Sep 3, 2024


Going hard is really hard, it is brutal, it is very tiring and taxing but what else can you do? if you will not live that way then you will become broke forever. People are not working hard because they want comfort all the time. They want the easy way out which is a weak mentality. If you're not pushing yourself then stop expecting that your life will get better, it will not, if you're not doing whatever it takes to win then you will lose, as simple as that. If one person can become great then you can become great too, the only difference between a successful person and a failure is work ethic. Success people work like hell, their focus is something special, it's not that they were born with it but they created that kind of mentality through hours and hours of practice. All you need to do is be disciplined and that's it, there's no special recipe here. Become a doer, that's it. That's all you need to do, just keep doing it no matter what, get addicted to taking actions. You must be a worker and not a consumer, you must be a mover and not a waiter. Waiting for something, hoping for a change is a weak man's habit. You can change your life if you will just work insanely hard and believe in yourself like a real believer that doesn't see any obstacles along the way. Train yourself to believe, have faith in yourself, train your mind to see what is possible, see yourself winning, be the best that you can be and never give up when things ae really hard. If you feel on failing again and gain, if you always come up short it means your effort is not enough, it means you need to go further and push yourself to the limits, break your boundaries, break your old pattern and do something spectacular. It all starts with your effort, if you can just train yourself to go as far as you can, if you can train yourself to move even if it's too uncomfortable then you will become a beast, you will become something special. Go hard or become broke forever, there is no in between, you have to choose what lifestyle are you going to live, are you a doer or a loser?

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You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is ...