Sep 11, 2024


You're already a winner by living life itself, you've already been rewarded for being alive. There is nothing to lose here, everything else was just a bonus, life is hard sometimes but you make it harder by thinking the wrong way and sabotaging yourself, life is easy if you will think that it is easy, if you will just move and do the right thing. It doesn't matter if you have nothing, what matters is you give your very best every single day and you don't complain about your life. Life is sweet if you will just train yourself to become more appreciative and simply focus on the things that you really want, stop focusing on the negatives, stop focusing on what you don't want and simply learn how to see things differently, think the right way and always believe that best things in life is waiting for you. So stop being jealous, envy, bitter, depressed and feeling like a victim. You're already a winner, you just need to add more, squeeze the juice of life, you can't taste it because you're not squeezing hard enough, there's a lot of work need to do but it can be fun if you will learn how to have fun, life can really be exciting if you will focus on the experience and not on the results. Focus on the journey and forget the destination, there is no life in the end, the only life is in the now, so be present and stop being anxious about the future, you don't know what will exactly happen so what's the point on predicting it? Life is random, it is full of surprises, don't be afraid of what might happen next, just embrace it and learn to see the positive side of it. Always remember that you're already winning here, life is simply about being alive. It has nothing to do with being rich, successful, happy or famous. It is simply about living and breathing, everything else is just a bonus. I am not saying that don't try to chase your dreams, you can do whatever you want to do but don't ever feel sad when you fail because failures is still part of your life, you will never learn if you don't fail. Just learn from it and move on. Pain and failure is the best teacher, it is the best alarm clock because it will wake you up if you're not doing the right thing. So keep trying, keep failing and also welcome the idea of winning, dream about success but don't make it a big deal, never think that it is the only way to happiness. And speaking of happiness, you don't need to become happy everyday, you just need to live your life and squeeze everything you can squeeze from it. Experience a lot of things, make sure you live your life to the fullest, make sure you take a lot of risk and you allow yourself to fail and succeed. 

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You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is ...