Jan 3, 2024


If you can easily get trapped by a food, gossip, social media post, TV, laziness, partying, drinking or any activities that makes you weak then it means you have a weak mind. If your vices is controlling you then you have a weak mentality, it also means your life is falling apart. If something can make you angry easily, if the external things can control your emotions then you are not disciplined, you have a weak mind too. If you want to have a powerful mind then you need to stay disciplined forever, watch your moves and emotions, watch yourself and stop sabotaging yourself. Practice delayed gratification all the time. Why in the hell will you party if you don't have a money? why the hell will you smoke that cigarette if your body is deteriorating? why will you watch tv if you haven't finished your assignment yet? being successful is too easy, you need to stick with the basics, stay disciplined and do what is needed, stop doing what you want because 100% of the time what you want is BS entertainment, what you want is fun but has no essence at all. Watch your mind, what are you thinking? watch your speed, why are you slowing? watch your movements, why the hell will you do that for? if something is not putting you on a better position in life, if there is no benefit from it then why do it? you are wasting your life, stop wasting your time and energy because time will come and you will get weaker, you have to do what is needed now while you still have some time. If you're sick and tired of having a weak mind then you better get rid of your vices, stay away from pleasures and entertainment, you need to get a little bit serious. Learn how to enjoy the right things, have fun with harder activities but has benefits in the future. Your mind will get weaker and weaker if all you want to do is have fun and do the easiest things in life. You will go down very fast if you will not stop the madness now. Get rid of comfort, forget that you need to sleep, get disgusted with junk foods, smash your television hit it with a baseball bat because it's weakening your mind. News, gossips and useless TV programs is poisoning your mind, it's making you believe in lies, it's amplifying your fears. 

Stay disciplined, go hard every single day, exercise, eat right and do some fasting. You need to struggle and suffer if you want to get stronger, you need to focus on yourself, focus on the useful suffering. Once you were able to get comfortable with pain then life gets easier, you will have more freedom if you are disciplined and committed to self improvement. The time for being a weak clown is over, you need to push yourself to the limits and do something you haven't done before. Grind like hell, do something that will improve your mentality. Stop getting addicted to social media because it will ruin your life. A lot of people got depressed because of social media, you know why? because it is full of lies, it is full of garbage information. It's making you wanted to copy those weak and fake people. Those are all lies, those are all scripted, people are dreaming on social media, they're not living in reality. Your real life is waiting for you, the question is do you still have enough energy to come back? act now before it's too late, quit the social media, quit playing games and start making yourself stronger. Focus on protecting your mind with those harmful information. The news is trying to control the world. They're spreading negativity to control your mind, people want negative information that's why news is not talking about a good samaritan who killed a giant dinosaur just to save a baby. They're not talking about kindness, all they talk about is war, problems, trends, fake celebrities and any other useless information that will not increase your confidence, media is there to scare you and trigger your fear. Discipline yourself, unsubscribe from negative programming, focus on having a positive mind so you will have a positive life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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