Jan 10, 2020


The key to change, the key to a new life is forcing yourself. As brutal as it sounds... it is true. You can't be soft nowadays, most people were soft and that's why most people were failing. They stop when their too aches, they stop when someone criticize them, they stop because of a mild headache, they stop when their tired or feeling lazy. If you want to become a winner in life then you need to be good in forcing yourself to move. Because taking actions is the only path to success and nothing else. Force yourself to wake up early, force yourself to work more, force yourself to show up and stop making excuses, force yourself to move whenever you're feeling weak. Stop being too soft and passive, you need to be aggressive here, you need to move fast and decide fast and take actions towards your goal.


It's because it provides fake and available comfort, you can grab it anytime you want to, you can do nothing and act like hurt whenever you want to. So look at yourself, if you're addicted to instant gratification or anything that is instantly available at the moment then you're in much big trouble my friend, it means you cannot discipline yourself, you want entertainment so fast, you always want to pleasure yourself and that is stopping you from taking actions. Procrastination is the most dangerous instant gratification nowadays because most people were pretending that they need to relax or they need something to please them, and that is probably the main reason why they can't move whenever they need to. They will prioritize resting, daydreaming, watching TV, eating a lot of junk foods, vacation, delaying the process... the entertainment is so available for them and they cannot resist it. Most people even don't know that they were procrastinating already because the were so hooked with pampering themselves.

So if you want to become really successful then you need to check your attitude, check your behavior and addictions. Are you so addicted to saying later? do you always prioritize instant gratification first? can't you wait to feel good? Always remember that anyone can procrastinate, anyone can do it now but only few can discipline themselves to do what is necessary and that is why only few become successful, only few mad it to the top because only few are willing to face the pain and face the real challenge or task in front of them.

Never crave for good feelings, greatness requires you to suffer or feel the pain, greatness requires you to sacrifice. If there is an easy way then what was it? nobody can tell it, nobody can give you the shortcuts to success because there is no such thing.


Stop sleeping for 8 hours, stop watching for 8 hours, stop reading gossips on social media, stop clowning around, stop wasting time. You need to force yourself to stop the nonsense activity that you are doing now. That is the only way to success, if you can stop wasting time then your focus will go to a different activity... something that is more useful and meaningful to your life. You need to be good in stopping yourself doing things that has no benefit in the future. It's only hard in the beginning but once you made it a habit... it will be easier for you to control yourself and do what is necessary to make your life better. Again, this is not fun, it is hard, it is painful but once you mastered controlling yourself and stopping your temptations... you will become successful, you will become a beast, you will be bale to conquer the highest mountains. Be mindful of what you are doing now, is it really pushing you to another level? is it making you a better person, what are your thoughts? is your thoughts making you feel good? is your thoughts conditioning your mind and body to become the best version of yourself? you need to force the most positive thoughts about yourself, you need to think about it, fight the negative and useless thoughts and replace it with a better one.

So even if what you're doing now is entertaining and fun... force yourself to stop it and do what is needed to make your life and situation a little bit better. You have to kill joy, you need to understand that pain is the start of change, ending fun is painful but you need to do it if you really want to experience a new life that is much better than the past.


That's the signal... when you feel that it's hard, when you feel so heavy and tired then you need to do it. That's the sign that you must keep going and pull the trigger. Because there is no easy path to success, you will always doubt yourself, you will always think twice, you will even make a lot of lousy excuses just to refrain from taking actions. When it's hard then that's the best time to force yourself, that's the best time to start and create a momentum. It is only hard for the first few minutes but once you were able to create a momentum then it will be a lot easier. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it. Give your best, you don't need to create massive results right away, you just need to give your very best. And never think that it's hard, the moment you do so then it becomes really hard, it's hard because you don't want to start, it's hard because you're allowing laziness to take over instead of fighting it.

It's just an emotion, your feelings are controlling you, you love your feelings too much not knowing that it is the big hindrance or obstacle to your success, it is blocking you from taking actions. Forget about your feelings and you will become free, you will be able to start whenever you want or wherever you want. So stop looking to feel good and just start now even if it's too hard.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...