Sep 30, 2024


Stop living in fantasies, stop letting people pamper you and make you believe that you can do it even though they rally don't mean it, they are just saying it for you to stop crying or stop feeling sad, they really don't believe in you. Stop believing that you can win unless you take actions, you only have the right to believe in yourself if you are working hard. you are only fooling yourself if you think you are confident and can win but is not even exerting a strong effort to get better, life will never get better if you're lazy and believing in yourself, you will only start winning if you are improving and doing something that not all people can do. Stop believing your mom that you can be what you wanted to be unless you really work hard for it, you don't have the right to dream about big things if your effort is so weak, you will get the same results as others if you are doing what they are doing, you will never gain any advantage over them if you're so slow and daydreaming all the time. Stop dreaming and create a new life, create a new identity, create some new habits, create a new culture... a winning culture that will reshape your life. Any belief is a false belief unless you pair it with strong effort and extreme focus, you will never believe in yourself if all you do is think about what you want and not do something about it. Actions and preparation is the only path to greatness, you must be willing to make sacrifices and out of this world effort if you want to make it in life. It is what it is, if it is easy then everybody would have been great by now but only few are great because only few are willing to go the extra mile and do something that most people can't do. That's the key, if you can do something that not all people can do then you will become a winner in life. Winning starts internally, it never starts anywhere else, it never starts outside, it's always inside. You will only believe in yourself if you can work like hell and focus like a laser. If you think you believe in yourself wait till challenge comes, any false belief will be exposed when an adversity comes. So if you haven't experience an adversity yet, if you're not willing to face challenges and try to grow from it then you will never become a believer of yourself. Great things will come to you if you're willing to go all the way and do whatever it takes to succeed. Stop thinking that you're a winner if you're lazy and clowning around all day long, you know in yourself if you really did whatever it takes to go to the next level, you can never fool the universe because it sees what you do and think, your dominant thoughts and actions is the barometer of your life. Stop believing those people who are yes men and spoiling you, they are not helping you because they are making you soft, any belief is not enough, you need effort and strong dedication. 

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The more you take care of your identity, the more you care about your image, the more you become stuck in one place forever. You need to look for more failures, mistakes, disappointments, rejections and embarrassments because this is the path to make you tougher, better and smarter. You will never learn something unless you face the pain, what hurts you will make you grow, what scares you will make you tougher so face it. Even if it is tiring and demotivating, even if it is destroying your moral so bad... endure it, embrace it and live with it, this is the path of a successful man... a lot of risks, failures and heartbreaks. At the end of the day you are not suppose to be perfect, you are suppose to have a lot of scratches, bruises and failures, you need to have a lot of challenges in order to survive and win in the end. Because the more you protect yourself from failures and mistakes... the lesser you become of yourself, you will never be able to express your talents or skills if you're always avoiding failures. Do whatever it takes, stretch yourself and go to the edge of your skill. You are not here to become weak, you are here to see your full potential and it will only happen if you keep on destroying your limits and stop believing what people say. If they say you can't do it stop believing them, if they say you can do it stop believing them too unless you take actions. 


You're always looking for a perfect life that is why you are so weak. You are always looking for shortcuts and easy times that's why your life doesn't improve, seek for uncomfortable situations with rewarding challenges and you will become stronger, as simple as that. One more sacrifice after the other, that's what you need to do, stop looking for destiny and finish line because that is a weak man's game, seek for more steps, seek for more challenges and never back down even if you're not getting any result. Stop quitting, stop acting like a chicken and just push yourself to the limits, as simple as that. Even if you keep on losing all the time, even if you're not getting any money from what you do... time will come and you will reap the fruits of your labor. Just work hard and give everything you've got, if you're not working hard then you are going down. So never envy those people who you think are winning but exerting only less effort, they are not winning because deep inside they are weak, they get depressed easily because they don't feel the pain, without pain there is no progress and strength, if you're always having an easy life without stress or friction then you will never grow. Embrace imperfection, embrace a rough life, embrace that it's not going to be easy and your life will get easier. 

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If you want to feel powerful just for once you need to take matters into your own hands, take risks, believe in yourself and work as hard as you can. Move faster, think lesser and just focus on taking actions. Never let anyone do it for you, do it for yourself. Never focus what you can't control like results, what people say, critics, unexpected problems, bad situations, comments etc. Focus on what gives you energy and that is belief in yourself, working harder, working faster, being creative and being disciplined. You will feel more powerful if you will practice delayed gratification all the time. Stop something that is trying to slow you down and making you unproductive. Focus on what makes you faster, smarter and stronger. Stop thinking about results all the time because it will make you frustrated, it will come if it is about to come, as simple as that. Never care about what's going to happen next, focus on the present moment and never give up. Keep grinding, something will click if you don't stop. If you want to become a winner then stop being a loser, start fast and finish strong, keep going no matter what. 


If you can sacrifice your favorite TV show, if you can ignore a controversial gossip, if you can avoid opening a sexy clickbait, if you can be ok not getting attention from other people, if you can work really hard then you can become a machine. A machine that doesn't stop grinding, a machine that keeps on making progress, sacrifice is the name of the game, why will you choose to watch TV if you can learn something that will make you grow? the harder and more boring option is a difficult pill to swallow but it will give you a better life, the easier the choice is... the more it will make you weak. You will become a loser if you're always looking for shortcuts and easy ways, what will give you strength and a good life is the harder path, as simple as that. Most people who are addicted to pleasures and easy life are going down because they don't know that their body is looking for pain but they are not giving it. Their bodies are looking for exercise because they are obese but they are not giving it, their minds are looking for a lesson but they are so lazy to study something. You will always feel weak if you're not giving your best, if you're not chasing for something that is worth it. The pleasures and easy times will create a weak product, you are the product of your choices, decisions and actions. You are the product of your habits, circle, thoughts and desires. What you keep on doing, thinking and planning is your life. You better stop blaming somebody if your life is so miserable, you have an ugly life because you did it to yourself, you are the one who created it and nothing else. 

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Whatever you need to do that is not fun at all, do it even if it is boring, do it even if you feel heavy and unexcited about it. Feelings doesn't matter at all, if you will always prioritize how you feel then you will never grow. That's the difference between a great a mediocre... a great will never care if he feel good or bad, he will just do it no matter what. He will do it even if he is late, he will fight an opponent even if he is badly underdog, he will show up even if nobody wants him there granted that he needs something there, he will push forward even if he was already embarrassed, he will try to feel calm even if there is so much pressure, he will take the first step even if he doesn't know what to do, he will still take risk even if the chances of not making it is 100%. Emotions is for babies, if you're a grown man or a woman then you will never care about your emotions anymore, you will just do whatever it takes to get the job done, as simple as that. If you really wanted to win or make a progress then you will never care abt your feelings at all, you will ignore it because it is not helping you, it is only making you slow and unproductive. If you want to become great then you need to push forward no matter what, fight even if you are scared, compete even if you are small and show up if you don't know what's going to happen next. Move forward even if you don't want to do something even if it's not making any impact at all. At the end of the day you really have nothing to lose here, you can win if you try and when you fail... you can try again next time. It's just a matter of developing a thick skin and doing whatever it takes to win no matter what. If you want to have a better life stop thinking about what people say and do everything you can to make a small progress. Put yourself on a better position to succeed. being slow, scared, undecisive and lazy will never get you anywhere, you will only go further if you keep pushing yourself and being patient with the process. So go all out and never stop, give everything you've got with all your energy and tenacity. The time to become the best is now, stop being a chicken, stop being a pussy because you are not giving yourself an advantage by doing that. Rejection, defeats, humiliation, repetition... these are nothing, you need to feel nothing about the outcome and just focus on the process, focus on the next step and never care if it is hard or easy. You are in control here, you have the power to improve if you will just do something and stop caring about your feelings because it is making you weaker even more. So what if you are in pain? so what if you don't have sleep? so what if you are scared? you can still move despite of these negative feelings, you can still take a shot, you can still force something and make an impact. Just pretend that you have energy, pretend that you are brave and your body will follow, the universe will follow you. Push yourself to take the first step and never stop, keep going further until you are done. 

