Jan 1, 2018


Family must come first, family should be the priority and nothing else. If you will prioritize your family above others then you will never regret it. In order to make the family stronger and healthier... you should know your role in the family, a role that will help and not a role that will destroy.

A father is the one who provides and protects the family, a mother is the one who manage all the basic needs, she is the one who takes care of all the members. The eldest brother has the most number of responsibilities, he should do it without asking for something in return. The eldest sister should help the mother in all of the house duties. The youngest sibling should do all what is ask of him.

It should be a cooperative environment in order for the family to succeed. Everyone must be strong, there should be no weakest link. If there is a weak member then he should know it, he should do whatever it takes to become stronger too.

What is your role in your family? what can you give? can you give time, money and help? or are you just the one who is always asking for something? are you the strength of your family? or are you the weakness.

Don't be a cry baby, your family will put the blame on you if you are not doing good in life. The members will never show you affection if you're doing the wrong thing. It is the saddest truth but the weakest member of the family always gets bullied.

At the end of the day, your family is the only thing that will help you. So take care of it and know your role in it.

Always make sure that you are doing something good for your family, don't be someone who makes the family slow and weak. Be the source of strength, if you can't help then just don't be a burden.

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...