Jan 13, 2018


It all depends on how hungry you are, if you're hungry then you will be able to do things that you don't normally do. That's why real hungry people who haven't eat for days manages to commit crimes just to have some food on their table, they are doing everything they can regardless if it is right or wrong.

You can also do some things that you don't usually do but the best thing to do is do it positively and not negatively. Push like you never before, if you have a goal and you're so hungry to get it... do whatever it takes but always make sure you do it legally.

The more hungry you are, the more you will take actions, you will feel desperate, you will do whatever it takes.

You will never care if you are tired, you will never care if you are suffering, you will just do it and you will never stop until you become successful. Being hungry is a good state of mind, it will put you into a sense of urgency, you will work harder than yesterday, you will bang the door until it opens.

So if you're not getting the results you want... it only means you're not hungry enough, it only means you're not taking massive actions.

If you're hungry then you will create miracles, you will do the unthinkable, you will do something that not all people can do... as simple as that.

If you're hungry your giving yourself the freedom to take actions, you will feel no resistance, you will just do it no matter what, you will feel powerful because you have nothing to lose anymore. You will feel like everything you do is right, the more you get hungrier... the more you will push harder.

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Feeling stuck is just a drama, being stuck is because you are lazy and not moving, if you are working hard then you are not stuck, you feel ...