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Sep 29, 2024


If you want to feel powerful you need to keep pushing and do what is harder, do what will give you more strength and energy like exercising, lifting weights, studying something, starting your own mini business and many more that has benefits. Don't do something that is easy but will make you weak in the end like excessive cellphone, watching TV, procrastinating, scrolling on social media and playing video games. These activities will make you a bum forever if you don't stop it now. Watching useless movies and delaying your important work will make you weak, slow and unproductive. If you really want to become a beast then forget your feelings, forget your emotions because it's stopping you from taking actions. Feelings of being lazy, scared, hesitant and worried will make you stop pulling the trigger. If you're always emotional then you will never make a progress because you will stop every time you feel tired a little bit, being hated, criticized, disrespected, treated unfairly or something. You will always act like a victim and what does a victim do? nothing. The time for being a childish is over, you have to transform yourself into a beast now and it will only happen if you keep on pushing forward and give your very best no matter what your feelings are. Your emotions will only stop you, it will never give you anything, it will only make you see the negatives, you will never move and look for something better to do if you're always emotional and having a loser's mindset. That is what losers do... they whine, complain, talk but they don't do anything to make the situation better. The world is really unfair, people will really disrespect you, people will treat you harshly, some people are really not kind and understanding but you have to accept it if you want to become a machine. You will only become relentless if you are cold and showing no emotions to any kind of situation. You don't need t panic, you don't need to complain, you don't need to look for sympathy, stop having a self pity, stop looking for validation. Forget your feelings because it will never help you at all. 

Falling into a temptation is also being emotional, you are prioritizing your emotions, you want to feel good, you want to feel comfortable and happy even though you know that the pleasures will make you weak. Instant gratification will only give you a temporary high and long term discomfort, stop being too emotional about food, shopping, sale items or trips, tv show, advertisement etc. These are traps that you need to stop giving attention to or else you will never make any small progress. If you want to become a doer then control your appetite, emotions and cravings. Stop trying to satisfy your feelings and just focus on your goal to become better. You will only improve if you are willing to make sacrifices. If you are willing to save, get hungry, work for more and never complain... you will get to the next level. You can never sell your emotions, your feelings will only force you to make wrong decisions. 

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If you can't win, if it's hard for you to succeed, if it seems impossible to become triumphant just make sure you lose big time, make sure you get very close to your goal and not make excuses in the end. Make sure you give everything you've got and you didn't waste a single second overthinking why you are not winning, this is the only way to give you a chance to succeed and when you don't... you will never feel bad because you knew you give everything you've got. You will feel much better when you take risks, you will feel really good and confident and have a peace of mind if you really gave your very best and didn't make any excuses like most people. Make sure you push yourself to the limits, it's ok if you are slow, it's ok if progress is not evident, just make sure you don't waste time, just make sure you did whatever it takes to win because that is the only way to get closer to success. Lose big time, make sure your energy will be depleted by draining, this is the only way to see the best version of yourself, the real prize here is the person you become, it's not the award or trophy, it's not the money... it's your transformation, it's the strong mentality that was built, it's the character that formed, the new you that was born. So stop being lazy, all you need to do is move and you will get something, there is no direction in procrastination, there is progression when you're taking an action so be happy when you're moving even if you're not making waves, be patient because there is a big chance that you may win if you work really really hard. Just don't waste your time doing something that is pulling you down and be on attack mode, be aggressive towards your dreams. 


Most people forget something because they were blinded by the situation, a difficult situation or a struggle is making them feel that they can't do more, the truth is they can push for more and go further as much as they can. They can move faster, be earlier, be more disciplined, believe more and take massive actions. They can hustle all day long, they can grind until the situation changes, this is what they always forgot because they want an easier path. Always go for the attack, go for the kill and have that killer instinct, you should smell blood all the time, you should see opportunities, you should be willing to go all the way and work as hard as you can, believe that hard work alone plus insane level of consistency will make you a badass. Just go hard and forget everything else, this is just a game, work hard and you will get what you want, as simple as that. Lose big time, stretch yourself and break all kinds of boundaries, do whatever it takes and never care if it is difficult or easy. 

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Sep 28, 2024


In order to get results you need to stop looking for results, focus within and stop looking outside. Stop looking for external validation, stop looking for gains and simply focus on getting better. Stop consuming, stop comparing, stop feeling insecure, stop wishing what other people have and focus on tryin to get better. Avoid all the temptation, avoid the pleasures that are trying to make you weak and sick, avoid everything that is not helping at all. Avoid playing games, avoid wasting time and giving energy to something that is draining you mentally. Focus on yourself first, be selfish with your time, never let a stupid influencer control your whole day, never follow anybody and just follow yourself. Never get interested with people, people's opinions, thoughts and feelings towards you. You have to make a stand to simply live in what you believe. Focus on getting better focus on finishing something that you started, never let anything decide what are you going to do. Stay humble, stay open but always follow your heart, survey everything first before you believe in something. Forget the past and focus on the present moment, never be anxious of the future, what will happen will happen, the only thing you can control is your life, it's your ambitions and goals, it's your own greatness. Stop thinking that your happiness depends on something outside of you. Forget the money, fame, success, likes from other people and you will feel how strong you are. If you are not dependent on the outcome anymore then you will become powerful, unstoppable and relentless. The reason why you are so scared is because you're always listening to what other people say, you are afraid of what might they say and feel towards you. If you want to see the newest version of you then you need to feel uncomfortable, do something you haven't done before, be disciplined and committed. Focus on taking actions and the results will take care of itself. Believe in yourself and everything that you do, believe that you can make it no matter what, believe that you have the power to move something, impact something and finish something, believe that you can be great too. Define your own success, never compare yourself to other people, take it one step at a time and never regret any failure. If you already did your best then that is enough. 

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Sep 27, 2024


Stop looking for hope, stop looking for inspiration and let yourself be the inspiration. Stop looking for reasons why you need to try, why you need to continue and never give up, just believe that you will win and never change your mind, never change your thoughts. No matter how bad your situation is... always believe that you're going to win no matter what. It doesn't matter how many failures, heartaches, defeats, repetition, pain or rejection you encounter, what matters is you never give up. Just don't give up, believe in yourself and you will win, as simple as that. Even if nobody believes in you, let them believe whoever they wanted to believe, stop talking about your dreams and goals, just keep it to yourself and chase it as much as you can. It's alright to keep losing now because you will win in the end, just believe yourself no matter what, just keep going and never give up. Keep pushing because that's the only thing you can do, that's the only thing you can control. 


It is what it is, it's hard, face the pain and never complain, accept that this is your path and there is no shortcuts here. If it is hard just take the first step and carry on. You are complaining too much, you want to become successful with the little effort that you exert, who do you think you are? Shut up and just keep working, focus on what you're trying to achieve and give everything you've got. You don't need to become successful right away, you just need to correct your mindset and build the habits that you need in order to become successful. Most people are complaining with the little work that they did, they will work for a few hours and will immediately ask for success, that won't work, you have to grind like hell and never stop until you win. If you're so sick and tired of your bum life then change your character, change your habits, change your timing and you will get a different result. Just double your effort and you will double your results, you can't be wishing for something you didn't work for. Stop hoping because it's for the weak, you have to work like you never work before and give everything you've got no matter what. Stop looking for an inspiration because you will only get inspired for a few minutes and you will go back to your stupid habits again. Face the pain, success is full of pain, it's pull of difficulty so you need to get use to it. Just keep moving forward, that's the only gameplan you need to follow, stop looking for shortcuts and comfort, face the pain and focus only on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. Pull the trigger now, start now and never stop. 

