May 13, 2020


Nothing is hard, nothing is easy, it's just a work, it's just a simple work that you must finish. Some people were so afraid of a difficult task and that's why they can't take their lives to another level. Some people were afraid of complexity and advance methods, some people were so afraid of the things they do not know. If you will not face the most difficult things in life then you will never take your life to the land of dreams. So do it even if other people were telling you that it's difficult, just do it and never stop until it's done.


Forget if it's hard or easy and just do it, the reason why you can't do it is because you're complaining too much that it's hard and that it will take longer to finish it, so what? you need to do it or else you will not get paid, you need to do it or else your life will never change a little bit, you need to do it because it is required for success. Forget how you feel, forget if it's easy or hard and just do something that you can do to lessen the steps needed to finish it. There is a step you know, there is something you can do, forget if it will take 20 hours or 20 years to finish it, just start and push yourself to finish it, take it one step at a time. Stop crying and whining like a victim who got victimized by a weak and ugly suspect, stop acting like it's the end of the world. You have what it takes to finish it. So shut up your mouth and do everything you can to finish it.

Never let your mind get lost with worries, fear and anxiety. These negative emotions will really come out if you're not doing the right thing. Just do it and all of these negative emotions will start to evaporate one by one.

Stop hesitating, stop worrying and just do it. Do it and you will feel much better, your confidence will start to build, you will be able to establish a strong momentum and that's a strong force to make you finish a challenge or task faster than expected. Enjoy being slow but continuous, never rest if you don't need to, take one small step at a time and don't forget to have fun. Feel every movement, feel every action and never rush things, remember that this is not a race. The one who can have a lot of fun with his work is the real winner.


Like a lion who keeps hunting for a meat, like a desperate salesman who will sell cars in a squatter's area, like a dirty old man who's desperate for a young girl friend... keep pushing and never stop until you get what you want, until you finished what you've just started. There is a way how to win, all you have to do is persevere and keep pushing forward until your break finally show up. Lion will wait for weeks or even more for his prey, a great salesman will sell on the dessert just to have money for his family. Because if you really want it then you will never think if it's hard or easy anymore, you will just do it, you will give your heart and soul to it. You can become unstoppable if you will choose to. Don't hesitate and you will become unstoppable, forget the outcome and you will feel that there is nothing to lose, forget the future and you will start to realize that life really happens in the now.


Again, it becomes so difficult because you want it so fast, you want to succeed right away, you want the money now, you want to finish everything because you're looking for comfort too much. That kind of mindset will never work, it will become more difficult if you will rush everything. It's all in your head, it becomes so difficult because you're thinking about the hours needed in order to finish it. But if you will enjoy everything, if you will just focus on your work and take it one step at a time then it will never become hard anymore. If you will just move and stop thinking about what you want to get, if you will just focus on taking actions then it will be a lot easier. Always remember that life is a journey, you don't need to pressure yourself too much about getting the results, just do what you can do and never waste any time and that's it. Detach from the outcome, detach from the future, forget it and everything will become easy. Focus on what you're doing now, live in the moment and never look for a perfect and comfortable life, just enjoy what you're doing and always give your very best. There is no easy or difficult in life, it's just a perception. It's your perspective about something that makes it hard or easy, if you think that it's easy then it is, if you think that it's hard then it is hard even though it's really easy. It's your belief that determines whether something is easy or not.


You can finish what you started, you can finish everything if you will stay focused and committed. You can do something great even if you're lazy and got no skills at all, if you will use your willpower then nothing is impossible for you. If you have a burning desire to do something great then you already owned the world, victory is yours so just keep going and never stop, you can stop if in the end but don't ever stop in the middle. You have the power to do something great, all it takes is believing in yourself and working as hard as you can, always enjoy, have fun with every movement, it is possible to feel that way if you will not rush things. Learn to feel everything, hear everything and be one with what you're doing. 

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