Jan 17, 2018


If you're going to die in a month does your fear really matter? does your worries have values? of course you will think differently. You will think more positively. You will rush to say I love you to your mom, you will force yourself to get your dreams and experience the things that you wanted to experience.

Try to think about this... does your fear going to help you? if not then why entertain it? why give it a time? just ignore it, do your thing and it will subside.

Fear doesn't matter, if life is so short then what is the use of entertaining fear? you can become scared as shit, you can hide all day long but at the end of the day... your fear will never go away if you don't face it.

If you want something then fear should have no place in your heart, you should go for it boldly and never stop until you get it.

Fear will go away if you're taking actions, if you're moving then you will not even notice that you're scared. Fear is just a state of mind, it is nothing. It's making you believe about something that is not happening yet, it is poisoning your mind so you better ignore it and just keep taking actions.

Once you feel the fear... move right away so it can't control you anymore, move towards what you need to do, move towards what you want.

Fear is only strong if you're thinking, it is only playing on your mind if you're waiting.

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