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Sep 26, 2024


Do it if you don't want to do it, shock yourself, do it now and never stop until it's done. You need to feel uncomfortable if you want to grow, you need to become fast and never wait for the right time before you start because it will never come. It's always going to be hard, that is life, there's no way you can afford to be lazy or else your life will become more miserable. Start now and finish it, keep going no matter what. Never focus on any distraction, never focus on what is stopping you. Just keep going further and never give up, it is what it is, if it is hard do it, if it is easy do it. You have to become relentless and a machine if you want to win in life. If you're so soft, lazy and slow then don't expect to win because you are destined for failure. Stop daydreaming, stop overthinking, stop planning and just do what you can do now even if you feel heavy, unsure and lazy. Your feelings doesn't matter anymore, your emotions will never help you so stop being emotional, winners never let their emotions stop them, you have to keep going even if it is hard and rough. Start now and never stop, shock yourself with hard work and dedication, you are changing now if you don't give up. What's the point of being slow if you can go 100 miles per hour? what's the pint of being weak if you can become strong like samson. The point here is to live your life to the fullest and never let your weakness take over, you are only wasting your life every time you waste your precious time for an activity that will not even give you anything. You only have one life so why waste it for nothing? Stop wasting you energy for nonsense things that will make your life worse, if you want to become progressive then practice delayed gratification all the time. Stop partying, drinking, consuming and procrastinating. Live like a ninja, live like a disciplined monk and you will have an extraordinary life. Shock yourself with greatness, do it now, start now even if it's too hard, you have to see greatness by doing the impossible, you have to do what you haven't done before or else you will keep getting the same weak results over and over again. This is not hard, it's not like fighting a world war 2, it's very simple... just focus and work as hard as you can and never complain about it. If you want to become a winner then you have to do it your way, do it even if you don't like doing it, do it even if you're not sure if you're going to win, do it even if defeat is so evident and there is no chance of winning. Perseverance thrives in the end, nothing is impossible to a man who has a burning desire to succeed. 

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You will never win if you're always gentle, smooth, perfect, slow and sure. Sometimes you need to be rough, imperfect, hard, tough and risky. Because you will never take actions if you're always looking for perfection. Be rough, be rugged, just do it and never care if you're making a lot of mistakes or not. Become a finisher, start fast and finish fast, don't worry about what's going to happen next and just focus on the present moment, as simple as that. 


It's the person you become by chasing something, it's your transformation, it's your evolution, it's not what you get outside, it's what you become inside... that's the real prize here. It doesn't matter if you get a lot of things or not, it doesn't matter if you get everything or not, you already won when your character developed, you already won if you're doing the right things all the time. Being disciplined and focus makes you a winner already, everything else is just a bonus. So forget what you can't get, forget what is missing in your life and focus on trying to develop your character. Develop your discipline, mental toughness, work ethic, punctuality, patience, courage and knowledge and you already won big time. The real prize is when you finally discover what you need to do, the real prize is enjoying the process and keep going further no matter what. If you can honestly say to yourself that you gave your all today then you're already successful. 


If you're always stepping up, if you're always showing up then you're already successful. If you keep on doing the best thing and picking the best choices available to become successful then you're already winning in life. Stop being impatient, success will come if you're becoming a doer instead of a waiter. Success is already happening when you are developing. Success is within you, it's the person you become, it's developing the willpower and tenacity to overcome any obstacle. When you're already good in avoiding temptation then you're already successful. When you know you can overcome any storm and challenges in life then you're already successful, when you already faced a lot of big problems and didn't give up then you're already successful. Success is within, it's not outside, it's inside. 

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Sep 25, 2024


Don't wish for an easy life, don't wish for perfection, don't wish for a cakewalk, embrace the struggle embrace the pain and your life will get easier. Because life is really hard, that's the price you have to pay for living... embrace the hard ship and keep moving forward no matter what. The only thing that will make you feel better is facing discomfort, embracing it and not giving up, as simple as that. You will never feel good if you're always hiding away from pain, you will never make a progress if you're always seeking for comfort and pampering yourself, you need to make sacrifices, you need to just do it no matter what. You will only get better if you will move despite of your negative emotions, you will never make any small improvement if you're always acting like a soft chicken that has no any energy in your body at all. Start now and force your fate, don't wish for the rain to stop before you move, don't wait for a perfect situation, don't wait for good feelings because it will never come, you will always feel bad, you will always feel lazy, you have to make a stand to just do it no matter what. Never care about the results, never care about the future and focus on the now. Focus on doing something good now and keep going further no matter what. Like a buffalo that keeps on charging through the rain, you don't worry about getting wet, you love being we, you're soaking in the rain and laughing at it. You take the next step and you never think twice, you keep on taking steps even if you're not making any result. The rain will only stop if you don't stop moving. Just do it, never care if you need to take a million steps... just do it, this is your life, this is your journey, you have to focus on what you can control and that is moving little by little and taking control of your thoughts. Own your mind, infiltrate the thoughts that are not serving you, block the thoughts that are not helping you to get better. You are in charge here, it is your responsibility. Don't be afraid to get bored, don't be afraid to make mistakes and experience failures, this is the path to greatness, this is the road to the top. Problems, distractions, obstacles, bad weather, irritating people, unexpected circumstances, unwanted experience will always come so be ready all the time. Stop complaining and just endure the pain, that is the only way to win. Stop making dramas and just do whatever it takes to get to the next level. You will only win if you stop being emotional, stop looking for comfort because you will only get weaker and weaker by doing that. Start taking over, take control of your life, it starts with the first step. Never care if you will get wet, if yo get wet so be it, focus on moving forward and never stop until you're done. 

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There's no way you're going to lose if you're really giving your all and not wasting any single second procrastinating, being lazy and overthinking, you will make a progress, something will click if you go to the extreme and try every possibility, try every idea you have in your mind and never quit even if the going gets tough. Be happy if it is hard because it only means you are growing from it, if you persevere enough then you will win, as simple as that. There's no way you're going to lose forever, you will win if you really wanted to win, you will win if you're the hungriest person to succeed. You will do the impossible, you will do what most people can't do, you will outwork everyone and be the most persevering person in the world. Don't stop fighting, don't stop pushing, be the best you can be and always give your 100 percent or more, you can become a beast if you want to, you can exert a relentless effort if you will just allow yourself to take actions and never hold back. 


For as long as it is positive, for as long as it is responsibility, for as long as your intention is right... every work is right, you can never go wrong if your goal is to make your life better. Every idea is right, every path is the right path. Just work hard and keep pushing forward, as simple as that. Stop living like a  chicken that cannot fly, you need to spread your wings and learn to fly, do everything you can and never stop, as simple as that. You will become unstoppable if you don't stop. Most people can't win because the stop after a couple of failures, sometimes they will not even try after failing once. Just start and keep going no matter what, never stop trying, never stop doing what is best for you. If you really want it then nothing can stop you, you are the only one who is holding yourself back. Ignore your limitations and just try, whenever you fail... keep trying again, that should be your mindset. You have to make yourself extraordinary if you want to stand out and win. You have to be willing to go the extra mile and never complain about the work you need to put in, just show up every single day and try to give your very best with all your heart. This is too simple you just need to believe yourself and do whatever it takes to win. 

