change, embrace it and do something to solve it or just move forward and focus on bigger things.
The reality is... it's really not that hard, it's your perception that's making it hard. It's not hard if you will embrace it and feel it, it's not hard if you will accept it and carry on with your life. Remember that time is fast, if you will focus on taking one step at a time then you will never even notice that you already solved your problem.
Be happy if something is hard, be happy if there is a challenge trying to make you quit because these are blessing, these are the things that will make you tougher and stronger. You have to pus yourself to go all in whenever you're having a hard time, you have to stay committed to the process and never give up. It's only just a matter of time before you win in life.
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