Sep 2, 2024


Greatness, improvement, self development, making a progress is achieve only by being mindful of what you're doing. You should have an insane focus on what you're trying to achieve. You should look at yourself all the time and watch your thoughts and actions or else you're not going to make it in life, you're not going to see your full potential. What are you doing right now? what are you thinking? what are you trying to create? be mindful because every second counts, every second is a must, every second is an opportunity to get better. If you will not force yourself to improve, if you're not intentional, if all you do is practice instant gratification then you will have a miserable life, you will never see greatness, you will always be in a cycle of what ifs, you will always wonder what you could have done if you only focus and discipline yourself. It is really that simple, focus and discipline is what you need to develop and that's it. Have a sense of urgency, set deadlines for yourself and never extend it. Once you set a deadline... do it and never ask for extension, never make excuses. Stop thinking that you can do this to yourself forever, stop thinking that you will be bailed every time you were in trouble. How will you grow by watching TV, watching porn, eating a lot of junkfood, gossiping all the time, playing a lot of video games, how will you grow by doing that? what will you get by being lazy and procrastinating all the time? You should be matured enough to know the difference between what is right or wrong. If there is something wrong in your life it means you're not taking your life seriously, you can fix it now, you can get better now but you choose not to. It's simply about thinking the right way and doing what is important. If you're not intentional then you will always do things that is not worth it. You must be serious with your dreams, you must breathe it, you must be hungry in taking actions or else you will never get anything going. You will never improve, you will never see what is possible for you. You can become unlimited if you want to, it's just a matter of commitment and endurance. Endure the pain, endure the hustle, endure the difficulties of life and never give up, as simple as that. You can win if you will have the attitude of a winner, you can become something if you will push yourself to the limits and never complain just for once. Stop making excuses, stop looking for something to blame and take matters into your own hands. Ask yourself if you're about to do something... "what will I get by doing that? is it going to make me grow? is it going to make my life better?" answer yourself honestly and decide now what is right. 

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You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is ...