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Sep 24, 2024


Just keep going, be early, be decisive and fast, do what is hard and create habits that will give you a little bit of a progress each day. This is all you need to do, practice delayed gratification, choose hard work over laziness, choose consistency over making excuses and you will go further in life, you will become successful, you will become big, discipline is a strong fuel for success, you will get what you've been doing, your habits will attract people and opportunities that is related to it. SO if your habit is to get lazy then you will attract lazy people similar to you, if your habit is to quit then you will attract opportunities that will make you quit even more, you need to strengthen your mind, forge discipline into your system and always watch your thoughts and actions. An easy life that is full of laziness, pleasures and shortcuts will lead to a miserable life but a life that is full of struggle to grow and discipline will lead to a better life in the future. Do what is hard so that your life will get easier. Choose exercise over excessive eating, choose hard work over laziness, choose being early over putting it off  until tomorrow, choose pushing over pulling and backing down. 


Staying calm, sticking to the process no matter what, sticking to your beliefs, sticking to your decision, staying disciplined, being fast while being calm and knowing that perseverance and hard work plus discipline will give you a better life. It's like falling in line and sticking to that line even of the other line is moving fast, it's like doing something that is important even if you're feeling lazy and unmotivated at all. Finish what you started, stop complaining, stop making excuses and don't let your feelings take over, don't get emotional, stop feeling like a victim, stop telling everyone that you are tired already, stop showing them that you are super tired and just give your all today. If you need to do something now... do it without even thinking if you're going to do it, forget about the results, forget anything that might disturb you, never care about the discomfort that it brings and just do it no matter what. Stop living like a chicken, you can make yourself and life better now if you will just destroy the resistance and break every boundary that is trying to limit you. 

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Stop idolizing something that rises fast, stop believing that real success was made that quick. All people wants to become successful but they don't want to work so hard. Most people will only work for a few hours and will immediately look for success. That's why there are lots of scammers that are successful out there because people will fall into the trap of getting rich so fast. Success is not about the outcome it's about the work ethic that you developed, it's about the person you've become while chasing your dreams. Stop wishing for success, money, change if you're not working insanely hard. You have to push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to become successful, as simple as that. 


If you're a bum before you have to become a hard worker and disciplined now. If you are slow before you have to become a little bit faster now. If you're impatient before you have to be patient now, as simple as that. The internal should change to change your reality. If you eat a lot of junk before you have to eat healthier now, if you're a procrastinator before you have to become a doer now, it is what it is, if you're not going to face what is hard then progress is not possible, you have to become something before you get something. Change your character, change your attitude, take your work seriously and never stop. Keep moving forward all the time, keep pushing, keep grinding and give everything you've got. Start forcing yourself to become the best version of yourself. What you eat, do think, focus on should be checked all the time, never let your guard down, watch your actions and stop everything that is making your life miserable and broke. Start now and do something, make yourself a little bit better. Watch yourself all the time, groom yourself, improve yourself, strengthen your mind and body. The only way to do it is to become disciplined and focus on the activities that will give you an edge in life. Watch your mind, what are the thoughts that it is producing, watch yourself and never give up on yourself every time you made a mistake or become undisciplined, go back to the process right away, prioritize the plan, make a blue print and follow it all the time. The power of delayed gratification is real, just avoid pleasures and consuming too much and you will become extraordinary. 

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The biggest lesson you don't have to miss when someone irritated, hurt, disrespect or traitored you is to simply don't give them any power to make you emotional. The biggest lesson is to learn how to let go and ignore them for the rest of your life. The people that you hate, the people that didn't appreciate you must go away from your life because you don't need them at all, you don't need their respect nor love. Just learn to live by yourself and do it your way, have peace with yourself knowing that it is possible that you won't see them anymore. Stop thinking about those people because they're irrelevant to your success. The moment you don't care anymore about what people say or do is the moment you achieve your freedom. Let them do what they do, just do your own thing and live your own life. You don't need them to respect you, by wishing for that you are only making your life harder than ever before. You need to cut the thoughts that ties you and them, be free, stop thinking about what they are doing or thinking and just focus on trying to get better everyday. The biggest lesson is detaching from people that you don't like but you want to have revenge with. Stop trying to prove your point, stop thinking that you are right here and just let the hate go. Feeling hate towards others is a victim mentality, you will never be free if you keep thinking that way. You have to think positively all the time because that is the only thing that will make you progressive and fast. You will get slower and weaker every time you want to be right and prove your point. You're not a victim, you will never get hurt if you don't attach any emotion to the disrespect towards you. You can feel so powerful all the time and in control if you will never let anybody have a space in your head everyday. Nothing should control you, control your thoughts and focus on the best things in your life, focus on growing and getting better, focus on your goals and never give up until you finally reach them. Focus on trying to improve, stop giving energy and attention to someone who is hating you, you need to let them go, treat them cold, treat them like a rock. Focus on your own life and keep moving forward all the time. 

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Regretting something is wasting 80 percent of your time and energy, it's draining you, it's making you unproductive, it's making you feel guilty, it's making you emotional and weak. If you did some bad things in the past just forget it, forgive yourself and move on. Stop doing it again, if you need to get punished so be it, face the consequences but never let it make you feel stuck, forget what you did and just get better next time. If you didn't kill anybody, if you didn't hurt anyone, if you didn't steal anything then stop feeling regretful. A small mistake is normal, it's part of being who you are. You have to move forward and give everything you've got, just do it, just take the first step and never go back, as simple as that. 


Forgive yourself and move on, what happened happened, you don't need to dwell on your mistakes anymore. The people that you hurt, the people you offended, the people that you disappoint including yourself... forget them and carry on, move on with your life. Life is happening now, never care about what you didn't do or did, never care about what you missed and just focus on the present moment, be happy with what you have, forgive yourself and just live with nothing bothering your mind. Don't be scared to live in the moment, let the past go because that is the only thing that will make you feel free and powerful. You will have more control if you will let go of the past. Focus on the now, focus on getting better now and live your life to the fullest, as simple as that. At the end of the day there is nothing you can get from the past, you can never go back anymore and change what you want to change, let it go and just focus on what you have right now. Life is more in the present, you will feel more alive if you will forget the past and embrace the present and believe in the future, you are creating a better future if you're living in the present and giving everything you've got. Don't rush life by thinking about the future so much, don't make it slow either by thinking about the past. Just relax and live life, give your best and allow things to happen, what will happen will happen, you don't need to control everything, let life happen by itself while you are simply focusing on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. Forget your mistakes, forget your laziness, forget the time you wasted and just try to live better today, make yourself better, focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Never regret anything because it is for losers, it will only jail your mind, it will never make you progress. 

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Sep 22, 2024


Start something and never stop, never wait, never hope, never think that everything will be alright even if you don't move. Of course something is not right if there is a pending task, you will think about it, it will make you feel problematic. Just start and never care about your emotions, your feelings doesn't matter because it will never help you at all. Your emotions will slow you down, it will make you weak by tricking your mind that you are weak, stop believing your emotions, go against it and push yourself to move despite of what you feel. Success is not about being skilled or great, it is about how you were able to control your emotions and keep moving forward no matter what. Feelings are for soft people, stop being too  sensitive and focus on moving. 


