Jan 15, 2018


Looking for stress relievers will only make you more stressed. Stress is not something that you should strive to get rid of, it's something that you should embrace, something that you should feel.

Stress happens when you want something to happen but it's not happening. For example, you want to traffic to flow fast, you want to go home fast and stop dealing with your boss, you want the noise outside of your house to go away, etc. It happens because you want to feel good fast, you want the pain to go away. It will not happen, stress is something that you should embrace, it's something that you shouldn't be afraid to feel.

If you will always want to feel good then you're in trouble, you will always feel stress. Look at those bum stupid drug addicts... they always wanted to feel good, they want to escape their problems that's why their problems are getting bigger.

Embrace the stress, be one with it, it will go away anytime soon. If you will numb the pain through eating, smoking, drinking or taking any drugs or energy drinks... you are only destroying your body, you are making your mental game weak, your mental toughness is lowering down. It's all about embracing the pain and enjoying it, have dun with it, laugh at it.

Not all people know that all discomfort will soon go away, you don't need to get rid of it as fast as you can because every time you do it... you will power is getting weaker.

Stress relievers are for weak people, all you have to do is stay calm, keep moving and that's it. Sleep if you need to but don't ever take stress relievers because it will make you weak even more.

It's all in the mind, if you are very good in controlling yourself then you will become very successful, your endurance will become stronger, you can withstand any pressure, you can do any hard task.

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Instead of looking for someone who is strong to make you stronger why not be the strength that you are looking for? make yourself better, ma...