Sep 7, 2024


The real lesson in life is not about winning, it's not about losing, it's not about getting something, it's not being right or trying to prove yourself, the real lesson that will give you an easier life is letting go. Let go of something that doesn't serve you, let go of something that doesn't give you anything but pain and depression. At the end of the day you're the only one who is hurting yourself not others, you're the only one who's feeling that emotion because of your judgement about something, you feel like a victim all the time, you feel being treated unfairly all the time, you think you deserve better but you are getting the worse, that kind of mindset is what you need to let go. Remember that there is something you can control in your life and that is your thought, if you can think the right way, if you can make your mentality great, if you can discipline your thoughts to your advantage then you will have a better life. Let go of the thoughts, feelings, situations, people, problems that doesn't deserve your energy. why will you give time for something that doesn't serve you at all? why will you ask for someone's respect if he is not treating you right? you don't need them, you are valuable more than you think of yourself. At the end of the day you will serve something, why not serve yourself? why not give everything for yourself? why not let go of the things that are not serving you? if you think you can become happy if you have this or have that then you are weak, you don't need anything, you don't need people to agree with you, if you are forcing somebody to like you or believe you then you are serving that person, you are not serving yourself. If you are trying to impress somebody then you are not serving yourself, you are serving that person. The question is is looking for validation or trying to impress people serving you? is it giving you a leverage? is it making your mentality stronger? of course not. You need to prioritize yourself first before others, why will you serve someone who doesn't even care about you? you need to become a little bit selfish here, let go of something or someone that is only making you feel worse. Let go of a desire that you can't get, let go of anything that you have no control over with and you will feel really good. The real lesson is letting go, if you lose, if someone hurt you, if you failed, if you got embarrassed, the real lesson is to let go of that thing, let go of it and you will feel more powerful and in control of your life. Someone or something is teaching you something when you got hurt and that is to learn how to let go. 

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You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is ...