When you don't have money, when everything is rough, when you have a problem, when you're feeling lazy, when you're looking for excuses, when you're not in good shape, when you're running out of time, when it is traffic, when you're struggling so bad, when you're on the verge of defeat, when you feel so tired, when you don't know what to do, when you're opponent is very strong, when it is recession, when your mind is looking for an easy way out, when it is really uncomfortable, when it's a hassle to continue, when you don't believe yourself anymore, when everything is counting you out... that is the best time to start. Stop looking for comfort and assurance before you start, force yourself to jump in and handle the business without fear. Stop thinking twice and just start, make this as your habit. Whenever you don't want to start it, that's the time you're going to start, whenever you don't want to move that's the time you're going to move. Stop pretending that you don't know what to do, there is something you can do and there is something you know to do, you just need to force yourself, stop being a perfectionist, you don't need an order of task, just do what you think and go to the next task right away after you finish. Perfection is for losers, it's for people who wait, just keep going further and never stop, that's all you need to do. You can start anywhere, you can start anytime, you just need to decide that you're going to do it even if it feels so heavy and uncomfortable. 

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You will never become fearless, don't wish for it because it will never become true, the only thing you can do is to overwrite that emotion with action. Once you're moving your fears will go away, once you're in the moment you will feel much better, that is why you need to move now, take actions now and never go back to your old weak state again. Advance to taking actions, never hesitate nor procrastinate, if there is something you need to do... d o it and you will feel much better and stronger, you will feel much confident and powerful. That is where your source of power is... taking actions and being decisive. At the end of the day the reality is resting too much will never make you feel better, the only thing that will make you feel good is by taking actions, making a decision and not holding yourself back. You know what to do, stop pretending that there is an obstacle that is stopping you from taking an action, stop making excuses and start building a momentum that will lead you to bigger things in life. If you are scared all the time you're not going to make it. Fear can be overwrite by any kind of positive action so start now and never stop, start fast and go hard till the end. Fear is just an emotion, it will come and go but it will stay long in your system every time you procrastinate and choose laziness, never choose to become lazy, only weak people do that. If you want to feel powerful then force yourself to start. It doesn't matter if it's going to rain, go outside and do the work, stop being afraid of getting wet because you will feel worse if you don't take actions. Stop being afraid of failure and mistake, just do it, just start and never hold yourself back. Failure is a blessing in disguise it is teaching you what to do next, it is teaching you to get better and better everyday. So face your fears, fail as much as you can and never get tired of trying again and again. You can use fear as a guide, every time you're scared to do a small task... do it and you will be rewarded, you will feel so good, you will create a momentum that you can use in the future. Fear is nothing but a lie, it is not true, it is not true that it is dangerous, nothing is risky for as long as you're not doing a crime or not hurting anybody. Everything is good, every experience is teaching you something. You have to let go of fears and never let anything stop you, you have to force yourself to just do it no matter how you feel. Fear can be extinguish now, just take one positive action and carry one, that's all you need to do. 

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All the hope does is waste your time, energy and life. It is not giving you any favor, it is not pushing you to the next level, all it does is make you wait, it's wasting a lot of your days. Stop hoping for progress if you're not moving, you will only be able to make a progress if you are focused on the process, that's why you need to move now, start taking actions and stop hoping for results because it is pushing you away from prosperity and success. Never care about what you have and focus on what you're going to do and do it now. Stop waiting because all it does is make you weak and depressed. Focus on taking actions, focus on moving and giving everything you've got. You don't need to hope, just believe in hard work, be a fast starter and that's it. At the end of the day it's simply about repetition and nothing else. Most people are looking for way ways that's why their lives were too hard, they want an easy life that's why they can't survive and thrive. This is simply about learning to adapt and improvise, you live for today, you give everything you've got and you never give up, as easy as it sounds. 


All Moves, thoughts, decisions should be about attacking, attack and be aggressive towards your dreams, you will never win if you keep on being a punk everyday. Stop being a chicken and start acting like hungry wolf. If you really want it, if you really want success then you will never do anything stupid in your life. Push yourself to the limits and never give up, that's all you need to do, that's all you need to be doing. Look at yourself, what the hell are you doing now? do you think it will help you to go further? daydreaming, checking for subscribers, hoping for results, hoping for likes, hoping to have a new life, hoping to become popular one day... is this garbage mentality and habits helping you? of course not. The only thing you can control is your effort, focus on what you can control and you will discover your power. You don't need to control everything, you don't need to become successful fast, it's ok to be slow. Stop hoping for results and dare to be patient while working hard. The more you focus on the process the faster you make a progress. Don't hope for results because only weak men does that. Do it your way, force the fate and give yourself a chance to succeed. The only way to get closer and closer to success is through actions, hoping will never get the job done, just believe and take actions. Hoping and daydreaming about it will only make you unproductive and depressed. It's better to be moving now, start taking actions now and take it one step at a time. 

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Sep 21, 2024


You are having a hard time with your life because you always wish to be loved. You are looking for likes, appreciations, validation that is why you are not fee and you're always begging for attention. Stop looking for love because you will get it from the right people, love yourself first, learn to do things that will make you better, stop looking for love because you can never force it, if you can't get it from other people then give it to yourself. Love yourself by being the best version of yourself, work hard on yourself. Learn something, prioritize your mental and physical health, don't do something that will make you worse, focus on getting better and better each day. Just do something that will improve you, anything will do. Exercise, learn, earn more, clean yourself, clean your house, meditate. If you're starting to love yourself then the right love from people will come to you naturally. You don't need their attention, you don't need their affection, you just need to love yourself and you are good. Because if you really love yourself then you will never do stupid things that will make you weak and worse, you will never crave attention from other people because that is affecting your mental health. What if they can' give it to you? what if they start hating on you? you are in trouble, you will have a hard time being happy. That's why forget the people who doesn't care about you, let them go, let them live their lives while you focus on your own life and trying to get better each day. Being happy is so easy to do, just focus on your passion focus on self improvement and never crave for someone's like or clap. You can give it to yourself, you can clap at yourself, you can love yourself, you can be happy without them, there is no pressure here, all you need to do is convince yourself that you are enough, that what you have is already good and that all you need to do is grow each day and stay disciplined with your thoughts. You don't need to have all the love in the world, all you need is your love for yourself. If you really love yourself then you will never beg for someone's appreciation, you are satisfied with your own love and you are really being honest here, it's not a fake thing, it's a delusion, it's a discipline with your mind and body that makes you happier, stronger and better everyday. 

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You will only know if you can do the impossible if you will try the hardest, if you will give your all and never complain about the work you need to put in to become successful. Don't be afraid of any kind of work, don't be afraid to fail over and over again just to succeed, it is what it is, it's going to be hard but it's worth it. Just try because you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain because you are getting better and better every time you try and give everything you've got. Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to repeat the same process again and again. It is possible to do the impossible, how can you know if you will not try? so push yourself to the limits and become relentless with the process. If you will not try then stop expecting greatness, stop expecting to win because hope will never give you anything, it will only give you despair. Stop hoping and start executing, your belief will only get stronger every time you do something you haven't done before. Make yourself an animal, be hungry and cultivate that burning desire inside of you. You can start now, you can make a small impact now that will turn big through consistency and determination. Create a momentum now and never stop, discipline and speed is the name of the game. You can win through sheer willpower alone. So whatever you have in your mind do it, never wait, never ask anyone if you are correct or wrong, just do it and see what will happen next. The time for being strong is now, this is your time, stop looking for what is missing in your life and start adapting and improvising. Go ahead and do it, stop acting like a weak chicken and start taking over your life. Control what you can control, do your best and never give up. Control yourself, prioritize taking the necessary steps to become successful and stop doing anything that will only derail your progress, you are the one who have the power here, it's on you if you wan to become successful or not. Just do it, even if you're not feeling well just do it, you can do something now so stop holding yourself back. Any dream is worth chasing, you have the right to dream big, you have the power to make it happen if you will just believe and work as hard as you can. Stop wasting time thinking what you should need to do and start taking small actions, repeat the same process over and over again until something finally work. It's only just a matter of time before you win so never give up. Even if nothing good is going on, even if you're struggling so bad... just keep moving forward and do the impossible. 

