May 8, 2020


A lot of people were having problems in being productive. Actually, it's not really hard to become productive, all it takes is creating a habit. If you can just master at least 2-3 habits listed below then you will be able to double or even your productivity. They say that you have to do what you want to do to become successful and more productive, that's not true all the time. What if all you want to do
is play video games all day, is that considered as being productive?

Try these 5 simple steps that will double your productivity each day:

1. Make more mistakes.

The reason why you can't start is because you don't want to make mistakes. Just start and forget about perfection. Make more mistakes, just start and forget about the future, live in the moment and just do whatever you want to do. Making mistakes is all part of the game, it's part of the journey. You have to realize that it's teaching you a lesson, it's not making the process slower, it's making the process faster because you're not overthinking, you're not wasting your time worrying about the future. You take actions instead and push forward until you finish the task in front of you. Making more mistakes means you're not afraid of starting and doing more, it means you're all in for the process and you don't care about repeating, the result is you will be able to do more, you are becoming more and more productive.

2. Try to focus as much as you can.

Focus, once you start... never stop until you're done. It doesn't matter if there is an email that pops up in your phone, it doesn't matter if your frenemy is trying to call you. You need to focus, it doesn't matter if money heist on netflix is on air, why will you watch it? it's not making the work faster, it's making you slower, it's only a waste of time and energy. If you really want to become productive then just focus, take it slowly. Focusing is feeling, you need to feel the actions that you are taking and learning how to enjoy it. Focusing is not rushing, it's living in the moment and looking for a way that will make you enjoy the work even more. Be aware if you are stress a little bit, every time you feel stress... slow down, turn the pace down but never stop. Don't worry because you will find your momentum and rhythm, just enjoy being slow and consistent, enjoy being slow but enjoying a little bit.

Most people that are successful were not talented at all, they're not even gifted or have a strong support. They just have the ability to focus and stick with the process for a long time. They never give up, they don't switch tasks from one to another, they are doing their best to finish the task as fast as they can, they never let anything bother them. They will not even give time to a naked woman dancing in front of them, they're focus is so strong you cannot break it.

3. Turn off your gadgets.

Turn off your cellphone, turn off your MP3 players or tablets, smash your PS5... if you really want to become productive then you should be touching only the things that you need to touch. Why even bother touching your cellphone? it will not do the work for you, it will not make your work easier. You have to have a professional mindset here, do what you need to do even of you're badly bored. Your gadgets are a waste of time and energy. The facebook gossips, stupid memes about politics, it's not even contributing to your journey, it is making you weak, it's draining a lot of your energy. If you really want to become productive then stop entertaining yourself too much, entertainment will eat a lot of your time but you're not even finishing something. You have to be smart here, I know it sounds boring but it is what it is, success is really difficult, nobody says it's going to be easy.

4. Get strict on your diet.

Eat only the foods you needed, feed your body the right foods that will give you more energy. Eating a lot of junk food will make you weak and unmotivated, it's because the contents of junk foods doesn't give energy, it's making the body work double time because it's full of process ingredients, and process ingredients make the metabolism of your body slow. The result is you're always lacking the energy to keep going. That's why athletes who are thriving are very strict on their diet, they know that in order to go to the next level, they must eat healthy and get strict with their diet.

5. Exercise for 15-30 minutes a day. 

Exercise will make your body stronger and mind sharper, science have tons of evidences to prove that. Exercise will give you extra energy to keep pushing during stressful times. It's because your body is already familiar with the stress. You are feeling stressed during exercise, but it's a healthy stress, so when you feel stressed during work... your body is not shocked, it's already familiar with the feeling. You will have more endurance if you're always exercising, you will never be afraid of long and brutal tasks. You have a mental edge, nothing can faze you, you just know that you can work hard and solve problems because you're no longer afraid of stress.


It's a choice if you want to become productive or not, you don't even need hacks at all. You can just use your willpower to force your body to move and do a lot of things. Just get serious and stop clowning around, stop thinking that you have a lot of time. Take care of your time very well because it's your number one ticket to success. If you can manage your time very well and not squander a second then you're already on your way to the top. 

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