Jan 11, 2020


As individuals we need to conquer ourselves and summon the right energy or mindset to dominate the day. If you're having a hard time to move the it means there is no signal, nothing is triggering you, you are not aware of your emotions, you don't have the sense of urgency to move. Moving is the name of the game, if you can't move then you will never win.. as simple as that, moving is the only option, it is the only path, there is no path without movement. Yet most people can't get it, they were always thinking too much, they were having a hard time moving their hands and feet, they were always frozen every time they need to start. What IFs are conquering their minds, they can't even try, all they do is talk and make excuses why they are failing.


The best time to move is when you're feeling something negative. It's when you're scared, feeling lazy, feeling heavy or feeling a little bit sick. Feeling negative is the best signal to move and make a decision because it means you're energy needs to be used. Fear is a trap energy into your body that needs to be free and you can only do that by doing something. You will only feel good if you will do what needs to be done, you will only feel free if you're taking actions now instead of worrying and thinking too much, you're only entertaining a lot of negativity by doing that. You have to move now when it feel uncomfortable, because the truth is you will never feel comfortable, it will always be a battle inside of your head if you're going to show up or not. Just show up and do something, you're not a donkey, you can do something, make yourself useful and productive. Whatever you can do to improve your life... do it. It can be a small exercise or cleaning your room or hustling to make some money, a small action will lead to bigger ones so keep moving forward all the time and forget about the difficulty of life. The best time to move is when you don't want to move but the funny thing is you don't want to move all the time, it only means you have  to move now, your soul is aching for a little bit of pain, if life is easy then it will become harder because you will never get anything from an easy life, all you will get is obesity and being broke.


You have to force your fate, if you don't like what is going on now... force your fate, do something. You can't be just sitting all day long watching some pornography or something, you need to move and make yourself useful, you need to be productive so you will feel good. A little hustling will make you feel good, a little grind will make you find something. Slap yourself if you can't move now, bath with ice, wake yourself up, get disgusted with your face if you're not moving. Life is so simple all you need to do is move and you will survive, look at those beggars sitting on the streets begging for money... they were already dead even if they were still breathing, they feel dead and useless because they're not doing something. If you're stagnant, if you're too chill, if you're super lazy then you will feel dead, as simple as that. So if you can move now you're fine, there is nothing to worry about, don't expect too much and just move. So move now while you still can, stop thinking too much and just move. Whenever you feel bad, whenever you see yourself acting lazy... just move. A negative emotion is a trigger, it's a sign, you should be fast when making a move and stop worrying about what's going to happen next. Whatever you can think of... do it, if it's positive and you think it's the right action then do it, don't wait for Christmas, don't wait for New Year... just do it.


They are living in this illusion that they have a lot of time to do it later, they think they can manage to make some magic and finish any task fast, they think they can give their best later and become successful. It will never happen because they can't even move now, and if you can't move now then what makes you think that you can do it later. That's why a lot of students who miss the deadline of their thesis cannot finish, they always procrastinate, they will only think about moving a day before the deadline, and they're crumbling, they're panicking and the only best option they have is to make excuses and ask for an extension from their professors.

Don't ever think that you have a lot of time to do it later, don't ever think that it's move convenient to do it later. The best time to do it is now, when you say you're going to do it... do it no matter what, even if you're afraid, even if you're having a LBM... do it now before it's too late. It will always be inconvenient and uncomfortable, that is how your brain works because it's goal is to make you feel good, and you will always feel bad when you're about to start something especially if you're already comfortable watching TV on your sofa. But it is what it is, if you want to make some progress in your life then you need to be moving now, there is no best time to move other than now. Don't worry because you will feel better once you start, it only feels so heavy when you're about to start but when you're already doing it... you will feel much better, you will be able to create a momentum.

Don't be like them, most people now were slow, they can't shift from one state to another. Once they feel lazy they feel lazy all day, they can never shift into another gear. You need to be different if you want to get a different result, you need to be fast in shifting states, once you feel lazy... trick your mind that you want to work hard, you can only do this by taking the first step, once you draw the first blood... everything will be much easier.

It's just an emotion, never prioritize your uncomfortable feelings, never add dramas to it, never try to amplify it by trying to get sympathy from others that you are hurt or you are allowed to not move.


You need to have a sense of urgency, you should feel threatened every time you're procrastinating, you should feel like you're going to die or something will happen to you if you're not prioritizing the tasks needed to be done. Put some pressure on yourself, you need to move fast and do whatever it takes to make a little progress, because progress creates happiness, people who can't move are the loneliest people in the world. Look at those people who were already rich but still moving, they're doing it because they knew that if they act lazy then they will lose their edge and become weak, they knew that not moving is not living at all. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...