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Sep 19, 2024


Feeling stuck is just a drama, being stuck is because you are lazy and not moving, if you are working hard then you are not stuck, you feel stuck because you are rushing for the results, you want to win now but that's what you can't control that's why you feel stuck. If you will focus on what you can control then you will never feel stuck anymore, as simple as that. Just keep moving forward and never think about the results, if you don't think about the results then the results will come, you feel not progressing because you're expectations were too high but your effort is very low. If you want great things in life then prepare to become the hardest worker in the world, stop wasting your time for nothing, do what you can now and take a million steps if you need to. Something will work in just a matter a matter of time, it will take a long work so be patient and never give up. You don't need to rush here, this is a marathon and not a race, he who can survive until the end will win, it's not how fast you become successful, it's how you love a slow progress. So quit comparing yourself to others, comparison is the thief of joy, you need to focus on your own journey and never give up, stay on your lane, mind your own business and always do what you can every single day. Stay consistent, stay focused and give everything you've got. If you really believe in yourself then you will never care if you are progressing fast or not progressing at all, you just knew that you're going to win in the end, you just knew that it's only just a matter of time before you make it, something will click if you persevere enough. Stay consistent and never change your direction, never switch your goal from hard to easy, if it is hard then go harder. It's not that hard actually, you're just rushing that's why it feels so hard. But if you will think that is easy then it will be easier, it's only in the mind, entertain the right thoughts and make your life easier. 

So what if they are getting it faster than you? so what if you're at the bottom, it doesn't matter because in the end you will still win, in the end you will prevail on top. So never mind other people's business, stop getting jealous and focus on getting better everyday. Be patient, work hard and believe, this is all what you need to do. This is too simple, just give your very best, stretch yourself and forget that you have a limitation. Break the boundaries and bet on yourself, at the end of the day you will believe in something so why not believe in yourself? why not believe that you will come out as a winner in the end? it may take too long, you may have a very long journey but that's what is fun about it... not knowing when are you going to win. 

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You are suffering because you are strong, you are suffering because you're the one who can handle it, you're suffering because after it is relief and happiness. Just hang on there, never give up and keep going further. It will never be a suffering anymore if you will learn hw to enjoy it and have fun with life even if it's making you slower or weaker, that will turn into strength, it will be converted to power. With every pain is gain, with every struggle comes installation of power in your mind. You will never grow if you don't want to suffer, you will never win if all you want to do is become a lazy bum, comfort is for the weak, it's for people who can't focus, you have to level up your determination and concentration if you want to thrive in life. Struggle and suffering is part of life, life will become very boring without pain. You have to know and believe that you can control suffering if you will just enjoy it and stop judging it. Just laugh at it and believe that it will soon be over because it will. Everything will end, happiness and sadness ends, nothing is permanent forever. You have to keep moving forward and learn the lesson, everything happens for a reason, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger so be happy if you're having a hard time now because after it is glory granting you learned the lesson. Don't scrutinize your suffering, don't feel ashamed of it, just embrace it and keep moving forward, that's all you need to do. Everything hard will get easier if you just ignore it. Don't stop moving forward, just do it, just take actions and never hold back, it is what it is, if it is hard then do it hard, if you have a hard life so be it, stop complaining, quit whining because only weak do that. Only the weak is afraid of losing, only the weak is afraid of discomfort and pain, you must be willing to feel uncomfortable if you want to make it in life. If you are still alive then you have a very big chance of winning, crawl if you need to but don't ever stop. At the end of the day you only have one life, why will you waste it for useless thoughts and complains. You can do better than that, quit wasting time, quit acting like a clown, forget the past, move on and try harder this time. Nothing can stop you even if you are suffering, the only one who can stop you is yourself. If you will just accept that your life is hard then everything will get a lot easier, as simple as that. Brace yourself because everyday is going to get harder, just do what you can do and focus on what you can control, as simple as that. 

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People who love the process will go further than the people who just want success. You just have to keep going and you will find a way, as simple as that. Stop looking for what is wrong with you, stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for an easy way out. It doesn't matter if you keep struggling on and on. What matters is you don't give up and you know where you are headed to. Don't stop because it is hard, the only moment you can stop is when you're done. If it is hard do it hard, if it is easy do it easy, hard and easy should have no difference to you. If you're a doer, if you're a mover then you will become a winner, as simple as that. There is no other way to become successful, you really need to work hard, stay consistent and disciplined. Because you will keep on tripping if you're not intentional about improving, keep getting better everyday because it's the only thing you can control, you will feel more powerful if you're focused on what you can control rather than wishing for success that is every unpredictable. Keep on losing, keep pushing, keep moving forward and you will find a way, this is just a matter of being tenacious and strong, you can still feel powerful despite of struggling and losing, it's only in the mind, find that little progress that you can make, you can see that progress through your actions, moving is already progressing. Go hard and just do it, never stop, never think that you're stuck, stuck is only in the mind, you will never get stuck if you can love what you are doing, love the process and get obsess with those small steps that are giving you a momentum. It's simply about keeping the momentum alive, it's simply about not giving up until somethin finally click. Something will work, something will show up, something will move the needle. So trust the process and think that it's the prize already, you are winning every time you are moving. Forget the money, success, fame etc. Just focus on the process and you will attract success in just a matter of time. You keep getting better every time you are moving, how good was that? you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. Nothing can stop you if you will feel unstoppable, you can go forward as much as you can, you can become relentless, you can become the best, it's only up to you what are you going to do. 

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Living differently, changing your life is just a small adjustment to your thoughts and habits. You don't need to get  immediate results, you don't need to see dramatic changes like money, success or something. Just live differently today by being grateful. Work harder, start faster, think better, be thankful of what you have give your best and just keep moving forward. Look for small improvements that you can do. You feel so weak and angry because you're not taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means being more disciplined and taking care of what you have. It means prioritizing yourself over pleasure and different activities that will make you weaker, slower or dumber. Just stop sabotaging yourself and that's it, you're good. All you have to do is stick with the basics, do something that will put you on a much better place to become a winner. Do something that has a potential to give you something in the future. 


if you're thinking about what to do in order to become successful... just don't give up and that's it. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the process and figure out what will work in your life, as simple as that. People are constantly worrying about what to do or what is the right thing to do. Just have fun while working hard and going towards your journey and that's it. Every challenge is an opportunity to make you better. Don't give up when you are being tested, keep moving forward all the time and never feel stuck. Stuck is just a perspective, you can make a progress everyday if you will just think right and do something that is more meaningful and has a purpose. Be intentional with change, watch your thoughts and actions. Most of the time you're just wasting time for activities that are not even worth it. Every second counts, everyday is an opportunity to get better so don't waste it. Believe in the power of compound effect. Every time you work hard it will all pile up and you will see the results on the right time. So just keep going and never get jealous of people who are making it fast. He who made it fast will fall fast, this is a race not a marathon. You can't become successful by now because you are just being honed to become tougher and wiser because trust me... when success is there and you don't have the right mentality and enough strength... you will lose it fast and it will destroy you. 


