Jan 2, 2019


Time management is just a waste of time why? because your mind will be too crowded, you will always rush, it feels like you're always chasing something and there is always a war going on inside of your head. You will feel dragging yourself, you will always feel bad instead of feeling motivated.

It's just a waste of time because you will never follow it, you will become pressured, you will feel bad if you weren't able to follow it. It's energy draining, and the truth is... 98 percent who set a time management never succeeded. The best thing to do is be a single minded individual, know what you want, set your priorities, set your goals and simply follow it. Stop talking about the time, stop talking about being strict t yourself because time management will never be followed.

It's better to just create habits that is very hard to break rather than following a time management plan. If you have habits of becoming successful then you will follow it no matter what, if you have a habit of exercising everyday then you will do it everyday even if it's already 1 am, your body will follow your routine, you will feel guilty and bad if you can't do your habit.

Success is a habit, the most successful people don't have time management plan, they just created a habit that will make them successful. Once that habit was already strong... it will be very hard to get rid of it, it's already on your system, you will feel sick if you can't do it. That's why drug users were very hard to change, they already have that ugly habit and they will automatically do it even f their bodies doesn't want to take drugs anymore, they feel weird and anxious if they can't take drugs.

If you set a time management plan and you don't have the habit of doing it... you will never do it, you will only go crazy. So if you plan to wash the dishes at 1PM and you haven't washed dishes before... it's unlikely that you will do it, you will do something else, something that you love the most.

To make your life easier, form habits that will give you success and stop breaking it. In that way you will become more productive, you don't need to have time management anymore. It will become automatic, you will enjoy doing it everyday and you will always do it even if you're already old.

That's the secret of success... creating habits that will give you an edge, it's not about how talented or blessed you are... it's how strong your habits are, it's how healthy your habits are.

Time management will never be followed, maybe you will be able to follow it for days but you will break it in just a matter of time, it's because you don't like it, you are just doing it because you think you will become productive but the truth is you're not.

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...