Jan 15, 2018


Too much play, too much enjoyment will make you stupid and broke, you will become weak by doing it. It's true that you must have dun in life but having too much fun will put you into trouble.

Look at those people who party all day everyday... they were broke, they don't have money, they don't have any career. They think the are cool but the truth is they are so weak, they can't live their lives without having fun. The dangerous thin about playing everyday is you will never learn anything, you will never grow. You think you're having fun but in the end you will discover that you've already wasted a lot of time.

Growth can only be achieved through pain and boredom and you will never get it through partying, taking vacation, shopping, acting wild.

You will be played in the future, someone will play you because you don't know a lot of things, you don't have the experience to do something. When something bad happens to you... you don't know how to react, you will be stunned.

So starting now, learn to sacrifice, learn to face the pain. Do something that is hard and will make you bored, do something that has benefits in the future so you will become experienced and you will gain a lot of experience.

Stop playing around, this is the time to get serious with your life, stop looking cool in social media posting how good your life is. You know it's not true, you know you're broke. If you don't have at least a $2000 savings then you're broke.

You love feeling good, you love easy task that you don't know how to work anymore. You're easily annoyed by simple jobs that you can do in 30 minutes. You can't stick with the process for a very long time.

You will be a slave of somebody if you don't know anything, if your life has no direction. You will be played if you don't have money to use for a better purpose. You better be stop playing now or else someone will play you in the future, they will ask you to do what you don't want to do.

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You will never understand everything and you are not suppose to understand everything. You may work hard, you may be more skilled than other...