Jan 28, 2020


Every time you cater laziness... you will go down, you will feel weak. Every time you need to do something and you didn't do it your confidence will go down, you will feel sick and not competitive, you will feel inadequate and a loser, it's a bad feeling at all. So just do something, taking actions will give you a small momentum and that small momentum will build up your confidence, you will never feel useless anymore once you go hard today. Whatever you are doing or ought to do... do it fast, do it hard, do it with all your strength and you will feel how strong you are, you will discover that there are plenty of things you can do. All you have to do is do it, stop thinking and just do it, stop thinking about the future or the results and just do it. You must have a freedom from outcome, never think that you're doing wrong, never think that you will fail. A small and cute action is much better than not doing anything at all. You want something, you want to start but you're taking your time for granted, and that is why you can't accomplish something.


You have to start now if you want to become relentless then follow through and follow through, never stop taking actions, never stop pushing forward. So whatever you can do now, no matter how small it is... do it and never stop, keep going further and further until you reach the finish line, don't worry about anything else, don't worry about failing, just keep pushing forward all the time and give your very best, you will only feel good if you're moving, you will feel like a garbage if you're always procrastinating and looking for comfort. Because there is no comfort in stagnancy, there is no benefits in wasting a lot of your time worrying about the future, you can create the future now, the future that you want through hard work and dedication. People who are relentless were not talented, they just knew the play going on, the just knew that all they have to do is push forward a little bit because they believe that taking it one step at a time is the only way to reach the top, you can never make a very huge progress, there are no shortcuts in life, you have to take the ladder, you can't skip the steps needed to become successful.


If your momentum is going down it means you're not doing the right thing, you need to form a new habit that will change the outcome of your journey. Go to a different direction, stay positive, keep your intentions the same and alive and do something different. If you're winning then good, but if you keep on losing then you better change a new strategy, start doing something you haven't done before. Because once you're falling down and you don't know how to stop it... you will fall at the bottom, it's better to stop what you are doing now and do nothing because the effect will become lesser. Do the right thing, if you don't know it yet then try a lot of things, keep trying something new until you find out what is working.

It's easy to create a momentum, once you see a small progress or improvement... do what you're doing over and over again, never rush, never look for something better, be patient and be satisfied of what is going on at the moment. Once you master something or you're confident that you can get more results by changing something then that's the only time you are allowed to tweak the process a little bit.


Sometimes you quit too soon, sometimes you think that it will not work, but in the end you will find out that you must have already won if you didn't quit. So don't give up when it's hard, give up when you're already successful. Nothing is easy here but if you have a mindset of just doing it even if it's hard then that's the time you will be able to escape hell, you will have a breakthrough, you will see heaven in a while. So keep pushing, you will never win if you stop, rest is in the end and not in the middle, the reason why you're so slow is because you're always looking for a rest, you're always looking for comfort, you want to pamper yourself even though you haven't done anything yet in your life. Remember that all you need is a small momentum and you can create something big from it so be patient pushing forward, be patient in taking small actions, one day is going to be your day.

Feeling good can only be found by working hard and pushing yourself. Because you will always feel weak if you're trapped in a box doing nothing and always over thinking. If you want to feel free... free yourself by doing something, as simple as that. So if you don't want to get stuck in life... allow yourself to take massive actions. Focus on something and make yourself good on it, make yourself one step closer towards your goals all the time. So keep going if you want to feel good all the time, there's a sense of feeling accomplished if you're moving and doing what is needed, your confidence will go up the momentum will rise, you will see the right path and you will figure it out slowly and consistently. Just keep going, it's a very simple play, once you created a momentum... make it bigger and stronger, never let it die, just like a fire that you keep feeding some woods and dried leaves, just like a plan that you keep watering everyday... never let the momentum die, make it alive and stronger, make it stay forever. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...