Jan 12, 2018


 Push it, pull it, tweak it, manipulate it, trash it, drink it, buy it, sell it, burn it, forget it, do it. Decide now if you will do it or not, your life will always be in a confusion stage if you will not decide now. Decide if you're going to do it or not, if yes then do it, if not then just sleep and accept the consequences of your laziness.

If you can decide so fast and do what you are suppose to do then you will accomplish a lot of things. You will become successful, you will go further.

A lot of people were drowned in being indecisive, they're so scared to make mistakes, they were so scared to take the first step. It's all about starting, move fast and stop thinking, stop holding yourself back. You should have no conscience in moving. It's better to put a mediocre effort than zero effort at all, at least being a mediocre produces a mediocre results. A lot of people were talking about greatness, they were talking about how they want to become big but the can't even exert a mediocre effort, all they do is talk and dream. They can't take actions.

What are you waiting for? move now, forget about getting tired, forget about being in a difficult situation.

Training yourself to decide fast and move fast is a great move. It will change your life, you will be surprised at how big you will become. What's the matter if you made stupid mistakes? you can always change it, you can always make adjustments, you can always make a comeback.

Once you find yourself procrastinating... slap your face and move, hurt yourself if you need to.

The time for being soft is over, the time for taking your life for granted is over. It's time to do something epic and historical in your life. It's time to take life seriously and do whatever it takes to win in life. You can't keep living that way, it's so disappointing to see your life losing, it's so sickening to see your chances drifting away from you.

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