Jan 12, 2018


Too much analyzing will make you freeze, it will make you overthink, it will build worries and fears. Stop analyzing too much, always remember that taking actions is better than just simply thinking and letting the time pass by. You will never achieve anything if you're always analyzing something. Sometimes you already knew then answer, you already knew what to do but you're not doing anything, you're playing stupid, you're acting like you still need to make a meticulous plan and wait for a much longer time.

Speaking of waiting... this shit will never give you anything, the world will leave you behind, the world will still move, everyone will still grow and do their thing. Playing the waiting game will make you rusty and slow.

Move as fast as you can and never have any regrets. If you did it you did it, so be it, make a stand for it. It's so much fun to take actions, it will give you a lot of opportunities and openings, it will give you a clue on what to do next.

A lot of people were too good in making plans, they were too good in making proposals etc. but when execution time is there... they can't even get started. Stop analyzing too much, thinking a lot is just a waste of time, once you started it... just adapt and make adjustments later.

Your life is meant for movement and not for freezing yourself and not taking actions. Moving is what life is all about, move, be dynamic and forget about making mistakes. Forget about failing, that is what it's all about. What makes you paralyze is you make excuses, you're pretending that you're thinking right, you're pretending that you need a well detailed plan, you have plan A to plan Z. Trash those plans and just do something. Do it now before it's over, do it now while you still have some time.

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