Jan 14, 2018


It's better than not doing anything at all, it's better than just taking your life for granted doing nothing and becoming regretful in the end. If you need to spend your whole life chasing for your dream so be it, do it. It's better than just watching your dreams all go away.

Do something for it everyday, chase hard, chase as much as you can, dedicate your life to it. If you will not do this then you will get lost. If you are chasing something then your life ha a direction, you will wake up with a purpose in life, you will have a different world... something different than the normal people.

There will be a lot of disappointments and failures but the sacrifice is worth it.

Chase it, get it, give your very best, use all of your energy and time. The best way to do it is to go all out and never think about going back.

Even if you don't know what to do... just do something, your willpower will give you direction, your desire will show you the way.

Spend your whole life chasing for something and you will love your life, you will never get bored, you will always feel motivated and hungry, you will always be on the move.

Chase what gives you happiness, chase what makes you feel alive, chase the impossible... chase it forever until it's yours.

And when you finally became successful... chase for more, the chasing will never stop.

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