Jan 13, 2020


Getting rich is very easy, it's not that complicated like anyone things, it's so simple, everyone can do it. But why is it that everyone can't become rich if the process is easy? it's because they don't have the tenacity to delay gratification.


Some people were just trying to look rich but the truth is they were broke. They just look good because they wear Jordans, Guccis, Louis Vitton and any other expensive things. But the truth is these people were living from paycheck to paycheck. They were fake, they just want to look good so people won't call them poor. If you want to become part of the cool kids but you're not rich then you're just lying to yourself, you're fooling yourself, in the end you will never become happy.

This is one of the major problems that most people can't get rid of nowadays... they were trying to impress people that they don't even life, they will buy things just to look good, they feel inferior if they're not wearing anything that is expensive. Trying to look rich attitude will only fool people that are also doing the same thing. Real rich people knows who are the real ones. You can never fool a rich person by wearing Nikes and Under Armours, rich people know if you are fake or not by the way you speak and behave.

If you want to become rich then stop trying to look rich. Stop spending your money for useless things such as cellphone, shoes etc. Stop buying things that values are not appreciating. You need to be smart here. Never feel rich buying something that you don't need because the reality is you're not getting richer, you're only getting poorer because you're throwing a lot of your money away.


Cut your credit card in half, throw it away on the trash can. Your credit card is useless, it is only a temptation, why will you buy something using money that you haven't earned yet. And the moment you received your actual paycheck you will just use it to pay your credit card. Your credit card is making you poor, it is only allowing you to spend money that you haven't earn yet. According to research 92.2 percent of people who are using credit card around the world were broke. Your credit card is a trap set up by the banks, they were earning a lot because of it. And you think those bonus points given by the banks by the use of credit card is cool? do the computation and you will find out that you didn't earn anything from those points. The reality is your credit card is useless, it's only giving you access to buy something instantly, it is not saving you any money at all. It's eating your salary that you haven't earned yet.


According to research 70 percent of people going to starbucks are broke, this coffee is just tricking you, it's not that good, it's only giving you a status symbol, some people feel rich while they're on this coffee shop. The truth is it will make you even broke because it is too expensive and you're spending  a lot of time hanging out on this shop. Time is money, if you're on this shop you're wasting a lot of time and money. The 10 dollar coffee that they have can be prepared in your house, just buy a 3 in 1 coffee instead and enjoy it, it's the same. Stop trying to look fancy going to starbucks, you need to be smart with your money and buy only the things you really needed. A coffee is just a coffee, a shirt is just a shirt, same use same taste, maybe an expensive and a cheap has a little difference but the point here is you can save more if you will patronize cheaper things. What do you want? to save more or to spend more?


Stop buying sale items at the mall, stop buying stuffs that you don't need just because you feel you need it. You think you need it because you're attracted to it but wait for a few hours after you bought it and you will realize that you just wasted your money. If you want to become rich then you need to master delaying gratification. Stop pleasing yourself too much, sacrifice is what you need here. It is too simple yet people can't do it because they were so addicted with their emotions. They want to feel good all the time, they want to feel rich all the time. If you can stop getting jealous with other people who are buying, if you can avoid getting manipulated by advertisements you see on TV and billboards then you will be able to save your money, you will have more security because you have savings.


As simple as it sounds... save as much as you can. Stop spending and just save money, there are millions of ways to save money, you already knew it you just can't stop buying a lot of craps because it makes you feel good for a very short time but in the end it will make you feel worse for a very long time. Save as much as you can, it all starts now, all you need is discipline. Stop spending your money for nonsense craps that you will not even use everyday, most people will buy things that will only serve as a display, they will buy items that they will only use for once because it looks beautiful. If you will not use something very often then you don't need it, it will only take a lot of space in your room.


It's ok if you have a small monthly salary, don't focus on it, focus on your net worth. Try to think big, think of an amount and try to reach it. Use your willpower, keep moving forward all the time to maintain your net worth. It doesn't matter if you only earn hundreds of dollars a month, if you have a vision of maintaining a hundred thousand dollar net worth then you can do it. You will find a way, all you have to do is believe in yourself and work hard, try a lot of things to maintain your desire net worth.


Work as hard as you can, think about money everyday, don't get jealous with other people's success, don't get jealous with other people's properties or things. Save as much money as you can, triple your effort, work over time and do a lot of side hustles, focus your time and energy for making money and you will have that money mindset. You will be able to attract more opportunities for making money, you will have that positive energy of earning more.

Becoming rich is only in the mind, it's only in your habits. If you have the right frame of mind and the right habits of spending your money then it will be easier for you to become rich. Focus on things that will give you money, respect money, make it work, make it move... the creativity and motivation is yours. 

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