Jan 14, 2018


Everyone who is still alive is not weak because they are still trying to survive. Even if you're poor... it doesn't mean that you're weak because you're still managing to survive, you're still fighting. There is no food on the table, there is no stable house to live in but you still manage to survive each day and fight for your life, that is already a strength.

You got bullied in class, your classmates are laughing at you calling you weak and any other kinds of bullying. But you still manage to go to class everyday, you're strong because you know why are you there, you are there to learn and not to make friends. Never listen to what they say and just keep being strong, enjoy your everyday class. You're still alive so you're very strong.

Anyone who is still alive, anyone who is still fighting is strong... even if he is struggling or losing.. he is strong because he still want to live his life.

The weakest are the ones who commits suicide, they are so weak because they can't appreciate what is going on with their lives, they don't have the will to survive. They always think that they are the victim, the are so needy of appreciation and attention.

If you're still breathing, if you still manage to do what you are suppose to do everyday... you are strong. Just keep fighting because one day your situation will change, one day you will become successful in anything that you do.

Real power is not bullying someone or getting rich right away. Real power is surviving and facing all the challenges in life. It's about ignoring the pain of your problems and trying to make your life a little bit better each day.

If you're still alive then it means you're powerful, it means you have the power to make your life better.

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Instead of looking for someone who is strong to make you stronger why not be the strength that you are looking for? make yourself better, ma...