Sep 4, 2024


If you keep thinking about negative things then it will lead to another thought, it will become your cycle, it will become the pattern in your brain and it won't stop unless you decided to stop it. The only way to stop it is to be mindful, be aware if you're thinking negatively again and replace it with positive thoughts, as simple as that. That's why people who are addicted to porn can't stop, it's not that their body needs it, their mind can't stop thinking about it that's why even if they don't want to watch anymore they can't help it. People can't change because they're not aware of their thoughts. Thoughts will lead to actions, and if your thoughts is all about comfort, having fun and instant gratification then it will be harder for you to succeed, your willpower will fade, you will don't have any mental stamina to keep going because you're not exercising your mindfulness and discipline. You need to guard your thoughts all the time because one thought will give birth to a same thought. If you're thinking about revenge all the time then it will become your reality, you will attract negative situations because your heart is full of hate, your mind is full of negative that's why you get angry easily. Once you catch a thought that s making you feel bad... forget it, ignore it and think about newer thoughts that are positive and more motivating. The trick here is to stop giving value to any negative thought, stop giving value to any person you hate or any past that made you traumatic. Detachment is the key, you only give power to someone or something if you want to hurt it or prove yourself. Proving yourself to someone means he is more powerful than you, that is why we want to prove ourselves to our parents because they're more powerful than us. If you keep thinking negatively about someone and you want to prove your point... you are only losing your power, you will keep thinking about that person and that will eat a lot of your time. You don't need to prove yourself to someone who is weaker than you, stop trying to prove your point. Be conscious about your thinkin, you will use a lot of energy with this one but it will benefit you in the end. If you can control your thoughts, if you can detach from something that is making you a negative person then you're already in the pedestal. You will have more control of your life if you will just train yourself how to think and use your mind the right way. Be aware of your thoughts all the time, know what you are thinking, know what you are focusing on and make adjustments if you need to. You need to know what you really want, remember that thoughts will lead to actions related to it and if you don't like what you're doing right now... change your subject, think of another thing that will give you a much better life. 

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