Sep 26, 2024


Do it if you don't want to do it, shock yourself, do it now and never stop until it's done. You need to feel uncomfortable if you want to grow, you need to become fast and never wait for the right time before you start because it will never come. It's always going to be hard, that is life, there's no way you can afford to be lazy or else your life will become more miserable. Start now and finish it, keep going no matter what. Never focus on any distraction, never focus on what is stopping you. Just keep going further and never give up, it is what it is, if it is hard do it, if it is easy do it. You have to become relentless and a machine if you want to win in life. If you're so soft, lazy and slow then don't expect to win because you are destined for failure. Stop daydreaming, stop overthinking, stop planning and just do what you can do now even if you feel heavy, unsure and lazy. Your feelings doesn't matter anymore, your emotions will never help you so stop being emotional, winners never let their emotions stop them, you have to keep going even if it is hard and rough. Start now and never stop, shock yourself with hard work and dedication, you are changing now if you don't give up. What's the point of being slow if you can go 100 miles per hour? what's the pint of being weak if you can become strong like samson. The point here is to live your life to the fullest and never let your weakness take over, you are only wasting your life every time you waste your precious time for an activity that will not even give you anything. You only have one life so why waste it for nothing? Stop wasting you energy for nonsense things that will make your life worse, if you want to become progressive then practice delayed gratification all the time. Stop partying, drinking, consuming and procrastinating. Live like a ninja, live like a disciplined monk and you will have an extraordinary life. Shock yourself with greatness, do it now, start now even if it's too hard, you have to see greatness by doing the impossible, you have to do what you haven't done before or else you will keep getting the same weak results over and over again. This is not hard, it's not like fighting a world war 2, it's very simple... just focus and work as hard as you can and never complain about it. If you want to become a winner then you have to do it your way, do it even if you don't like doing it, do it even if you're not sure if you're going to win, do it even if defeat is so evident and there is no chance of winning. Perseverance thrives in the end, nothing is impossible to a man who has a burning desire to succeed. 

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