Jan 6, 2020


The best drama to watch is your own drama, not other people's dramas. The happiest people in this world are the doers and not the watchers. Don't be a troll on the internet commenting on other people's problems, stop hating, stop gossiping, stop being a clown and create your own destiny. How other people deal with their lives is none of your business. Their dramas is none of your business, you will never get anything from their stories, you have to focus on building your own life and stay disciplined minding your own business. You don't need their stories, you need to create your own story and make it epic. Do the best you can to have an epic life, face all the challenges, take risks, don't be afraid to fail, work hard and never regret that you use an enormous amount of energy yet fail. Once you failed... try again, stand up again and do your very best again. Because it's better to fail and try hard rather than watching other people's stories, you are only wasting your life if you're more interested with other people's lives than your own life. Just pick something where you can dedicated you life, time and energy. Focus on it, be the best on it and never stop improving everyday. If you really want to own your life, if you really want to live life to the fullest then be the best version of yourself. Try to hone your skills everyday, use your imagination, trust your own process. Keep pushing forward and never again watch other people's lives. Because their stories were not even connected to your own story, they were irrelevant to your journey, you must be mindful if you're wasting your time for nothing. You have to give respect to your life and you can only do it by enjoying yourself, enjoying your journey and trying to see what is possible if you push yourself to the limits.


Do you love where you at right now? do you love your life? if not then the reason why you can't love your life is because you're not spending your time for yourself, you're too busy watching netflix, you're too busy gossiping in social media and trying to know what really happen to John Lennon. You are investigating people and subjects that will not even give you a single cent. You are disrespecting your life if you are not trying to improve every single day. Are you really satisfied with your life now? are you really happy with the way things are running? Be honest with yourself, if you don't love what is happening now then it's time to start a new journey, it's time to reclaim your life by detaching yourself with things that are not giving you real happiness. Real happiness can only be achieved if you are feeling every second of your life and watching yourself grow and evolve. You can only become happy if you're really loving yourself and not minding other people's business. So what if they were more successful than you? so what if they were happier than you? You have your own timing, you have your own path, focus on your life and you will get your own success too.

If you will not try to reclaim your life now then you will become bitter forever, you will never find your true passion. The best way to reclaim your life is to stop giving any attention to what other people are doing and pick something that you can do that will give you a sense of direction. Chase your goals not people.


You can become really happy by focusing on your own work, focus on your path and never try to copy other people's path. Focus on doing it your way, focus on giving your all for something. You will become a master if you can discipline yourself to stop worrying about what other people are doing and worry on making your life a little bit better.

Once you work hard and you learn to love your own work then that is the time where you can truly become happy. It's because your work itself is the reward, you find something that will entertain you for the rest of your life. Success will come easily because you're becoming better and better each second. If you're focused on something then you will discover something, you will see something great, you will see how good you are, you will be able to scratch the surface and discover your full potential. Just do your work and give your best every single day, your life will change if you're committed to your work and dead serious about it.


You are more powerful than those celebrities, sports stars, politicians and any other clown trying to get your attention. Just ignore them and they will have no power over you. You are being controlled by them, you are giving them your precious time but they are not even giving you any reward for being loyal. If you want a different life then you need to stop sharing your time with other people. Be selfish with your time, use it to become great, use it to put yourself on a pedestal. Use all of your energy for something bigger than those addictive entertainments. Stop getting addicted with instant pleasures that will make your life worse. If you really want a new life then start owning your time, start doing what is hard and never give up. Those TV personalities, those popular people were only fooling you, they were eating a lot of your time and you don't know it, you could have been a millionaire by now if you stop watching TV series and focus on making money instead.

So stop giving those poplar people your attention, they will not even give you a single second for an interview, you have to be smart here, they were only giving you fake happiness and not true happiness. True happiness lies within you, it's not coming from other people. 

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