Sep 1, 2024


The only way to remove fear is to take risk and give your very best no matter what. If you're scared and anxious it means you need to take actions or else that fear will swallow you alive like a whale eating a poor small fish. Don't look for comfort and security every time you are scared or anxious, face what needs to be faced, don't hide, don't make excuses and just face it no matter what you feel. Stop resisting and embrace your emotions and just do what you need to do anyway. Do what you need to do even if you feel so heavy and stressed because you will be stressed more if you will hide and avoid your responsibilities. Challenges are there to make you stronger, your responsibilities needs to be confronted, adversities should be conquered. There is no backing down anymore, your fear will scare you more if you're always hiding and acting like a weak chicken. At the end of the day nothing can kill you, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, every adversity is a blessing, every task is an opportunity to grow so feel happy whenever there is a pending job or challenge, face it with all your heart and never think that it is there to punish you because it is there to make you a better person, it will make you mentally stronger, it will teach you something, it is a better experience. Any emotion will go, it's just a feeling, never let your emotions control you, you must control it, your state of mind can change anytime, it's just a matter of controlling your thoughts. Stop being a diva and just do it, show up, do what you said you're going to do. Stop making excuses, stop looking for an easy way out and just face it. It is what it is, if it is hard do it hard, if it is easy do it easy, any hard will get easier once you start it, face it like a real man, face it even if you feel weak, face it even if you think you can't make it. At the end of the day it is not about winning or losing... it's about facing your fears and seeing what is possible for your life. It's all in the mind, condition your mind to do it anyway and live with the results. If it goes bad so be it, look for another step, move on and continue your journey. Life is a journey, this is not a destination, you can never lose here, for as long as you keep moving forward and you are willing to accept everything... you're in a good place my friend. So just keep going and never stop, accept the challenge, believe in yourself and believe that you can finish anything you start, force yourself to take the first step now and never stop until you're done. Your fear will go away once you start, it will be erase in your system once you fake courage and confront your emotions. 

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