Jan 25, 2024


Wherever you are you can build greatness over there, all you have to do is work hard and trust yourself, as simple as that. No matter what resources you have... you can still build some greatness. Even if you have less, even if you have nothing, even if you come from a poor background... you can still do something with your life and build something great. It all depends on how big your desire is. If you have a burning desire then nothing is impossible to you. You can develop it through visualizations, affirmations and of course practice. See yourself winning, see yourself working hard like a mad dog that is looking for a bone in the dessert. No time to stop, no time to whine, it's simple getting better each day and doing whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. You can do whatever you want if you will just ignore all the resistance and focus on taking it one step at a time. Where you are standing right now, where you are living... you can build some greatness there. 


Success is all about taking actions, it's all about taking chances. Your emotions is the only thing that is stopping you. You feel lazy, you feel scared, you feel doubtful all the time and you're allowing those emotions to immobilize you, and that's why you can't make a progress. Let your negative emotion be the trigger to keep going. Never lose hope, never stop, just push yourself to the limits and never give up. Keep pushing until something happen. Whenever you are scared keep going. Whenever you have doubts just start. Whenever you feel that it is difficult... just push. The idea is to never stop, never hold yourself back. Make yourself a doer, you give your best, you push yourself to the limits no matter what, you never stop and you just go for it. GO for the kill, go for what you need to do and never shy away from any challenge. Just don't stop, don't waste time and give yourself a chance to win. You can get better everyday if you will just stay committed to the grind, hustle like a desperate man. Watch yourself whenever you feel uncomfortable, your mind will always look for an easy way out, you will always look for something to do that is so much easier. The only way to get better is to push and nothing else. Stick with the process and never look for comfort. Immerse yourself in fire and just take it one step at a time. At the end of the day time is running, you are spending your time no matter what. The question is where did your time go for the whole day? it is much better if you will use your time for getting better and taking chances rather than wasting it for nonsense activities that makes you worse. Stop letting your emotions dictate where you need to do, go against your emotions and never let it win. Use your mind, stay calm and keep pushing forward, that's all you need to do. Progress will only happen if you're taking matters into your own hands. 

no excuses

Even if you are broke, even if you're unhealthy, even if you didn't finish your studies or you have no help at all... still chase greatness and build something everyday. Stay consistent and never stop, all you have to do is go for it like a raging bull, never let the lack of something stop you. Never let anything hold you down, you have to dream big, believe big and just work as hard as you can. That's the formula, believe and work hard, never let yourself down, you are doing this for yourself, you are doing this to see how far can you go. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...