Jan 26, 2018


No matter how hard it is... don't ever quit, just keep moving forward because it will become easier somehow. Just wait for the time, the tension will go down, the pressure will become lesser, the difficulty will become lesser. You will be able to breathe in just a matter of time, just wait for it, it will become easier if you will never quit. Not all the time it is hard, not all the time you are suffering, there will be times when you will have an easy time. Just keep trusting yourself, just keep doing the process, it will work for sure. It's hard no because you're running out of patience, you want to become successful fast, you want to heal fast, you want to finish all of your problems. Let me remind you again... the more you rush it, the more it will not happen. So just relax and enjoy doing the process. Be happy if it is hard because it means bigger things are waiting for you, it means you will achieve greatness one day. Hard is only a state of mind, if you want everything to be easy then for sure you will get mediocre results. Easy process equals weak results. The hard process will give you bigger rewards. Be happy if it is hard because greatness will follow.

Keep pushing, keep moving forward... its' going to get easier somehow. Because if you really want it then you will endure the pain, you will sacrifice a little bit more and work a little bit more. If the process is not working then make it work, as simple as that. There is no excuse for not making it work... it's really hard, why are you complaining? dreaming about big things is really hard and you have to work like an animal, never rely on luck because that kind of mindset will never take you anywhere. Just have fun if it is hard, learn how to enjoy it, fake your happiness while doing it, just treat it like a game but still take it seriously, it will get easier and easier as you keep on moving. Don't worry about the other obstacles that will come on your way, of course they will come.

Just be patient and never get tired of believing, it's hard now, you wanted to quit but it's going to get harder if you quit. Face it and keep moving forward, inch by inch, brick by brick... do it. Storm will come into your life but all you have to do is weather the storm and that's it. Just like pursuing an impossible goal... it's hard in the beginning but it gets easier and easier because you are pushing through everyday, you are doing to be at least one step closer to your goal. You keep on leveling up, you keep on getting better and that's it... you made it. And once you have that momentum... everything will be an easy, everything will become like a breeze.

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