Be thankful that you can work, be thankful that you have a lot of energy, you're still strong and can do something that is meaningful and has a purpose. Being appreciative will give you more energy to do more, it will give you more resources, it will make you more positive and you can endure a lot of challenges, you can weather any storm if you are appreciative, you will make the right choices in life, everything will be a lot easier when you are thankful. This is your journey, take care of it, live it and make it colorful as much as you can, experience more and do more, never stop. 

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You may win because somebody helped you or carried you but if you didn't best you will never feel great. You may lose to the eyes of others but if you really gave your all and you left nothing in your tank then somehow you feel great and proud of yourself, you also feel like a winner, that's the effect of doing it your way and not being afraid to lose, that's the effect of giving everything you've got... you feel superior and powerful. Give your full maximum effort and never stop, keep moving forward all the time, even if it is hard, even if you don't know if you're going to win or not... just keep going and give everything you've got. If you want to become great then never give up, give everything you've got no matter what and always go further. Tenacity, perseverance and not giving up, these are the only qualities you need to  have in order to become great. You will never feel strong if you're always holding yourself back, as simple as that. This is the real definition of greatness... not giving up, always trying and pushing yourself to the limits. There is no quitting on you, you're doing it because you want to experience more of life, you want to know how far you can go and how big you can be. Give your very best without regretting anything when you fail. Just give your all and never hold yourself back, never be scared of any challenge, never be scared to try everything you can just to get to the next level. 

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Sep 18, 2024


Some people were always looking for rewards, they're looking for success that they didn't really work hard for, they feel so entitled of something they didn't deserve. They want to win but they don't want to suffer, what people don't know is what when they are working they are already winning. It may sound odd but it is the reality, you are struggling because you have the power to struggle, you are getting stronger and your mentality is going to another level. Give your best no matter what, that's the reward you can give to yourself. 


you're struggling because you're not going harder. You have to push harder than the challenges. If life is pushing you hard you need to push back harder. Stop giving mercy to your fears and doubts, stop giving in to challenges. You need to show the world that you don't easily back down to small or big problems, you are here to stay, you are here to win and that will never change. Every time you are tired, every time you wanted to quit just keep moving forward. Always remember that the reward is your ability to move, that itself is the prize, everything else is just a bonus. This is an opportunity to become great, it's an opportunity to get better, moving without getting anything is not a shame because your work ethic and mentality has improved. What do you want more? to become a person who is struggling yet working hard because he is improving internally? or to become a person who is not struggling too much because of laziness but getting getting weaker mentally? if you are not pushing yourself you are getting weaker an wear, your soul is drying, your passion is dying. 


Some people are only motivated if there is a lot of people cheering for them. Some people will just keep going if they have a strong support system, they will try and fight because they have a strong team. What if nobody is there to support you anymore? what if nobody is cheering for you anymore? can you still move forward? can you still keep the fight alive? 


Force the fate and see how far you can go. It is what it is, it's going to be hard but it is worth it. Force it, show your power, use all of your skills, do whatever it takes to win and never quit, as simple as that. Never succumb to your doubts and fears, always believe in yourself, the reward that you can't see is the person you become by chasing your goals. It feels s good to be improving internally, it feels so much better gaining a little something in life and you are the only one who will feel it without fooling yourself, you know if you are giving your best, it feels so good to be giving your very best, it is very close to greatness, it is very close to any form of success. 

work should be your fun

Any work should be fun because it is a blessing, it means you are still alive and you can still do a lot of things, what a blessing that is, it's so cool to be working even if the work is hard, it's so cool to have an opportunity to get better and win in life. 

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You are tired because you want something to watch on the television, your favorite movie is on air. You are tired because you wanted to eat, you want to rest because there is something you can eat inside the refrigerator. You are tired because you want to sleep, it's not that you are really tired or fatigued, you jus want to sleep because it's your habit, you are getting sleepy every time you are stuck in a difficult task. You are tired because you can't see results but if the money or progress keeps coming in then you have an endless energy. You are tired because you want to drink and party, it's not that the party was set before you even get tired, the truth is you are looking for it all the time. You are tired because you want to taste comfort all the time, this is making our body weak, looking for comfort and entertainment is conditioning your body to get slower, weaker and age fast. You are always sleepy because you're too addicted to lying and sleeping on your bed. You are always hungry because you have a lot of junk food stored in your cabinet, you have a lot of resources for weakness to go to that is why your body is craving for more weakness and useless junks. That is they successful people became successful because they don't have anything before, they don't have any distraction that is why they are mainly focused on getting stronger and working for more. You will never get tired if nothing is waiting for you to be consumed. Unsubscribe from netflix, throw away all of your junk food, cut your TV cable subscription, smash your play station, keep your cellphone while you are working. If there is no distraction then you will never get tired, you will have an insane focus and you will have more time and energy. You are always running out of time because your time is divided into different parts. You have time for playing video games, watching porn, eating a lot of junk, sleeping for no reason, scrolling on face book and now you don't have time for taking care of yourself anymore. You can't manage your time because most of your time goes to pleasures and nonsense actions. But if you will just be strict on yourself then you will never get tired, you will have more time for yourself and by doing that you will become relentless and extraordinary. You will get tired fast if you're always distracted and unfocused. You will never go further if you're always prioritizing your feelings, stop spoiling yourself with vices and garbage entertainment because it is making you a weak useless clown. You're better than that, if you want to experience a better life then learn to make sacrifices, stop being weak, stop being tempted so easily by instant gratification and learn to control yourself even if it is really hard. Avoid clicking nonsense websites, avoid the junk food, stop letting a stupid influencer influence your mind, reclaim your mind and reclaim your power, that's what you should be doing right now. 

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decide to become unstoppable

The truth is you can become unstoppable, relentless and unlimited if you want to. What's stopping you is yourself, you are acting like a bum, you are not pushing yourself, you are not doing everything you can to get to the next level, you're stuck in your position because you like to be stuck, you are pretending that you don't want your life anymore but you're so addicted with your lazy habits that is pulling you down and making your life so ugly and miserable. If you want a different kind of experience decide to become unstoppable, take more actions, quadruple your effort and never stop. 


Do everything you can while you can still move forward, train your body and mind to become a doer and a finisher, if it's hard then it is better, do the work even if you are sleep and feeling tired, it's just an illusion, you just want comfort that's why you're feeling that way. You are not use to working long hours, you can't focus that's why you are always looking for an easy way out. Comfort is for the losers, it's for people who can't change, it's for people who keep on going down. You can move forward even if you're feeling bad, you can do something and make an impact even if you're not feeling well. Tired is only in the mind, you are tired because you want to open your cellphone and scroll, you are tired because you want to sit down and watch TV, you are tired because you want to go home and drink beers, you are tired because you want an easy life, you are tired because you are not familiar with hard work. If there is no pleasure then you will never get tired, if you will never do anything that is easy, weak and entertaining then you will never get tired. Your vices and stupid habit is the one that is making you tired and slow. If you want to become unstoppable then forget instant gratification, forget all of your weak hobbies and focus on hard work. 


You are not confident in yourself and your skills because you're not working hard enough, you think you are working but the truth is you're procrastinating most of the time, you're clowning around and playing like it is not a sin to waste your time. If you want to feel good about yourself then work as hard as you can, stop playing with nonsense and weakness and start elevating your game, this is the only way to feel so strong and energetic... do more and be more, stretch yourself and pus yourself to the limits, it's the only way to get on top and have a strong body and mind. You will never feel strong and confident if you're lazy and always wasting time for nothing. You have to take actions and stop acting like you all have the time in the world to change. The change must happen now, it must be intentional, you must be disciplined and forget everything that is making you weak, slow and dumb. Stop playing games because you will be the one who will get played in the end if you make it your habit. 

