Jan 14, 2018


Every time you fall... all you gotta do is stand up and that's it. Of course you will fall especially if you're climbing something, if you're climbing your way to the top... you will not get there easily. You will fall, you will get heartaches, you will get disappointed.

It's already given that you will lose, it happens to anyone. But the real winners are the ones who stand up fast, they are the ones who never quit.

All you have to do is stand up, dust yourself off and try again. It's really that simple. No need to think about it, no need to question why is it happening, just stand up and do it again.

If you fall stand up and try again, if you fall stand up and try again, if you fall stand up and try again. If you make mistakes, quit crying and try again. It's repetition, you will kick the door again and again until it opens. If you will not do it then you will never win.

Losing is normal, if you can't win then just keep losing over and over again, there is nothing wrong with that. One day you're going to get it, one day it will be yours. So quit making dramas and try one more time. It's always another try, it's always one more time. It may suck, it may be frustrating but it is what it is, you have to do it or else you will be labeled as a loser forever.

Everybody will fail, everybody will lose, everybody will fall... the question is who is willing to stand up and try again? who is willing to get embarrassed one more time? who is willing to get hurt again?

Losers will never try one more time, they will make excuses for sure. But the winners... they are willing to try a million times, they are willing to fall a million times just to win once.

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You will never understand everything and you are not suppose to understand everything. You may work hard, you may be more skilled than other...