May 4, 2020


Everybody wants to become rich. Everybody wants to have millions. But why is it so difficult to have more money? it's not about the skill nor the degree of your education, it's about what's happening inside of your head and also the way you handle your money. Money is not that hard to get, you just need to find the correct formula designated for you. Every person has a different formula to create his own wealth, that's why you can never emulate the same success as other person next to you. You have your own journey, you have your own style, it's your duty and full responsibility to find it.

Anyway here are the best tips to double your money:


This is a simple formula that works for everyone, it's hard but it is very effective. There is no difference between working and not working, it's all in the mind, your time will still pass no matter which path you choose. If you're working your time will pass, if you're not working your time will pass too. It's better to choose working because it's why you're alive, your life is built for working and not for procrastinating. Look at yourself, you're not happy when you're not working right? but every time you work you feel much happier and satisfied. Just try to out work everyone and your money will double, as simple as that. You will be the number one guy for promotion, you will have over time pays, you will learn more skill and that skill will lead to creating a higher value of yourself. Watch yourself, feel ashamed if you're not working. Stop listening to other people that you don't have to work hard to earn more money, if that is true then why is poverty so big on our world today? you need to work hard first and build the proper work ethic before you can learn how to work smarter and faster. You can't just be learning how to work smarter without burning yourself, there is a price you have to pay. If you can simply outwork everyone then you will be able to produce more, your value will increase, more money will come into your life. This is a very basic formula, you can do this, all it takes is the willingness to go the extra mile. Stop thinking about getting tired, stop thinking that the world is unfair because you're working more but getting less, that's not the right attitude if you want to earn more money. Money will come if you will learn how to appreciate your work. Just try it, outwork everyone and you will see your money double.


Don't but stuffs or things that you don't even need at all. You think you need it but the reality is not, you just fall in love with the marketing tactic set upped by the marketers. The sale items, 50% off items, zero interests, bonus points... these are traps that tricks your mind to consume their products. You need to be smarter here, be wise where you are putting all of your money. It's better to put your money on stock market or any sure investment rather than putting it on things that you can never sell in the future. The idea here is to be disciplined in how you spend your money because if you will spend more than you can earn... you're in big trouble my friend, you will go down, you will have debts and that will pile up, the result is you can breathe, and if you don't have enough breathing room... it will be harder for you to create money. Your cycle will be like that forever, you will use your credit card spending the money that you haven't earned yet, all of your money will go to bills, you're in a rat race that you can't escape. It's only hard in the beginning, once you were able to tame yourself... never go back to your bad spending habits.

Cut your credit cards, stop loaning, deprive yourself from new gadgets or sale items. Sometimes you just need to stop spending and your financial status will improve.


You should have a money mindset if you want to have more money. It's not that you're kneeling in front of money, it's not that you're being controlled by money, you just think about it all day long so that your mind will make right decisions how to make more money. You need to put it inside of your had so that you will see opportunities to create more money. Find ways how to make more money, stretch your creativity, use your willpower, it's all about taking actions and executing fast whenever there is an opportunity. Utilize all of your resources and skills to create more money, test every possibility. Always think that it is possible to make money your own way. Be a believer, never belittle your own ideas, never think that you don't deserve to become successful. Always think big and give yourself a chance to create more wealth. There are millions of ways how to create more money, all you have to do is open your eyes and act fast whenever you have an opportunity to do so. Stop procrastinating, it's the number one money blocker, always think that every second is an opportunity to make more money.


You can have one million dollars but if you think it's not enough then you're still poor. You can only have 10 thousand dollars but if you're really happy with it and not comparing yourself to other people then you're already rich. Being rich is just an emotion, it's just a state of mind, if you really feel so rich then you are, no need to look for approval, no need to tell the world that you are rich. If you can appreciate every money you have then it will be easier for you to create more money because you are happier, and if you are happy... more ideas will flow, great opportunities will be attracted to your life.


Be generous. Never think that your net worth is being subtracted every time you give. Money is just rotating, if you feel good about giving then it means you're on a grid of abundance, it means your vibrating wealth and success. Learn to give more, it will come back to you in double.

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