May 25, 2020


Do you want to become unlimited? do you want to achieve greatness? Well, it is possible. Greatness can be achieved by anyone but only if he is willing to take actions and go the extra mile. Being unlimited simply means being unstoppable, it's being relentless and doing whatever it takes to succeed in life.

1. Be yourself

If you can be yourself you will have more ideas and energy, it feels like nothing is stopping you. You are so free, you are doing it your way, you are using your instincts. You are not afraid of what people say and you don't follow orders from others. You will become unlimited if you will just be yourself because all of your ideas and actions has no resistance, it is all natural, you are not pretending so you will have more energy. You will become more inspired if you're doing your thing. You will become more creative and independent, you just feel powerful in your own way. How to be yourself? just stop pretending, show your true colors, express yourself even if people will hate it, give yourself a chance to do it your way. Never follow an idea that doesn't make you feel good. It's hard to be yourself because you're thinking about other people too much, but if you will focus on yourself and your own journey, if you will go back to your self mad philosophy then you will get the strength to do it your way, you will never be afraid of losing or getting judged by other people.

2. Choose positivity or negativity

Feeling negative will make you feel weak, thinking about negative things will make you sick, you are powerless every time you choose negativity over positivity. If you are positive and optimistic then you will have more energy and inspiration, you will be able to move faster, you are motivated and the fire inside of you doesn't die fast.

You don't let any destructive thoughts poison your mind, you are focused on becoming better than yesterday, you're focused on building yourself and putting yourself on a best position to succeed. Be aware if you're being positive or negative. Be aware if you're jealous, mad, envy, depressed for no reason, be aware if you're pulling somebody down. You have to choose positivity over negativity because you will have more strength if you're not being an asshole. Focus on raising people up and stop pulling down people.


Don't wait for a wake up call before you start. Start now, I know there are some things or dreams that you want to start but for whatever reason something is stopping you. Look no more, nothing is stopping you, you're the only one who's stopping yourself. You created that fear inside of your head, you created that illusion, It's time to wake up and do something about your life. Push yourself, stop acting like it's ok because it's not, it's not ok to become lazy the whole day and just watch TV, you have a dream... you have to take care of it like a plant, water it, feed it, give some sunlight and hope. Nothing will happen if you will not start now, don't ever think that you can go harder tomorrow and make up for your laziness today, it will never happen, real life is happening now. Stop thinking about tomorrow and just start your journey today. Whatever you can do... do it, stop hesitating, start even if your start is ugly, start even if you're having a rough and slow day.

What are you waiting for? start now, start with what you have and make it big. Start even if it doesn't feel right, stop making excuses and just do it. Start even if you lack something, start even if you're overwhelmed, you will see later that it's not that hard, you will see hope, you will find the motivation to finish strong.

4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Not being afraid to make mistakes, not being afraid to get judged, not being afraid to get rejected or repeat again... this is what your mindset should be. You're in a state of abundance if you're not afraid to make mistakes simply because you know that you can try again, you know that this is just a game and all you have to do is keep trying. Never hesitate to throw yourself out there, jump in to the opportunity right away, don't be afraid to navigate the territory of wolves and lions. Making mistakes is all part of the design, it's ok to commit a lot of it because you're only getting better, stronger and wiser.

5. Forget time

Time is liming your actions, time is adding pressure to your journey. Thinking about your age, thinking that you're old already that's why you don't have the right anymore, this is stupid, age doesn't matter, if you have the heart to keep pushing and trying then you will still win even if you're already old. Your willpower will hide your age. Time has nothing to do with your victory, you can win early or you can win late, the most important thing here is you try and you give yourself a chance to become triumphant.

Forget the time remaining, forget if the clock is ticking, forget if it's almost over, forget if there is no more time... just keep pushing, thinking about time will make you pressured even more. Just relax while moving forward, be fast but don't panic, remain cool and act as if you can make it on time no matter what. Time will pass anyway, don't ever let it affect your decisions and actions. But make no mistake about it, I am not saying that squander your time, what I mean is... just keep moving forward even if time is running out, stay cool under pressure and focus on winning.

6. Ignore your feelings

Your feelings are wrong most of the time. You feel you can't do it, you feel you have no chance, you are scared and lost, you are overwhelmed, you feel you don't deserve it, you fee you are not enough. Ignore your feelings to become unlimited, just focus on what you want and never entertain any other emotions. Focus on moving forward, your feelings will change if you will stay tough and committed to your ambitions. Your feelings is nothing, it's just a hindrance, be like robot... feel nothing and move a lot.

7. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Every time you compare yourself, every time you feel so low and sorry for yourself because you're not winning while other people are getting fast... you are kicking your own ass, you are making your life miserable. Your power go away every time you get jealous, believe in yourself even if you're down or badly beaten, keep pushing, time will come and you will become a winner too. It's just a matter of persevering and doing whatever it takes to win in life. You may not be winning now but if you really want it then you will find a way how to get it. So stop comparing yourself to others and just give your best. 

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