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You're too focused on the results, instant gratification, instant rewards, fast success, shortcuts and that's why you are so weak and cannot make a progress. You are so attached to winning that's why you don't know how to win, winning is done by working hard, sacrificing and giving everything you've got. It's not about whining, checking notifications, making dramas and comparing yourself to others. Why not focus on being powerful first? why nota focus on making yourself better first before you think about getting what you want? what you want will not be given to you, you will get what you deserve. So if you're not giving everything you've got, if you're not pushing yourself to the limits then never expect that you will become a winner. Focus on power first, focus on becoming powerful and strong. Focus on becoming fast and productive. Never focus on what is missing in your life because that will only create scarcity, that will only make you weak. Become a doer, start now, do something and keep going further. You don't need to win right away, you have your own timing, you just need to figure out what works for you. Focus on getting better, improve yourself, improve your habits strengthen your mind and character. Believe in yourself, make yourself great, make yourself stronger and better. Upgrade your skills, tweak your character and always look for an edge, always look for something that will increase your value. It can be anything, just work harder and dig deeper. You can make it if you will prioritize strengthening your work ethic and character first. When your value goes high people will look for you, opportunities will be attracted to you automatically. You have to go hard no matter what, be a hard worker not a soft worker. You have to keep pushing no matter what and do whatever it takes to win but never give up and never feel frustrated if you can't see results, you have to really go to the next level and see what is possible if you focus like a mad scientist and stay hungry for work. Look for another step, never procrastinate, never do things that will make your life worse. You are the one who is creating your life, nobody will create it for you. So keep going and do something positive every single day, never whine and complain because you're not making any results, you're not attracting results because you are a bum, you are weak and you are not improving. Improve yourself first before you ask for something bigger than who you are. Don't look or easy ways, don't look for easy tasks, just do it, just start making a momentum, start getting better and never stop until you're done. The time for being great is now, do what you can do and never stop until you finally get on top. 

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Can you still believe when your life is falling apart? can you still work when nothing is working? can you still be happy and appreciative even if you're not winning, earning or progressing? the real challenge here is not the problem, the real challenge here is your belief. Can you still believe and stick with the process? can you say to yourself I will never give up no matter what. Belief is the most powerful thing, if you believe in yourself then nothing is impossible to you. Just believe no matter what, just do whatever it takes to win. Work as hard as you can and never think about losing, ever. If you really believe in yourself then you will do the impossible, you will invest in yourself, strengthen your mind and body and take risks with whatever you have. You will improve your skills, you will go the extra mile and you will have zero time for nonsense things and activities that will weaken your soul and mentality. Believing will create power, you will be able to do something you haven't done before. Believe that great things is about to come and it will come, as simple as that. Your mind will produce in reality what it is thinking of. Just believe, it is free, you can believe anytime you want, you can believe as much as you want. Nothing can stop you from believing what you want. You can put any idea in your mind and fully believe in it, you can master something, you can fixate a thought, a strong thought that can never be erased in your mind. If you have a firm and solid belief then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. But if you don't believe in yourself then for sure you already lost just even before the battle begin. Believing is the most important thing that you need to master. Believe everyday, even if you are doubting yourself a little bit... overpower that negative emotion with your belief. Work every single day for yourself, never stop, keep pushing forward and do whatever it takes to win. Never let anything affect you, never let a difficult situation weaken your mind and change what you believe, your belief should get stronger every time it gets harder. The time is now, start programming your mind now and never stop believing in yourself, you have what it takes to win. Start with your mind, define a belief, process or a thought that will empower you and make it stronger everyday through repetition. Say I am a millionaire 1 million times, say I am strong 1 billion times, say I am confident forever. Nothing can stop you if you will allow yourself to become something you haven't been before. Just do it, just start believing in yourself and never let fear interrogate your belief about yourself. You must keep believing even if negative emotions are starting to creep in, never let fear destroy your guard, never let the fear of failure set the tone for your journey. 

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Sep 17, 2024

some winners are losers

Some people will act like winners because they are winning with somebody, someone carried them, they don't do the work and act like a winner, actually they are just pretending. They post on social media that they are winning but the truth is they didn't even do anything. The sad news about this is what if there is nobody to carry them anymore? what if nobody will be there to help them? for sure they don't know what to do anymore, they will be stuck, they will feel weak and helpless. This is what will happen if you're dependent to something, you will never be able to do it your way, you will never feel how it feels to become great. Some people were just pretending that they are winning outside but deep inside they are losing because they feel powerless, they don't have control to anything. They don't know what to do once their source of power is gone, they can't force themselves to fight, they can't move forward because they need to wait for instructions or validation from other people. They're only confident when there is somebody to save their ass. They're last resource is to blame people and things for their misfortune. Winning means mentality, it's not about the results... it's about what you develop inside of you. If you don't have a strong mentality to adapt to anything and do something about the situation then you're a loser forever. 


Start depending on yourself, don't depend on anything or anyone to do it for you because it will only make you weak. You have to force something, you have to be brave and start taking steps that will take you closer and closer to your goals. Never let anything stop you, never let anybody tell you what to do. If something in your heart is telling you how to do it then do it. Follow your heart, allow yourself to become the director of your own life, you are the start here, you are the doer and the finisher, never let anybody do the work for you because it will only make you weak, you will lose confidence in yourself if you're not taking the risk. Even if you fail, at least you fail by doing it your way, at least you fail by pushing yourself to the limits and testing how far you can go. It's your life, nobody has the right to tell you what to do, nobody can force you to do something. Start believing in yourself now and start the process even if you don't know what to do. You will win if you use your willpower, just grind and find a way no matter what, you can make a breakthrough if you don't give up, this is just a matter of perseverance. This is just a matter of trying to be brave and testing your character. Greatness will be experience if you take the risk and allow yourself to fail. 

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You're always wishing for something, you're always complaining and making excuses, you're always wishing for a comfortable life and this is making you a bum. This is making you lazy even more, you are soft now, you are useless and weak now, you are so slow and can never run your own life or make your own decision. You're a wish washy guy, you're always wishing for success, fame, money but you're not willing to work hard for it. Stop wishing for something you don't deserve, if you want to become great then do great things. Exert a very strong effort, do something that not all people can do. You think you are entitled of winning, you think you deserve something you didn't work for, shut your mouth, stop dreaming and do the work. If you don't want to work real hard then you don't deserve to be anywhere near greatness. You  deserve to be at the bottom with rats and cockroaches. It is hard work that will save your sorry ass, it is pushing yourself to the limits that will make you go further. You don't need to become great right away, you just need to decide where you want to go and go there with all your might. Stop complaining, stop acting like a victim and just start, keep going further as much as you can. There are no limits here, you can become unlimited, you can become relentless if you want to, it all depends on how bad do you want it. 


Start a campaign, start a project, start a small business or even just a small goal. Starting something and becoming a doer is 1 million times better than a wishy washy guy, at least you have a direction and you're taking matters into your own hands not just hoping and wishing for a change that you didn't make an effort for. It is your effort that matters, it's not the results, it's not winning or losing... it is your effort. Your effort alone can attract magical things into your life. Your effort alone can make you a beast, it will make an impact, it will make a loud sound that will shake the world. Start something, never doubt yourself, hard work alone can attract opportunities. Stop wasting time doing something that is not worth it, you have to go, step on the gas and never step on the brakes. You have to beat the red light, be fast as you can be and never go back. Stop thinking about the past, forget what is making you feel bad and start taking actions now. Go for the kill, go for what you want, never stop believing in yourself, never stop doing the best you can do. Put your heart into it, believe it with all your heart and never stop until you finally win. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...