Sep 30, 2024


Whatever you need to do that is not fun at all, do it even if it is boring, do it even if you feel heavy and unexcited about it. Feelings doesn't matter at all, if you will always prioritize how you feel then you will never grow. That's the difference between a great a mediocre... a great will never care if he feel good or bad, he will just do it no matter what. He will do it even if he is late, he will fight an opponent even if he is badly underdog, he will show up even if nobody wants him there granted that he needs something there, he will push forward even if he was already embarrassed, he will try to feel calm even if there is so much pressure, he will take the first step even if he doesn't know what to do, he will still take risk even if the chances of not making it is 100%. Emotions is for babies, if you're a grown man or a woman then you will never care about your emotions anymore, you will just do whatever it takes to get the job done, as simple as that. If you really wanted to win or make a progress then you will never care abt your feelings at all, you will ignore it because it is not helping you, it is only making you slow and unproductive. If you want to become great then you need to push forward no matter what, fight even if you are scared, compete even if you are small and show up if you don't know what's going to happen next. Move forward even if you don't want to do something even if it's not making any impact at all. At the end of the day you really have nothing to lose here, you can win if you try and when you fail... you can try again next time. It's just a matter of developing a thick skin and doing whatever it takes to win no matter what. If you want to have a better life stop thinking about what people say and do everything you can to make a small progress. Put yourself on a better position to succeed. being slow, scared, undecisive and lazy will never get you anywhere, you will only go further if you keep pushing yourself and being patient with the process. So go all out and never stop, give everything you've got with all your energy and tenacity. The time to become the best is now, stop being a chicken, stop being a pussy because you are not giving yourself an advantage by doing that. Rejection, defeats, humiliation, repetition... these are nothing, you need to feel nothing about the outcome and just focus on the process, focus on the next step and never care if it is hard or easy. You are in control here, you have the power to improve if you will just do something and stop caring about your feelings because it is making you weaker even more. So what if you are in pain? so what if you don't have sleep? so what if you are scared? you can still move despite of these negative feelings, you can still take a shot, you can still force something and make an impact. Just pretend that you have energy, pretend that you are brave and your body will follow, the universe will follow you. Push yourself to take the first step and never stop, keep going further until you are done. 

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Your chances to win are always going up every time you try and made an error, it's ok if you fail, it's ok if you made a mistake... ...