Sep 10, 2024


You only love it when it's easy, you only love the journey when you are winning, you only love your partner when she's attractive and easy to deal with, you only love your life when there is no problem, you only love your situation when you're not having a hard time, you only love the process when you're progressing... that is fake love, that is a weak mindset. You should love everything about your life may it be hell or heaven because everything about your life is still a part of your life, don't try to look for an easier journey because you will never get stronger by doing that. Hard times will make you stronger, look at those people who never grow, they don't want to experience the hardship of the process that's why they're stuck in the illusion that they're going to win without having to sacrifice anything. 


Something will always show up that will give you a little hope or motivation, some small progress will happen, something will strengthen your belief. That's why stop giving up, stop thinking about it because a development is going on you, you just can't see it because you're expectations were too high, sometimes you need to just appreciate that you were able to take actions and do something for your goal. Every time it is really hard something will energize you and power your faith. If it's hard then it means you're getting closer and closer to it. You can give up now but don't ever complain, don't ever think that you deserve something, don't ever make excuses, accept that you wasted your life and time for stupid things that made your life worse. Giving up is the language of losers, it is the number one habit of mediocre people who thinks they have talent but didn't even push themselves to the limits. Giving up means wasting your chance, it means being a coward in times of pressure, it means accepting that you're a loser. 


trying is a connection, it's a chance, it's an impact. Every time you try again you are getting closer and closer to success. Fortify your mind and never let any negativity or hopelessness poison it. Just try again, nobody will stop you if you want to try again, never waste this day, today is an opportunity to get better and rearrange things that are not serving you well. Today is the day you can made a choice whether you're going to stay as a bum or as a progressing person. Stop looking for shortcuts because it is never real, you will only fail if you want an easy pass, you will never grow if things will be given to you in a very short period of time, there is a curation period for growth, you can never get to the next level if you haven't experience a difficult problem first.

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You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is ...