Sep 16, 2024


Challenges are there to make you great, it is teaching you something, it is giving you something, it is affecting your mentality in a good way. If you face all the challenges in your life and embrace it as a part of your life, if you welcome it then you will become a stronger person. Welcome every pain and smile, welcome every misery and challenges knowing that you have the tenacity and strength to make it through, actually you don't even need to think about it, you don't even need to worry about it, you can survive anything you can thrive in the end if you are thinking the right way and doing the right things. This is just a basic thing, do something and believe in yourself. Believing in yourself doesn't mean being fearless and always feeling good, believing in yourself means you are ok not being ok, you are comfortable being in a difficult situation and you're not worried about anything else. You just stick with it, hang in there and never give up. Nothing can faze you if you have strong mindset. Mind over matter, what you believe and think will happen, so focus on the best thoughts that you can think of and believe it no matter what you feel and no matter what the reality is. 

IF you want to achieve greatness you have to do what is hard

It's really that simple, you will never achieve greatness, you will never experience it if all you do is stay comfortable and wait for things to happen. Nothing will change if you're not willing to face the pain, you will remain mediocre if you're not willing to work and change yourself. You have to change your mind, attitude, character, personality and habits. Change the way you talk, think and do. A strong mind was built through process and difficult situation, think the right way, enjoy the problems, enjoy the pain, a strong mind will  form if you just don't quit and feel every emotion in your body. So what if you are struggling, so what if you're not happy? is it a big deal? so what if you are losing? so what if you can't find a way? life doesn't end there, there are more things in life. 


Push forward no matter what, don't give a damn about your fears, your fear is a liar, it is keeping you stuck, it is stopping you from taking risks. Risk is where the fun starts. Fear will come and go, understand this and you will have power. Fear is just an emotion that you must feel, once you feel your fears... everything will get easier, don't be afraid of any challenge, actually it is impossible not to be afraid, the right phrase is be afraid of challenges and do it anyway. Take risks and allow yourself to shine no matter what. Any emotion is just temporary, what you will feel soon be over if you just stick with the situation and relax. Don't look for easy way out, don't try to numb it, just feel it and soon it will be replaced with courage and confidence. 

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