Sep 13, 2024

when you're no longer interested with their lives

The only way to change your life it to stop getting interested with their lives. You are so interested with other people's lives and it's taking away a lot of your time and energy that there is nothing more left for yourself. You are interested with your neighbor's actions, idol's scandal, news, gossips, latest boyfriend of an influencer, latest gadget, problem of a president, bad habits of a known celebrity etc. You're too interested and engaged with other people's lives that's why you have no more time for yourself. You're too concerned with what other people think that's why you're always confused, lost and cannot express yourself. You are too worried about how people think of you, it also means you are giving them power and you're also interested with their lives. But if you will no longer be afraid of what people think then you're no longer interested with their lives. You have to be selfish if you want to become successful, never let other people ruin your day or affect your mentality. Stop being too emotional about their emotions, what they feel and think is none of your business. What they are doing, getting, losing, achieving, hurting, thinking, speaking will never help you to get better, it will only eat a lot of your time that you could have use to make yourself better. Be selfish with your time and you will be able to control your life even more. The reason why you have no control of your life is because you have no control of yourself, what triggers you controls you, you easily got triggered with news, trends and what other people are liking. You are also doing what they do and that is making you a loser. If you want to become different... do what other people are not doing, if you don't want to get the same results as them then live differently and never let their decisions or actions affect you. You are weak if you are letting other people dictate your behavior, just feel free, just for once... avoid following them, avoid getting too interested and invested with what they do. 


try being great for just one day. Detach from cellphones, social media, trends, what people say and be your own boss. Never let anything affect your mentality, do this for one day and see the results that you will be able to make with your life. You are letting something affect your mentality that is why you can't become great. Just try not caring for one day and see where it takes you. Never care about what's happening with the world and only care about what's happening inside of you. Just for one day... be the best that you can be and work as hard as you can. The reason why you can't win in life is you got easily affected by a lot of things, try not giving your energy away for free and see what will happen. When you're no longer interested with their lives then you will have freedom, you will become who you really are and you will reach your full potential. The reason why you can't win and feel loose and creative is because you're always affected by other people's lives. 

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