Sep 22, 2024


You will never become fearless, don't wish for it because it will never become true, the only thing you can do is to overwrite that emotion with action. Once you're moving your fears will go away, once you're in the moment you will feel much better, that is why you need to move now, take actions now and never go back to your old weak state again. Advance to taking actions, never hesitate nor procrastinate, if there is something you need to do... d o it and you will feel much better and stronger, you will feel much confident and powerful. That is where your source of power is... taking actions and being decisive. At the end of the day the reality is resting too much will never make you feel better, the only thing that will make you feel good is by taking actions, making a decision and not holding yourself back. You know what to do, stop pretending that there is an obstacle that is stopping you from taking an action, stop making excuses and start building a momentum that will lead you to bigger things in life. If you are scared all the time you're not going to make it. Fear can be overwrite by any kind of positive action so start now and never stop, start fast and go hard till the end. Fear is just an emotion, it will come and go but it will stay long in your system every time you procrastinate and choose laziness, never choose to become lazy, only weak people do that. If you want to feel powerful then force yourself to start. It doesn't matter if it's going to rain, go outside and do the work, stop being afraid of getting wet because you will feel worse if you don't take actions. Stop being afraid of failure and mistake, just do it, just start and never hold yourself back. Failure is a blessing in disguise it is teaching you what to do next, it is teaching you to get better and better everyday. So face your fears, fail as much as you can and never get tired of trying again and again. You can use fear as a guide, every time you're scared to do a small task... do it and you will be rewarded, you will feel so good, you will create a momentum that you can use in the future. Fear is nothing but a lie, it is not true, it is not true that it is dangerous, nothing is risky for as long as you're not doing a crime or not hurting anybody. Everything is good, every experience is teaching you something. You have to let go of fears and never let anything stop you, you have to force yourself to just do it no matter how you feel. Fear can be extinguish now, just take one positive action and carry one, that's all you need to do. 

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