Sep 17, 2024


You're always wishing for something, you're always complaining and making excuses, you're always wishing for a comfortable life and this is making you a bum. This is making you lazy even more, you are soft now, you are useless and weak now, you are so slow and can never run your own life or make your own decision. You're a wish washy guy, you're always wishing for success, fame, money but you're not willing to work hard for it. Stop wishing for something you don't deserve, if you want to become great then do great things. Exert a very strong effort, do something that not all people can do. You think you are entitled of winning, you think you deserve something you didn't work for, shut your mouth, stop dreaming and do the work. If you don't want to work real hard then you don't deserve to be anywhere near greatness. You  deserve to be at the bottom with rats and cockroaches. It is hard work that will save your sorry ass, it is pushing yourself to the limits that will make you go further. You don't need to become great right away, you just need to decide where you want to go and go there with all your might. Stop complaining, stop acting like a victim and just start, keep going further as much as you can. There are no limits here, you can become unlimited, you can become relentless if you want to, it all depends on how bad do you want it. 


Start a campaign, start a project, start a small business or even just a small goal. Starting something and becoming a doer is 1 million times better than a wishy washy guy, at least you have a direction and you're taking matters into your own hands not just hoping and wishing for a change that you didn't make an effort for. It is your effort that matters, it's not the results, it's not winning or losing... it is your effort. Your effort alone can attract magical things into your life. Your effort alone can make you a beast, it will make an impact, it will make a loud sound that will shake the world. Start something, never doubt yourself, hard work alone can attract opportunities. Stop wasting time doing something that is not worth it, you have to go, step on the gas and never step on the brakes. You have to beat the red light, be fast as you can be and never go back. Stop thinking about the past, forget what is making you feel bad and start taking actions now. Go for the kill, go for what you want, never stop believing in yourself, never stop doing the best you can do. Put your heart into it, believe it with all your heart and never stop until you finally win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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