Jan 13, 2018


Most people who are striving to become the strongest, richest, prettiest, greatest usually fails. It is because they are comparing themselves to others, they want to look good, they want to be the talk of the town, they want to impress people. It's not about being the best, it's about who will stay on top of his game until the end. 

If you can endure a lot of challenges in life, if you can simply stick with the process then you will stay on top until the end. There are some people who win so fast, they come to the top so fast but they also fade fast, you can't even see their shadows. It's because when reality strikes them... they don't know what to do anymore, they were so depressed, they feel weak. 

Life is all about enduring the most difficult challenges in life, it's not purely about winning, being the best or being the talk of the town.

If you can work until the end then you're good. Simply give your best every single day, never complete, never try to better than anyone else. Just be yourself and do what is right. 

You can become the best now but if you can't maintain that status then you will feel bad, you will be trapped into a depression. Look at those popular celebrities before who are not popular anymore... their lives sucks, they were completely lost. That is what being the greatest can give to you if you can't handle it... your pride will eat you. You want to be the best forever and if it's not in your anymore... you lose your mind.

Just try to endure anything, just try to endure the critics, challenges in life, try to endure anything. It's all about being strong, it's all about embracing all the shits in life and not making it a big deal. 

If you can still work everyday, work hard and give your best every single time without striving to become the greatest then you will be fine. Life is not a race, it's a marathon. It's not how fast you get there but were you able to stick with the process until the end? 

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