Jan 3, 2024


You can still work while waiting for a job interview, just because you already passed your resumes to 100 different companies doesn't mean you have the luxury to rest and wait for their call. Who the hell are you, you are jobless that's why you don't have the luxury to wait. You can still do something while waiting. If you have a sprain ankle you can still work and do something else, you can exercise your arms, you can do some easy stretching, you can lift weights. Just because you are injured and waiting for your ankle to heal doesn't mean you can afford to get lazy. Remember that there are still some other things that you can do even if you're hurt. You can still manage to improvise and make some adjustments. Stop waiting for the perfect moment before you work because it will never happen. You need to become fast, you need to push yourself to work hard even if you're waiting for something. Sometimes it's just an excuse, you are waiting for what? what if it didn't come? you have to take matters into your own hands and do more. Waiting for something is laziness, it's an invalid reason to take a break, you are not allowed to take a break if you haven't got any results yet. Who do you think you are? son of a king? it's time to destroy your laziness, it's time to work as hard as you can and never stop. 


Develop speed, speed is the name of the game, success loves speed. Watch yourself all the time if you're choosing activities that makes you slow. The reason for your failure and miserable life is not the lack of money, opportunity, help or skill... it's the lack of willpower. You always choose to become slow, comfort is killing and you're not aware of it because you're so addicted to it. Why choose to become a turtle if you can become a cheetah? always seeking for comfort will give you a bad life, it will bring bad luck into your circle. You need to stay away from comfort, stop pampering yourself if you haven't done anything good yet with your life. You're too comfortable and stagnant, you're too complacent and feeling entitled. Force yourself to move faster, go after it, start now and never stop. Give everything you've got, if you want to experience a new life then you need to change yourself first. It's easy if you will change your speed, become a doer and not a thinker. Go from gear 1 to gear 5 immediately. Disrupt your old system, start right away without warming up. Because nothing will change if you will allow yourself to still get addicted with your old bad habits. At least be faster this time, trust me it will make a huge impact. Stop thinking and being conservative, always look for actions. Focus on just doing it instead of thinking about how to get it done, your mind is slowing you if you're over using it. What you need is to forget about the future and just do what you can do today. be forceful, be aggressive, forget your mistakes and just do what you can with the very best of your abilities. Develop your speed everyday, be a doer, a fast starter, a finisher, have that killer instinct. Always smell blood, always go for the kill, never hold yourself back, never try to look cute. Execute your ideas, never think that you are wrong, even if it doesn't feel right and perfect... always think that it will work because it will. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...