Jan 1, 2020


At the end of the day... we will all have problems. But the problem is... sometimes you don't know what problem to choose, you're picking the wrong problem that is making your life worse and out of balance. You have a problem that is not worth solving or experiencing. If you want to become successful then you need to have the right problem. What do I mean by this? your problems should have a value, let's say your problem is how are you going to pay your house loan or business loan, or maybe how are you going to compete at the highest level or maybe how are you going to become a millionaire. Not a problem about your dramatic friend or the problem of the government, not a problem that will not even make you grow or force you to work hard. You need a problem that will guide you to a right direction, a problem that will force you to do the right things in life.

If your problem is about how to have a revenge on your enemy or how to get rid of your neighbor's dog that is very loud then your life is not on the right direction. Your problem should teach you how to grow and not to dissolve or fade, your problem should give you something once you solved it. Sometimes people were too focused on a wrong problem, that's why they can't become successful. They were focused on the news, the problem of traffic, the problem of their depressed friends, the problem of their relatives, recession, etc. They were focused on negativity instead of looking for a solution.

But if your problem is how to make your life better because you're so sick and tired of living the same way as couple of years ago then you will become more happier. You will improve, let's say your problem is to make yourself healthy and slim... you diet, you exercise, you do whatever it takes to have a hot body again that will make people salivate. That's a good problem because at least it is developing your character.

If your problem is howto become rich then you will become rich. You will focus on building businesses, molding your character to earn more money, doing whatever it takes to raise your financial status, you will go the extra mile and work extra hard to double your income, it's a good problem. It's improving your life and making you do the right things. But if your problem is so nonsense like minding other people's business, wanting to correct your neighbor's attitude, going with the activists to correct the government, complaining about the economy etc. then you're in big trouble, you pick the wrong problems that will not even contribute to the improvement of your life.


Sometimes you don't know that you're focused on what you don't want. You're focused on nonsense problems because it can easily get your attention, it's easy to deal with those things because all you need to do is talk and complain about it. You are focused on what you don't want like problems of the country, problems about your neighbor, gossips etc. Focus on what you really want like chasing your dreams, getting your goals, improving and living a better life. You need to deal with the right problem that will make you happy in the future once you solve it. It's easy to focus on small problems, it's easy to focus on other people's problems because it is entertaining but what will you get by doing that? nothing right? So if you are sure of what you want and you are doing everything you can to get it then you will get it, as simple as that. It's too impossible that you can't get it because you're so sure about it. Clarity is very powerful, it will move you to a right direction, it will show you the way, you will be able to uncover steps that are necessary to get what you want.


One goal at a time, chase one goal and if you get it... look for a bigger goal. A goal is a problem, it is a good problem, it will make you busy, it will make you move forward, it will make you do something that is profitable and beneficial. Keep winning, keep chasing small goals time after time, once you mastered winning small goals then it is time for you to pursue a bigger one. Keep looking for bigger and realistic goals, even the unrealistic ones were good, just make sure you will go all out and get it. You can achieve any goals you want if you will go all in and give everything you've got, the game plan is too simple... work as hard as you can and stop complaining. Stop blaming things and people why you can't get your goal, you have to get ti no matter what, stop entertaining thoughts why you can't get it... just get it and never stop looking for more. Chasing a goal is a great problem, it will develop you, it will turn you into something great, it will make you a better person.

A small goal is very powerful, especially if you're serious about it. It will make you move, it will force you to work hard, it will dramatically change your life if you are willing to commit on it and give your best to attain it.


If a subject, a person or a particular problem is not health and has no benefits behind it.. let go of it. It's not worth it anymore, why dwell on things that will not give you anything? you have to be selective of the things where you place your focus on. If something is useless then let it go, be honest with yourself. I know it's a little bit fun but if it's useless then what is the use of giving it some time and energy? Be smart, be disciplined, let go of the things and people that are making your life miserable. If something is pulling you down then get rid of it, never think twice eliminating it... throw it all away and look for some other things that might give you a better chance to get ahead in life. 

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