Jan 14, 2024


Remind this about yourself that it's not about the results, it's about trying and pushing yourself to get better. If you need to do something... do it. If you have an idea... do it and never stop. It's time to get real, if you will not take this seriously then your life will become fragile. You have to push yourself to do the right things. It's very basic, if you will let laziness take over your life then you will go down on a downward spiral. Just keep on pushing, keep on trying and never give up. This should become your culture. Always go for the kill, look for the progress, go for the improvement. Make sure you're going to do something to make your life a little bit better. It's wanting to improve, it's the hunger to get better that will make you successful not the wanting of results. If you're addicted to the process then you will go further. If you want the results right away then you will never become successful because your patience will run out when times are hard. Just be a doer and not a thinker. Stop day dreaming and make yourself a master of processing something. If you're moving forward all the time then you will accomplish a lot of things. Focus on trying to get better and opportunities will be attracted to you. The reason why you can't catch a break is because you're too weak and slow. You're not doing anything to make your life a little bit better. You should be addicted to improvement. 


It's all about the chase, it's all about the grind, it's all about the fight. The question is are you fighting? are you really giving your all? despite of being down, despite of being hurt and wounded, despite of not having anything are you still fighting and believing that you can make a comeback? It's worth it giving it a try. You will never regret if you try and give your all. You can fight forever the question is will you? This is life, you need to make the best out of it. Why will you choose to become a coward if you can become brave? you have the power to choose your destiny. It all depends on where do you want to end up. 


the magic is in the work that you're refusing to do. The magic is when you push through despite of feeling lazy, that is where the magic begins. So if you want to feel magical, if you want to feel so good then you better face your laziness, face the work that you're trying to avoid and do it now. Speed will reward, the faster you do it the faster you make a progress. There is nothing to lose here, you're always winning if you're moving and trying. Avoid pleasures and instant gratification, you need to remind yourself all the time if you're not doing the right thing. Stop pampering yourself with entertainment and useless stuffs that will never help you to grow and evolve. You need to be mindful of what you do. ask yourself all the time if it is making you better financially, physically, mentally or spiritually. If not then stop doing it right away and do some other things that will put you on a better place to win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...