Jan 24, 2018


Almost there is not really there, stop telling the world that you almost made it if you really didn't make it. There is no such thing as 30 kilometers away from your dream and you didn't push but you're contended about it. Stop fooling yourself that you are 90 percent successful, there is no such thing as "you almost made it" there is no such thing as "if only this happened then probably I am successful by now". Stop making a make believe story about your stupid journey, if you didn't reach the finish line then you're still a failure, as simple as that. Don't give yourself a consolation prize because you don't deserve anything if you quit in the final stage of your journey. There are lot of stories about "almost" the owner of those stories are failures and full of regrets. They can't accept the fact that they didn't push until the end, they let their excuses eat them. They were satisfied of making a story that only children and immature adults will believe. If you fail you fail, as simple as that. Don't ever try to get a sympathy from other people by making a fake story about premature success. There is no such thing as premature success, it only happens in dreams, only failures believe in it.

If you're 5 units left from finishing a college degree and you stop for whatever reason, let's say you got lazy or you blame your parents for not giving you big allowance... stop telling the people that you almost made it, stop telling them that you're undergraduate but you only have 5 units left. An undergraduate is still an undergraduate, even if you only have a unit left... you still didn't finish your studies because of your softness and laziness, you're still a bum and you can change the fact that it's real. Real is real what is unfinished is not finish, it is a failure, it is an ugly story. Once you started something... finish it, go to the end no matter what. When something is about to end... it gets harder and harder, unexpected problems will arise, it is there to challenge you, it is there to test you if you really deserve it.

Push yourself to finish something, be a finisher not a talker or a starter. You can start slow, you can start bad but you can finish strong, you can finish with a style or flare. There is no excuse for not finish strong, you already have the momentum, you already started it... you have to finish it great or else don't finish at all. It's not how you start, it's how you finish so no matter what challenges comes along the way... you need to make a stand, you need to win despite of those hard challenges.

If you're almost there then you need to give your best even more, you need to be relentless and pushy, don't expect that it's going to be easy because you're almost touching it, expect that it's going to be harder even more. Take it slow but give your strongest effort.

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Instead of looking for someone who is strong to make you stronger why not be the strength that you are looking for? make yourself better, ma...