May 17, 2020


Are you always asking yourself why you don't have money all the time? are you so sick and tired because you can't provide what your family needs? is the bank always calling you and threatening you that they will kick you out from your house? it feels bad right? it sucks. It sucks being broke, it feels so low, even if you convince yourself that money can never make you happy your worries and troubles for not having money still find you. There is a reason why you're broke and don't have money all the time and that is... YOU'R WASTING A LOT OF YOUR TIME FOR NOTHING. 


I've been watching this neighbor of mine because I always see him everyday by just looking outside of the window of my room. It's not that I am interested at him but I just love studying behaviors of people and dissecting down the details why they are getting the results that they have. I don't know this guy, he is just a new in our community. Upon watching his actions every time I see him... I found out that he is a driver, his occupation is taking people to wherever they are going and getting paid for it. When the lockdown started because of Corona Virus this guy doesn't know what to do anymore. He seems to be so upset. He loves to talk to other guys on our neighborhood, he seems to look friendly. Their hangout place is just a few steps from our house that's why I can hear what they are talking about. I found out that this guy is always complaining and whining like a kid. He blames the government, the lockdown, he has millions of excuses inside of his pocket. Had he use his free time for hustling and looking for some ways to make money then his family would be eating some turkeys and fine bread now. But this bum is using his time relaxing and talking all the time. He doesn't want to look for an alternative. I know it's hard to hustle because of the lock down but if you really want something then you will find a way.

The funnier thing is... this guy is borrowing money just to buy some cigarettes. If you're a righteous man then you will never prioritize your vices over your family. His children were getting hungry but he still manage to puff some cigars. And that has been his story everyday, always talking and complaining, always wishing for relief goods from the government. He is wasting a lot of his time that's why he is broke and miserable.


The number one reason why you're wasting a lot of time is because you're not aware of it. You think you have a lot of time, you think your time is bottomless. But the truth is sooner or later your time will run out and if you haven't done enough for your dreams yet then you will have a lot of regrets. You should be ashamed of yourself if you're wasting a lot of time, it's a mortal sin, sooner or later you will be punished for it, your life will become miserable, you will be stuck in a mud because time is fighting back. So stop abusing your time, use it to make your life better, use it to make your mind and body better so that you will have stronger tools to attract success into your life. Use every second, every minute, every day of your life to get what you want. Don't be afraid to get bored, forget your emotion, forget everything that entertains you. Entertainment is for the losers, grinding is for the real men and big boys. If you're always looking for comfort and relaxation then hustling is not for you, you better just watch your favorite fantasy movie and imagine you're the star there.

Your time is your valuable asset so don't ever waste it for nothing, use it to get an edge, use it to put yourself on a better position to succeed.


Time is money, imagine how much money you are losing because of wasting time. The time you use for playing video games or watching stupid movies that doesn't even help at all, it's ridiculous. The time you wasted for thinking about your enemies, the time you wasted for gossips. Did it make you grow? did it give you some money? You don't need to become smart to become rich, just have that money mindset all the time. Think about how can you make dollars, and once you have an idea... go and execute it even if you feel that it will not work. Work hard and you will become smarter later, work hard now and everything will become easier later. The experience you will get will make you smarter and better, it will be easier for you to make more money.

There are millions of ideas on how to make money, you can even become a professional even if you didn't go to school. Just go to you tube university and follow some techniques that you think will work, try it for weeks or months and see if it will give you results. Use the trial and error process. If you're patient and believe in yourself then you will get money, as simple as that.


Destroy all of your excuses and you will have a new life, as simple as that. It will be easier to create money if you will not create images on your mind why you can't do it. Of course you can do it, have you give everything you've got yet? I'm pretty sure you just use 50 percent of your skills and strength or maybe lower than that and that is why you are failing. You must go all out and use your time, energy and everything you have to get some money. Never give up when it's hard, just keep pushing and you will find a way out of no way. 

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